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List of works by Darrel G.F. Long

A tide-influenced delta complex in the upper Proterozoic Shaler Group, Victoria Island, Canada

scientific article

Age and depositional environment of the Rock River coal basin, Yukon Territory, Canada

scholarly article

Archean fluvial deposits: A review

scientific article published in January 2019

Architecture of pre-vegetation sandy-braided perennial and ephemeral river deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Athabasca Group, northern Saskatchewan, Canada as indicators of Precambrian fluvial style

scientific article published in August 2006

Are Outliers of the Huronian Supergroup Preserved in Structures Associated With the Collapse of the Sudbury Impact Crater?

scientific article published in July 1998

Basin architecture and syndepositional fault activity during deposition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains supergroup, Northwest Territories, Canada

scientific article published in October 2008

Bathymetric and isotopic evidence for a short-lived Late Ordovician glaciation in a greenhouse period

scholarly article

Birth of the northern Cordilleran orogen, as recorded by detrital zircons in Jurassic synorogenic strata and regional exhumation in Yukon


Correlation of Helikian Strata, Mackenzie Mountains, Brock Inlier, Victoria Island

scholarly article

Depositional environments of a thick Proterozoic sandstone: the (Huronian) Mississagi Formation of Ontario, Canada

scientific article published in February 1978

Discussion on ‘Tectonic and environmental controls on Palaeozoic fluvial environments: reassessing the impacts of early land plants on sedimentation’


Ella Bay Formation: Early Cambrian shelf differentiation in the Franklinian basin, central eastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada

scholarly article

Evidence of flash floods in Precambrian gravel dominated ephemeral river deposits

scientific article published in January 2017

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Geological and Archaeological Chert from Southern Ontario

scholarly article by Alicia L. Hawkins published in July 2008

Glacial and Paraglacial Genesis of Conglomeratic Rocks of the Chibougamau Formation (Aphebian), Chibougamau, Quebec

scientific article published in September 1974

Ice-wedge casts from the Huronian Ramsay Lake Formation ( > 2,300 m.y. old) near Espanola, Ontario, Canada

scientific article published in March 1976

Kennedy Channel Formation: key to the early history of the Franklinian continental margin, central eastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada

scholarly article

LA-ICP-MS elemental mapping of pyrite: An application to the Palaeoproterozoic atmosphere

Late Mesoproterozoic rifting in Arctic Canada during Rodinia assembly: impactogens, trans-continental far-field stress and zinc mineralisation

scientific article published on 28 March 2016

Late Ordovician sand-wave complexes on Anticosti Island, Quebec: a marine tidal embayment?

scientific article

Laterally extensive modified placer gold deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Mississagi Formation, Clement and Pardo Townships, Ontario

scientific article

Mackenzie tectonic arc-Reflection of early basin configuration?


Paleoproterozoic Huronian basin: product of a Wilson cycle punctuated by glaciations and a meteorite impact

scientific article published in June 2001

Pan-Continental River System Draining Grenville Orogen Recorded by U-Pb and Sm-Nd Geochronology of Neoproterozoic Quartzarenites and Mudrocks, Northwestern Canada

scientific article published in January 1997

Preliminary analysis of a gravity profile across the Bonnet Plume Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada: an aid to coal basin evaluation

scholarly article

Preliminary investigation of the sedimentology of auriferous strata in the early aphebian (huronian) Lorrain formation, between Sault Ste. Marie and Elliot Lake, Ontario

scientific article

Resedimented conglomerates of Huronian (lower Aphebian) age, from the north shore of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada

scientific article published in November 1977

Secular changes in sedimentation systems and sequence stratigraphy

scholarly article

Stratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician upper Vaureal and Ellis Bay formations, eastern Anticosti Island, Quebec

scientific article

The Burgsvik Beds, an Upper Silurian storm generated sand ridge complex in southern Gotland, Sweden

scientific article (publication date: December 1993)

The Middle Cambrian Mount Roosevelt Formation (new) of northeastern British Columbia: evidence for rifting and development of the Kechika Graben System

scientific article

The Placer Gold Potential of the Early Aphebian Gowganda Formation along the Northern Margin of the Cobalt Embayment, Ontario, with Comments on Associated Concentrations of Silver and Copper

scholarly article by Darrel G.F. Long & C.A. Leslie published 1986 in Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report

Understanding the Precambrian: a collection of papers in celebration of the life and work of Grant McAdam Young (1937–2020)

scientific article published in July 2023