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List of works by Maria Greco

A game-theoretic approach for energy-efficient detection in radar sensor networks

A lower bound for the Mismatched Maximum Likelihood estimator

scholarly article published May 2015

Adaptive detection of radar targets in compound-Gaussian clutter

Adaptive waveform diversity for cross-channel interference mitigation

An EM-based approach to the relative sensor registration in multi-target scenarios

An Expectation-Maximization-based approach to the relative grid-locking problem

Analysis and Modeling of Echolocation Signals Emitted by Mediterranean Bottlenose Dolphins

Analysis and modeling of acoustic signals emitted by Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins

Asymptotically Optimal Rank Test Detection in Long Tailed Clutter

Channel parameters estimation for cognitive radar systems

Clairvoyant and adaptive signal detection in non-Gaussian clutter: a data-dependent threshold interpretation

Cognitive Radars: On the Road to Reality: Progress Thus Far and Possibilities for the Future

scholarly article by Maria S. Greco et al published July 2018 in IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine

Cognitive multichannel ISAR imaging for maritime coastal surveillance and ground border control

Cognitive radars in spectrally dense environments

Cognitive tracking in IEEE 802.22 Symbiotic Radars

Coherent Radar Target Detection in Heavy-Tailed Compound-Gaussian Clutter

Combined effect of phase and RGPO delay quantization on jamming signal spectrum

Coming up in September

Compressed spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radar systems

Copolar calibration of multistatic radar in the presence of multipath

Correction of Refracted Propagation Effects for Airborne Radar Tracking

Correction of refracted propagation effects for airborne radar tracking

Covariance matrix estimation for CFAR detection in correlated heavy tailed clutter

article published in 2002

Cramer-Rao Bounds and Selection of Bistatic Channels for Multistatic Radar Systems

Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds on Covariance Matrix Estimation for Complex Elliptically Symmetric Distributions

Cramér-Rao bounds and TX-RX selection in a multistatic radar scenario

Cramér-Rao bounds and their application to sensor selection

Cramér-Rao bounds for bistatic radars

Cross-Channel Interference in Multi-User Radar Systems

Cross-Channel Interference in Surveillance Radar Networks

DOA estimation by exploiting the amplitude modulation induced by antenna scanning

Design of a cognitive radar for operation in spectrally dense environments

Dynamic underwater glider network for environmental field estimation

Environmental field estimation by consensus based dynamic sensor networks and underwater gliders

Evaluation and performance comparison of detection algorithms in a maritime environment

From the Editor-in-Chief February 2016

From the Editor-in-Chief January 2016

From the Editor-in-Chief November 2015

From the associate editor-in-chief

From the editor-in-chief

From the editor-in-chief April 2016

From the editor-in-chief August 2015

From the editor-in-chief June 2015

From the editor-in-chief June 2016

From the editor-in-chief September 2015

From the editor-in-chief September 2016

IEEE 802.22 passive radars: multistatic detection and velocity profiler

Impact of Flight Disturbances on Airborne Radar Tracking

Impact of Sea Clutter Nonstationarity on Disturbance Covariance Matrix Estimation and CFAR Detector Performance

article published in 2010

Impact of clutter spectra on radar performance prediction

article published in 2001

Introduction to the Issue on Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Radar Applications

scholarly article by Maria S. Greco et al published December 2015 in IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing

Introduction to the issue on adaptive waveform design for agile sensing and communication

Joint Use of Sum and Delta Channels for Multiple Radar Target DOA Estimation

Least Squares Estimation and Cramér–Rao Type Lower Bounds for Relative Sensor Registration Process

article by Stefano Fortunati et al published March 2011 in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

Message from ceneral co-chair

Modern Radar Detection Theory

Multiple radar targets estimation by exploiting induced amplitude modulation

article published in 2003

Multistatic CFAR detection in non-Gaussian clutter

Multistatic target recognition in real operational scenarios

Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distribution: Convexity and Graphical Models

NCTR in netted radar systems

Naive, robust or fully-adaptive: An estimation problem for CES distributions

New results on coherent radar target detection in heavy-tailed compound-Gaussian clutter

Non-Stationarity Analysis of Real X-Band Clutter Data at Different Resolutions

Non-stationary sea clutter: Impact on disturbance covariance matrix estimate and detector CFAR


Note on "Optimum and mismatched detection against K-distributed plus Gaussian clutter"

On scatter matrix estimation in the presence of unknown extra parameters: Mismatched scenario

Optimum and mismatched detection against K-distributed plus Gaussian clutter

Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) for harbour protection applications

Performance Bounds for Parameter Estimation under Misspecified Models: Fundamental Findings and Applications

Performance analysis of two adaptive radar detectors against non-Gaussian real sea clutter data

RMT for whitening space correlation and applications to radar detection

Radar Detection and Classification of Jamming Signals Belonging to a Cone Class

Radar detection and preclassification based on multiple hypothesis testing

Radar target doa estimation: Moving window VS AML estimator

Radar tracking of a move-stop-move maneuvering target in clutter

Selected list of references on radar signal processing

scholarly article by F. Gini et al published 2001 in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Semiparametric CRB and Slepian-Bangs Formulas for Complex Elliptically Symmetric Distributions

Semiparametric Inference and Lower Bounds for Real Elliptically Symmetric Distributions

Sequential Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for bistatic radar systems

Single snapshot DOA estimation using compressed sensing

Single-snapshot DOA estimation by using Compressed Sensing

Special Article Series on Signal Processing Education via Hands-On and Design Projects [From the Guest Editors]

scholarly article by Hana Godrich et al published January 2017 in IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine

Statistical Analysis of High-Resolution SAR Ground Clutter Data


Statistical analyses of measured radar ground clutter data

Statistical analysis of bistatic and monostatic sea clutter

Statistical analysis of measured polarimetric clutter data at different range resolutions


Structures for radar detection in compound Gaussian clutter

Texture modelling, estimation and validation using measured sea clutter data

The Constrained Misspecified Cramér–Rao Bound

article by Stefano Fortunati et al published May 2016 in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

The HF surface wave radar WERA. Part I: Statistical analysis of recorded data

article published in 2010

The HF surface wave radar WERA. Part II: Spectral analysis of recorded data

The Misspecified Cramer-Rao Bound and Its Application to Scatter Matrix Estimation in Complex Elliptically Symmetric Distributions

article by Stefano Fortunati et al published May 2016 in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

The impact of unknown extra parameters on scatter matrix estimation and detection performance in complex t-distributed data

Time-averaged subspace methods for radar clutter texture retrieval

Validation of windblown radar ground clutter spectral shape

Velocity profiler in IEEE 802.22 based PCL system

Vessel detection and classification: An integrated maritime surveillance system in the Tyrrhenian sea

White space Passive Coherent Location system based on IEEE 802.22

X-Band Sea-Clutter Nonstationarity: Influence of Long Waves

scientific article published in April 2004