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List of works by Humberto Varum

A Branch and Bound Approach for Truss Topology Design Problems with Valid Inequalities

scholarly article published 2010

A Theory of Vulnerability of Water Pipe Network (TVWPN)

scholarly article in Water Resources Management, vol. 24 no. 15, May 2010

A case study of the use of GPR for rehabilitation of a classified Art Deco building: The InovaDomus house

article by Nuno Barraca et al published April 2016 in Journal of Applied Geophysics

A comparative analysis of energy dissipation and equivalent viscous damping of RC columns subjected to uniaxial and biaxial loading

A contribution for the improvement in thermal insulation of tabique walls coated with metal corrugated sheets

A contribution to the thermal insulation performance characterization of corn cob particleboards

A mechanical model for the seismic vulnerability assessment of old masonry buildings

A new tool to assess water pipe networks vulnerability and robustness

article by Isabel Bentes et al published October 2011 in Engineering Failure Analysis

A non-linear masonry infill macro-model to represent the global behaviour of buildings under cyclic loading

A simplified four-branch model for the analytical study of the out-of-plane performance of regular stone URM walls


A simplified shear model for reinforced concrete elements subjected to reverse lateral loadings



Adobe and Modernism in Ílhavo, Portugal


Adobe's Mechanical Characterization in Ancient Constructions: The Case of Aveiro's Region

Advantages of Using Raw Materials in Ancient and Recent Buildings

article published in 2011

Analysis of correlation between real degradation data and a carbonation model for concrete structures

Analysis of the mechanical properties of compressed earth block masonry using the sugarcane bagasse ash

Assessment of seismic strengthening solutions for existing low-rise RC buildings in Nepal

scholarly article published 25 March 2015

Assessment of the efficiency of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) for retrofitting of damaged interior RC beam–column joints

Assessment of the mainshock-aftershock collapse vulnerability of RC structures considering the infills in-plane and out-of-plane behaviour


Behaviour Characterization and Rehabilitation of Adobe Construction

Behaviour of reinforced concrete column under biaxial cyclic loading—state of the art

Benefícios económicos e ambientais inerentes ao uso de materiais estruturais naturais em habitações unifamiliares

Biaxial Optical Accelerometer and High-Angle Inclinometer With Temperature and Cross-Axis Insensitivity



Caracterização das técnicas construtivas em terra edificadas no século XVIII e XIX no centro histórico de São Luís (MA, Brasil)

Characterization of Adobes in the Central Plateau of Angola

scholarly article published 22 August 2014

Characterization of corn cob as a possible raw building material

Common Pathologies in Composite Adobe and Reinforced Concrete Constructions

scholarly article by Alice Tavares Costa et al published August 2012 in Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities

Comparative efficiency analysis of different nonlinear modelling strategies to simulate the biaxial response of RC columns

Comparative structural response of two steel bridges constructed 100 years apart

Comparative study of the life cycle assessment of particleboards made of residues from sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum spp.) and pine wood shavings (Pinus elliottii)

article published in 2014

Construction Systems

Corn cob lightweight concrete for non-structural applications

Corn's cob as a potential ecological thermal insulation material

Cyclic behavior of a two-span RC beam built with plain reinforcing bars

Cyclic behaviour of a lightweight mortar with cork granulate composite

Cyclic behaviour of interior beam-column joints reinforced with plain bars

Damage evolution in reinforced concrete columns subjected to biaxial loading

Design Procedures of Reinforced Concrete Framed Buildings in Nepal and its Impact on Seismic Safety

scholarly article by Hemchandra Chaulagain et al published November 2014 in Advances in Structural Engineering

Development and application of a real-time loss estimation framework for Portugal


Development of a Fragility Model for Moment-Frame RC Buildings in Portugal


Development of fragility curves for RC bridges subjected to reverse and strike-slip seismic sources


Displacement-Based Fragility Curves for Seismic Assessment of Adobe Buildings in Cusco, Peru

Dynamic Structural Health Monitoring of slender structures using optical sensors

scientific article

Dynamic monitoring and numerical modelling of communication towers with FBG based accelerometers

Dynamic monitoring of a mobile telecommunications tower with a bi-axial optical FBG accelerometer

scholarly article published 21 May 2011

Dynamic structural health monitoring of a civil engineering structure with a POF accelerometer



Earthquake loss estimation for the Kathmandu Valley

scholarly article by Hemchandra Chaulagain et al published 15 September 2015 in Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

Effect of the Panel Width Support and Columns Axial Load on the Infill Masonry Walls Out-Of-Plane Behavior

Empirical Formulation for Estimating the Fundamental Frequency of Slender Masonry Structures


Evaluation of Strengthening Techniques of Traditional Masonry Buildings: Case Study of a Four-Building Aggregate

