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List of works by Jimy Dudhia

A Comparison of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling of Winter Precipitation over Complex Terrain


A Multilayer Upper-Boundary Condition for Longwave Radiative Flux to Correct Temperature Biases in a Mesoscale Model


A Revised Scheme for the WRF Surface Layer Formulation

article by Pedro A. Jiménez et al published March 2012 in Monthly Weather Review

A geostatistical approach for producing daily Level-3 MODIS aerosol optical depth analyses

scholarly article by J.A. Ruiz-Arias et al published November 2013 in Atmospheric Environment

A history of mesoscale model development

scientific article published on 2014

A review on regional dynamical downscaling in intraseasonal to seasonal simulation/prediction and major factors that affect downscaling ability


A sensitivity study of high-resolution regional climate simulations to three land surface models over the western United States

scholarly article by Feng Chen et al published 26 June 2014 in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

A simple parameterization of the short-wave aerosol optical properties for surface direct and diffuse irradiances assessment in a numerical weather model


Aerosol Effects on Intensity of Landfalling Hurricanes as Seen from Simulations with the WRF Model with Spectral Bin Microphysics


Aerosol effects on the development of a supercell storm in a double-moment bulk-cloud microphysics scheme


An Upper Gravity-Wave Absorbing Layer for NWP Applications

scholarly article by J. B. Klemp et al published October 2008 in Monthly Weather Review

An alternative explanation of the semiarid urban area “oasis effect”

scientific article

An evaluation of WRF's ability to reproduce the surface wind over complex terrain based on typical circulation patterns

scholarly article

Analysis of the 26 July 2005 heavy rain event over Mumbai, India using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model


Analysis of the long-term surface wind variability over complex terrain using a high spatial resolution WRF simulation


Application of an Adiabatic WRF Adjoint to the Investigation of the May 2004 McMurdo, Antarctica, Severe Wind Event

Assessment of the Level-3 MODIS daily aerosol optical depth in the context of surface solar radiation and numerical weather modeling

scholarly article

Climate Change Impacts on the Water Balance of the Colorado Headwaters: High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulations


Climate variability and conflict risk in East Africa, 1990-2009.

scientific article

Comparison of the WRF and MM5 Models for Simulation of Heavy Rainfall along the Baiu Front

Convectively Induced Secondary Circulations in Fine-Grid Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Models

Current Conditions and Projected Changes in Crop Water Demand, Irrigation Requirement, and Water Availability over West Africa

scientific article published in 2022

Development of the online MM5 tracer model and its applications to air pollution episodes in Istanbul, Turkey and Sahara dust transport

scholarly article

Does Increased Horizontal Resolution Improve Hurricane Wind Forecasts?

Evaluating regional cloud-permitting simulations of the WRF model for the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE), Darwin, 2006


Evaluation of WRF Parameterizations for Climate Studies over Southern Spain Using a Multistep Regionalization


Evaluation of the WRF Double-Moment 6-Class Microphysics Scheme for Precipitating Convection

Evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting model on forecasting low-level jets: implications for wind energy


Examining Two-Way Grid Nesting for Large Eddy Simulation of the PBL Using the WRF Model


Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation for WRF: Formulation and Preliminary Results


High-Resolution Coupled Climate Runoff Simulations of Seasonal Snowfall over Colorado: A Process Study of Current and Warmer Climate


High-Resolution Hurricane Forecasts

High-Resolution Simulations of Wintertime Precipitation in the Colorado Headwaters Region: Sensitivity to Physics Parameterizations

Impact of elevated aerosol layer on the cloud macrophysical properties prior to monsoon onset

scholarly article by S. Dipu et al published May 2013 in Atmospheric Environment

Impacts of subgrid-scale orography parameterization on simulated surface layer wind and monsoonal precipitation in the high-resolution WRF model

scientific article

Impacts of the Lowest Model Level Height on the Performance of Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations

article by Hyeyum Hailey Shin et al published February 2012 in Monthly Weather Review

Improving the Representation of Resolved and Unresolved Topographic Effects on Surface Wind in the WRF Model


Introducing subgrid-scale cloud feedbacks to radiation for regional meteorological and climate modeling


Large-Eddy Simulation of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone

article by R. Rotunno et al published December 2009 in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Large‐Eddy Simulation of Idealized Hurricanes at Different Sea Surface Temperatures

scientific article published in 2020

Local and Mesoscale Impacts of Wind Farms as Parameterized in a Mesoscale NWP Model


Methodical assessment of the differences between the QNSE and MYJ PBL schemes for stable conditions

scholarly article by Esa-Matti Tastula et al published 2 February 2015 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Microphysical Piggybacking in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model

scientific article published in 2022

Model Study of Intermediate-Scale Tropical Inertia–Gravity Waves and Comparison to TWP-ICE Campaign Observations


Noah land surface model modifications to improve snowpack prediction in the Colorado Rocky Mountains


Numerical Simulation of Urban Heat Island Effect by the WRF Model with 4-km Grid Increment: An Inter-Comparison Study between the Urban Canopy Model and Slab Model


Objectively Determined Fair-Weather CBL Depths in the ARW-WRF Model and Their Comparison to CASES-97 Observations


Objectively Determined Fair-Weather NBL Features in ARW-WRF and Their Comparison to CASES-97 Observations

article published in 2014

On the Ability of the WRF Model to Reproduce the Surface Wind Direction over Complex Terrain


On the surface wind speed probability density function over complex terrain

scholarly article

Orography-Induced Gravity Wave Drag Parameterization in the Global WRF: Implementation and Sensitivity to Shortwave Radiation Schemes

Possible relation between land surface feedback and the post-landfall structure of monsoon depressions

scholarly article

Prediction of Landfalling Hurricanes with the Advanced Hurricane WRF Model


Role of water vapor and convection-circulation decoupling in MJO simulations by a tropical channel model


Sensitivity Study of Cloud-Resolving Convective Simulations with WRF Using Two Bulk Microphysical Parameterizations: Ice-Phase Microphysics versus Sedimentation Effects

Sensitivity of the WRF Model to Advection and Diffusion Schemes for Simulation of Heavy Rainfall along the Baiu Front

Simulating the IHOP_2002 Fair-Weather CBL with the WRF-ARW–Noah Modeling System. Part II: Structures from a Few Kilometers to 100 km across


Simulation of intense organized convective precipitation observed during the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX)

scholarly article

Simulation of seasonal snowfall over Colorado

Simulations of Cyclone Sidr in the Bay of Bengal with a high-resolution model: sensitivity to large-scale boundary forcing


Surface Wind Regionalization over Complex Terrain: Evaluation and Analysis of a High-Resolution WRF Simulation


Surface clear-sky shortwave radiative closure intercomparisons in the Weather Research and Forecasting model


Testing GISS-MM5 physics configurations for use in regional impacts studies

The Effect of Heat Waves and Drought on Surface Wind Circulations in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula during the Summer of 2003


The representation of the TTL in a tropical channel version of the WRF model


The role of land surface processes on the mesoscale simulation of the July 26, 2005 heavy rain event over Mumbai, India

scholarly article by Hsin-I Chang et al published May 2009 in Global and Planetary Change

Thermodynamics of the Madden–Julian Oscillation in a Regional Model with Constrained Moisture


Toward a New Cloud Analysis and Prediction System

WRF simulations of convectively generated gravity waves in opposite QBO phases

scholarly article by S. Evan et al published 27 June 2012 in Journal of Geophysical Research