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List of works by Claudio Capelli

A Roman amphora production site near Lepcis Magna: petrographic analyses of the fabrics


A local production of Mid Roman 1 amphorae at Latrun, Cyrenaica


A particular temper: mineralogical and petrographic characterisation of ceramic fabrics with glauconitic inclusions

article published in 2008

Amphores tripolitaines anciennes ou amphores africaines anciennes ?

Annexe. Analyses en microscopie optique d’amphores de types Maña C et «Tripolitaine ancienne» provenant du dépotoir de Mnihla

Archaeometric analyses of Early and Middle Neolithic pottery from the Pian del Ciliegio rock shelter (Finale Ligure, NW Italy)


Archaeometric analyses of Mediterranean glazed cooking wares

Archaeometric research on the Early Neolithic pottery production in Liguria (Northern Italy): preliminary data from San Sebastiano di Perti (Savona)


Catalan Imitations of the Ligurian Taches Noires Ware in Barcelona (18th–19th Century): An Example of Technical Knowledge Transfer

article by Roberta Di Febo et al published 27 April 2018 in Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)

Chemical evidence for the persistence of wine production and trade in Early Medieval Islamic Sicily

scientific article published on 22 February 2021

From Hispania Tarraconensis (NE Spain) to Gallia Narbonensis (S France). New data on Pascual 1 amphora trade in the Augustan period


Italic Sigillata Production and Trade in Rural Central Italy: New Data from the Project ‘Excavating the Roman Peasant’


Le littoral de la Tunisie, étude géoarchéologique et historique (1987-1997). La céramique

Les Thermes du Levant à Leptis Magna : quatre contextes céramiques des IIIe et IVe siècles

Note de céramologie africaine. Observations archéologiques et archéométriques sur les céramiques modelées du groupe dit «Calcitic ware»

article published in 2002

Nouvelles hypothèses sur l’origine et le contenu des amphores africaines Ostia LIX et XXIII

Observations archéologiques et archéométriques sur quelques types d’amphores africaines en circulation à Arles aux IIe et IIIe s. apr. J.-C

Origine et typologie des amphores à alun de Lipari

Recognizing and understanding silica-polymorph microcrystals in ceramic glazes

scientific article published in December 2020

The Port-Vendres 4 Shipwreck Cargo: evidence of the Roman wine trade in the western Mediterranean


The circulation of Early Neolithic pottery in the Mediterranean: A synthesis of new archaeometric data from the Impressed Ware culture of Liguria (north-west Italy)


The ways of the lustre: Looking for the Tunisian connection

Thin-section petrography and SR-μXRD for the identification of micro-crystallites in the brown decorations of ceramic lead glazes