Evaluation of analytical methodologies used to derive vulnerability functions

Evaluation of different strengthening techniques’ efficiency for a soft storey building

article published in 2015

Experimental Characterization of the In-plane and Out-of-Plane Behaviour of Infill Masonry Walls

Experimental characterization of physical and mechanical properties of schist from Portugal


Experimental cyclic behaviour of RC columns with plain bars and proposal for Eurocode 8 formula improvement


Experimental evaluation of out-of-plane capacity of masonry infill walls

Experimental evaluation of rectangular reinforced concrete column behaviour under biaxial cyclic loading

article published in 2012

Experimental study of bond–slip in RC structural elements with plain bars

Experimental study of repaired RC columns subjected to uniaxial and biaxial horizontal loading and variable axial load with longitudinal reinforcement welded steel bars solutions

Extending displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) for the computation of fragility curves

scholarly article by Vitor Silva et al published November 2013 in Engineering Structures

Field observations and interpretation of the structural performance of constructions after the 11 May 2011 Lorca earthquake

scholarly article by Xavier Romão et al published December 2013 in Engineering Failure Analysis

Fire resistance of walls made of soil-cement and Kraftterra compressed earth blocks

Generation of spectrum-compatible acceleration time history for Nepal

scholarly article by Hemchandra Chaulagain et al published September 2017 in Comptes Rendus Geoscience

Global overview on advances in structural health monitoring platforms


Grillage Modeling Approach Applied to Simple-span Slab-girder Skewed Bridges for Dynamic Analysis

Groundwater level monitoring using a plastic optical fiber

Hydrostatic pressure sensor based on micro-cavities developed by the catastrophic fuse effect

Impact sound insulation technique using corn cob particleboard

Importance of the bond–slip mechanism in the numerical simulation of the cyclic response of RC elements with plain reinforcing bars

article published in 2013

Improvement of historic reinforced concrete/mortars by impregnation and electrochemical methods

In Situ Flat-Jack Testing of Traditional Masonry Walls: Case Study of the Old City Center of Coimbra, Portugal


In situOut-of-Plane Cyclic Testing of Original and Strengthened Traditional Stone Masonry Walls Using Airbags

In-plane Response of Masonry Infill Walls: Experimental Study using Digital Image Correlation

Influence of the in Plane and Out-of-Plane Masonry Infill Walls’ Interaction in the Structural Response of RC Buildings

Influence of the mineralogical composition on the properties of adobe blocks from Aveiro, Portugal


Influence of the testing procedures in the mechanical characterization of adobe bricks

Intensity-Encoded Polymer Optical Fiber Accelerometer

Investigaciones realizadas en la Universidad de Aveiro sobre caracterización mecánica de las construcciones existentes en adobe en Portugal y propuestas de rehabilitación y refuerzo. Resultados alcanzados


Investigation of the Characteristics of the Portuguese Moment-Frame RC Building Stock


Investigation of the characteristics of Portuguese regular moment-frame RC buildings and development of a vulnerability model


Liquid Hydrostatic Pressure Optical Sensor Based on Micro-Cavity Produced by the Catastrophic Fuse Effect

Liquid level gauge based in plastic optical fiber

Load-carrying capacity test of a long-span timber truss

Materiales y tecnologías en la Arquitectura Modernista: Casos de Estudio de decoración de fachadas en Italia, Portugal y Polonia persiguiendo una restauración racional


Mechanical Properties and Behavior of Traditional Adobe Wall Panels of the Aveiro District

Mechanical properties of adobe bricks in ancient constructions

Methodology to evaluate the risk of vulnerable failure scenarios in a water pipe network

scholarly article published 26 August 2010

Modal identification of infill masonry walls with different characteristics

Monitoring of the concrete curing process using plastic optical fibers

Monitoring the New Circular Pedestrian Steel Bridge over the São Roque and Botirões Channels with Weldable Fiber-Bragg Grating Sensors

Non-destructive characterization of ancient clay brick walls by indirect ultrasonic measurements

Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Full-Scale Unreinforced Adobe Model

Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of RC elements built with plain reinforcing bars

On-site full-scale tests of a timber queen-post truss

article by Jorge M Branco et al published March 2018 in International Journal of Architectural Heritage

Optical FBG Sensors for Static Structural Health Monitoring


Optical Fiber Accelerometer System for Structural Dynamic Monitoring

Optical Sensors Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings for Structural Health Monitoring


Optical fiber relative humidity sensor based on a FBG with a di-ureasil coating

scientific article published on 27 June 2012

Optical fiber sensors for static and dynamic health monitoring of civil engineering infrastructures: Abode wall case study


Optical monitoring of curing process of concrete with plastic optical fibers

Optical sensors for bond-slip characterization and monitoring of RC structures

Out-of-plane behavior of masonry infilled RC frames based on the experimental tests available: A systematic review

scholarly article by André Furtado et al published April 2018 in Construction and Building Materials

