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List of works by Alberto Ledesma

A hydro-geochemical analysis of the saturation process with salt water of a bentonite crushed granite rock mixture in an engineered nuclear barrier

A stress point algorithm for an elastoplastic model in unsaturated soils

Bentonite THM behaviour at high temperatures: experimental and numerical analysis

Building a deep isolating wall by an existing rail tunnel

Causes and mobility of large volcanic landslides: application to Tenerife, Canary Islands


Chemo-hydro-mechanical coupled consolidation for a poroelastic clay buffer in a radioactive waste repository

Conditions favouring catastrophic landslides on Tenerife (Canary Islands)

scientific article published in 1999

Coupled Heat and Moisture Flow in Unsaturated Soil for a Radioactive Waste Repository

Coupled Thermohydromechanical Modeling of the Full-Scale In Situ Test “Prototype Repository”

Coupled solution of heat and moisture flow in unsaturated clay barriers in a repository geometry

Coupled solution of heat and moisture flow in unsaturated clay barriers in a repository geometryInt. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. (DOI: 10.1002/nag.565)

Deep enclosures versus pumping to reduce settlements during shaft excavations

article by Estanislao Pujades et al published February 2014 in Engineering Geology

Discussion on “Experimental study on fracture toughness and tensile strength of a clay” [Engineering Geology 94 (2007) 64–75]

Effects of the foot evolution on the behaviour of slow-moving landslides

article by Alessio Ferrari et al published February 2011 in Engineering Geology

Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis — I. Maximum likelihood approach

article by Alberto Ledesma et al published January 1996 in Computers and Geotechnics

Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis — II. Application to a tunnel excavation problem

article by Antonio Gens et al published January 1996 in Computers and Geotechnics

Experimental evidence of size effect in soil cracking


Hydrogeological impact assessment by tunnelling at sites of high sensitivity

Image Analysis for the Quantification of a Developing Crack Network on a Drying Soil

Influence of water density on the water-retention curve of expansive clays

article by A.C. JACINTO et al published August 2012 in Geotechnique

Mechanical relationship between catastrophic volcanic landslides and caldera collapses

scholarly article

Modelling heat and moisture transport in the ANDRA/SKB temperature buffer test

Morphological and geological aspects related to large slope failures on oceanic islands

Permeability of a bentonite–crushed granite rock mixture using different experimental techniques

Prediction of ground displacements and velocities from groundwater level changes at the Vallcebre landslide (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)


Simulation of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) Coupled Behaviour of a Full Scale In-Situ Test Prototype Repository

Small Strains in Soil Constitutive Modeling

scientific article published on 07 June 2022

T-H-M Modelling of the Prototype Experiment at Äspö HRL (Sweden)

The deep-seated slope deformation at Encampadana, Andorra: Representation of morphologic features by numerical modelling