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List of works by Jean Braun

A Fourier approach for estimating and correcting the topographic perturbation of low-temperature thermochronological data

A new type of article for Terra Nova

scientific article published in 2015

A numerical method for solving partial differential equations on highly irregular evolving grids

scientific article published in Nature

A simple kinematic model for crustal deformation along two- and three-dimensional listric normal faults derived from scaled laboratory experiments

Assessing Quaternary reactivation of the Main Central thrust zone (central Nepal Himalaya): New thermochronologic data and numerical modeling


Constraining plateau uplift in southern Africa by combining thermochronology, sediment flux, topography, and landscape evolution modeling

scientific article

Constraining the stream power law: a novel approach combining a landscape evolution model and an inversion method

scientific article published in 2014

Constraints on the current rate of deformation and surface uplift of the Australian continent from a new seismic database and low-T thermochronological data

Continental-scale erosion and transport laws: A new approach to quantitatively investigate macroscale landscapes and associated sediment fluxes over the geological past

scholarly article

Debate articles: have changes in Quaternary climate affected erosion?

scientific article published in 2016

Dynamical Lagrangian Remeshing (DLR): A new algorithm for solving large strain deformation problems and its application to fault-propagation folding

scientific article

Erosional response of an actively uplifting mountain belt to cyclic rainfall variations


Evolution of fault permeability during episodic fluid circulation: Evidence for the effects of fluid–rock interactions from travertine studies (Utah–USA)

scholarly article by Emanuelle Frery et al published May 2015 in Tectonophysics

Exhumation and relief development in the Pelvoux and Dora-Maira massifs (western Alps) assessed by spectral analysis and inversion of thermochronological age transects

scholarly article

Geophysical parametrization and interpolation of irregular data using natural neighbours

article by Malcolm Sambridge et al published December 1995 in Geophysical Journal International

Geophysics: Hot blanket in Earth's deep crust

scientific article published on 01 March 2009

Glaciers shield mountain tops

scientific article published in Nature

Inversion of thermochronological age-elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history — I: Theory and conceptual model

scientific article

Inversion of thermochronological age–elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history — II: Application to the French Western Alps

Kinematic strain localization

Late Neogene exhumation and relief development of the Aar and Aiguilles Rouges massifs (Swiss Alps) from low-temperature thermochronology modeling and4He/3He thermochronometry

scholarly article

Mass Balance between Emission and Deposition of Airborne Contaminants

Modelling landscape evolution on geological time scales: a new method based on irregular spatial discretization


New insight into the dynamic development of the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from detailed thermochronological investigation of the Mataketake Range pegmatites

article by Geoffrey E. Batt et al published 1 January 1998 in Geological Society Special Publication

Pecube: a new finite-element code to solve the 3D heat transport equation including the effects of a time-varying, finite amplitude surface topography

Quantifying rates of landscape evolution and tectonic processes by thermochronology and numerical modeling of crustal heat transport using PECUBE

scientific article

Quantitative Thermochronology

River drainage patterns in the New Zealand Alps primarily controlled by plate tectonic strain

Short-lived orogenic cycles and the eclogitization of cold crust by spasmodic hot fluids.

scientific article published in June 2005

The influence of rifting on escarpment migration on high elevation passive continental margins

scientific article

The many surface expressions of mantle dynamics


The tectonic evolution of the Southern Alps, New Zealand: insights from fully thermally coupled dynamical modelling

Uniform erosion rates and relief amplitude during glacial cycles in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, as revealed from OSL-thermochronology