Performance evaluation of retrofitting strategies for non-seismically designed RC buildings using steel braces

Performance of masonry enclosure walls: lessons learned from recent earthquakes

scholarly article by R. Vicente et al published March 2012 in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

Potential Use of the Theory of Vulnerability in Information Systems

Rehabilitation of an important cultural and architectural heritage: the traditional adobe constructions in Aveiro district

scholarly article published 5 April 2007

Render reinforced with textile threads

article by Jorge Pinto et al published March 2013 in Construction and Building Materials

Response reduction factor of irregular RC buildings in Kathmandu valley

Retrofitting of interior RC beam–column joints using CFRP strengthened SHCC: Cast-in-place solution

Risk of damage scenarios in vulnerable water supply networks

Save the Tabique Construction

Seismic Analysis of a Portuguese Vernacular Building


Seismic Retrofit of RC Beam-Column Joints Using the MF-EBR Strengthening Technique

Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Slender Masonry Structures

Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Historic Masonry Buildings

Seismic assessment of low ductile RC structures: buildings from before the modern seismic codes

Seismic behavior of RC building structures designed according to current codes

Seismic behavior of two Portuguese adobe buildings: Part I - in-plane cyclic testing of a full-scale adobe wall


Seismic behavior of two Portuguese adobe buildings: part II —numerical modeling and fragility assessment


Seismic fragility analysis of typical pre-1990 bridges due to near- and far-field ground motions

Seismic performance and strengthening of traditional masonry buildings in the city centre of Coimbra

Seismic performance of adobe construction

Seismic performance of the infill masonry walls and ambient vibration tests after the Ghorka 2015, Nepal earthquake


Seismic response of current RC buildings in Kathmandu Valley

Seismic response of current RC buildings in Nepal: A comparative analysis of different design/construction

scholarly article by H. Chaulagain et al published April 2013 in Engineering Structures

Seismic retrofitting solution of an adobe masonry wall

Seismic risk assessment and hazard mapping in Nepal

scholarly article by Hemchandra Chaulagain et al published 12 April 2015 in Natural Hazards

Seismic risk assessment for mainland Portugal


Seismic safety assessment of existing masonry infill structures in Nepal

scholarly article by Hemchandra Chaulagain et al published June 2016 in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

Seismic sensitivity analysis of the common structural components of Nepalese Pagoda temples

Seismic vulnerability and loss assessment of the Nepalese Pagoda temples

Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment: case study of the historic city centre of Coimbra, Portugal


Seismic vulnerability assessment and characterisation of the buildings on Faial Island, Azores

article published in 2011

Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical masonry structural systems

Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical urban centres: case study of the old city centre in Seixal, Portugal


Seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry facade walls: development, application and validation of a new scoring method


Seismic vulnerability of building aggregates through hybrid and indirect assessment techniques

Simplified Macro-Model for Infill Masonry Panels

Simplified hysteretic model for the representation of the biaxial bending response of RC columns

Simplified macro-model for infill masonry walls considering the out-of-plane behaviour

Simplified models for assessment and optimal redesign of irregular planar frames

Simulation in Information Systems: Potential of the Vulnerability Theory

Soil mineralogical composition effects on the durability of adobe blocks from the Huambo region, Angola


Static and dynamic structural monitoring based on optical fiber sensors

Stochastic collocation-based nonlinear analysis of concrete bridges with uncertain parameters

scholarly article by Araliya Mosleh et al published 15 February 2018 in Structure & Infrastructure Engineering

Structural Behaviour and Retrofitting of Adobe Masonry Buildings

Structural Grades of Timber by Bending and Compression Tests

Structural Health Monitoring of the Church of Santa Casa da MisericÓrdia of Aveiro Using FBG Sensors

Structural health monitoring of different geometry structures with optical fiber sensors


Structural health monitoring of the church of Santa Casa da Misericordia of Aveiro using FBG sensors


Structural health monitoring of the retrofitting process, characterization and reliability analysis of a masonry heritage construction


Structural vulnerability of two traditional Portuguese timber structural systems


Study of the traditionaltabiqueconstructions in theAlto Tâmegaregion

Survey of the Facade Walls of Existing Adobe Buildings

article published in 2016

Textile waste as an alternative thermal insulation building material solution

article by Ana Briga-Sá et al published January 2013 in Construction and Building Materials

The past 20years of telecommunication structures in Portugal


The path towards buildings energy efficiency in South American countries

Thin bonding wires temperature measurement using optical fiber sensors

Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings

scholarly article by T. Novo et al published 9 October 2013 in Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

Two roofs of recent public buildings, the same technological failure

Uniaxial fiber Bragg grating accelerometer system with temperature and cross axis insensitivity

Urban fire risk: Evaluation and emergency planning

Visco-elastic regularization and strain softening