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List of works by Carita Kiili

A Performance-Based Test for Assessing Students’ Online Inquiry Competences in Schools

scientific article

Adolescents' credibility justifications when evaluating online texts

Argument graph as a tool for promoting collaborative online reading

Assessing reading and online research comprehension: Do difficulties in attention and executive function matter?

Citing as a sourcing practice: students’ citing self-selected online sources in their essays (Las citas como práctica del uso de las fuentes: las citas de fuentes en línea seleccionados por los estudiantes en sus trabajos)

scientific article

Designing Classroom Practices for Teaching Online Inquiry: Experiences from the Field

scientific article

Examining the structure of credibility evaluation when sixth graders read online texts

Experiences in Digital Video Composition as Sources of Self-Efficacy Toward Technology Use

scientific article

Exploring early adolescents’ evaluation of academic and commercial online resources related to health


Exploring the collaborative synthesis of information during online reading

Hyvinvointi-, hius- ja kauneusalan ammatteihin opiskelevat kriittisinä nettilukijoina

Investigating elementary school students’ text-based argumentation with multiple online information resources

scientific article

Literacy skills and online research and comprehension: struggling readers face difficulties online

Online Research and Comprehension Performance Profiles Among Sixth‐Grade Students, Including Those with Reading Difficulties and/or Attention and Executive Function Difficulties

scientific article

Orchestrating 21st century learning in higher education: A perspective on student voice

Promoting sixth graders’ credibility evaluation of Web pages: An intervention study

scientific article

Reading to Learn From Online Information: Modeling the Factor Structure

Rethinking Academic Literacies

Sixth graders evaluating online texts: self-efficacy beliefs predict confirming but not questioning the credibility

Sixth graders’ evaluation strategies when reading Internet search results: an eye-tracking study

Skillful Internet Reader is Metacognitively Competent

Sourcing on the internet: Examining the relations among different phases of online inquiry

Students Evaluating Internet Sources: From Versatile Evaluators to Uncritical Readers

Students' abilities to evaluate the credibility of online texts: The role of internet‐specific epistemic justifications

scientific article

Students’ Interpretations of a Persuasive Multimodal Video About Vaccines

Teaching sourcing during online inquiry – adolescents with the weakest skills benefited the most

Transmediating argumentation: Students composing across written essays and digital videos in higher education

University Students as Composers of a Digital Video

Working on Understanding During Collaborative Online Reading

‘It Goes Around the World’ – Children’s Understanding of the Internet

scientific article