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List of works by Gilbert Teyssedre

3D modeling of electrostatic interaction between atomic force microscopy probe and dielectric surface: Impact of tip shape and cantilever contribution

article published in 2016

A New Method for Space Charge Measurements Under Periodic Stress of Arbitrary Waveform by the Pulsed Electro-Acoustic Method

article by Cécilien Thomas et al published April 2008 in IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

A deconvolution technique for space charge recovery in lossy and dispersive dielectrics using PEA method

A discussion on the likely mechanisms for dielectric charging in AFM

A new method for signal averaging resorting to space charge measurements by the pulsed electro-acoustic method under AC stress

scholarly article published July 2007

A new numerical model applied to bipolar charge transport, trapping and recombination under low and high dc voltages

A novel experimental setup for the measurement electron backscattering yield

A variance decomposition method for efficient charge transport model calibration

AC electroluminescence spectra of Polyethylene Naphthalate: Impact of the nature of electrodes


Ac and dc electroluminescence in insulating polymers and implication for electrical ageing

Advanced polymeric dielectrics for high energy density applications

Advances in high-field insulating polymeric materials over the past 50 years

Analysis of Photoluminescence in Thermo-Electrically Aged Cross-Linked Polyethylene Cables

Analysis of the experimental distribution of relaxation times around the liquid–glass transition of poly(vinylidene fluoride)

Analysis of the luminescence decay following excitation of polyethylene naphthalate films by an electric field

article published in 1998

Atomic force microscopy developments for probing space charge at sub-micrometer scale in thin dielectric films

Barrier effect to charge injection in polyethylene by silver nanoparticles containing plasma polymer composites investigated by conductivity measurements

Behaviour of space charge correlated with electroluminescence in cross-linked polyethylene

Bipolar Charge Transport Model with Trapping and Recombination: An Analyze of the Current vs. Applied Electric Field Characteristic

Bipolar charge transport model with trapping and recombination: an analysis of the current versus applied electric field characteristic in steady state conditions

Cathodo- and electro-luminescence spectra in insulating polymers: A parallel approach for inferring electrical ageing mechanisms

scholarly article published 2007

Challenges in probing space charge at sub-micrometer scale

Characterizing HV XLPE cables by electrical, chemical and microstructural measurements on cable peeling: effects of surface roughness, thermal treatment and peeling location

Charge distribution and electroluminescence in cross-linked polyethylene under dc field


Charge dynamics and its energetic features in polymeric materials


Charge front and negative differential mobility in HVDC model cables


Charge injection and charge separation as revealed by dynamic space charge measurement in poly(propylene-ethylene) copolymer films

Charge injection and extraction in metal/polyethylene contact through an exponential distribution of surface states

Charge injection in thin dielectric layers by atomic force microscopy: influence of geometry and material work function of the AFM tip on the injection process

scientific article published on 09 May 2016

Charge injection mitigation in polyethylene induced by silver nanoparticles containing organosilicon barrier layer as demonstrated by conductivity measurements

Charge injection phenomena at the metal/dielectric interface investigated by Kelvin probe force microscopy

Charge packets modeling in insulating polymers based on transport description

Charge packets modeling in polyethylene

Charge recombination induced luminescence of chemically modified cross-linked polyethylene materials

Charge transport and dissipative processes in insulating polymers: experiments and model


Charge transport modeling in insulating polymers: from molecular to macroscopic scale

Charge transport modelling in electron-beam irradiated dielectrics: a model for polyethylene


Charges injection investigation at metal/dielectric interfaces by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

Chemiluminescence spectral evolution along the thermal oxidation of isotactic polypropylene

Combined electroluminescence and charge profile measurements in poly(ethylene-2, 6-naphthalate) under a dc field

Combined electroluminescence and charge profile measurements in polyethylene naphthalate

Combined space charge and electroluminescence detection in polyethylene under AC stress

Comparison between photo-, cathodo-, and electro-luminescence spectra of polyethylene naphthalate films and relationship with electrical aging

scholarly article

Compositional variation of the glass transition and the associated dielectric relaxation in copolymers of vinylidene fluoride and trifluoroethylene


Computer simulation of space charge distribution in an XLPE-EPR sandwich

Conductivity measurements and space charge inference in polymeric-insulated HVDC model cables

Contribution to the modelling of electroluminescence in high voltage polymeric materials

Cooperative movements associated with the Curie transition in P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers

article published in 1995

Cooperative relaxations/transitions in ferroelectric polymers

Correlating conductivity and space charge measurements in multi-dielectrics under various electrical and thermal stresses

Correlating structural and electrical properties in radiation-cured polymers

Correlations between pyroelectricity, thermal transitions and dielectric relaxations in PVDF and related copolymers

Curing and post-curing luminescence in an epoxy resin

DC field distribution in XLPE-insulated DC model cable with polarity inversion and thermal gradient

DSC and TSC study of a VDF/TrFE copolymer

Deconvolution techniques for space charge recovery using pulsed electroacoustic method in coaxial geometry

Deep trapping centers in crosslinked polyethylene investigated by molecular modeling and luminescence techniques

Degradation of the optical properties of ZnO-based thermal control coatings in simulated space environment

article published in 2000

Degradative luminescent processes in atactic polypropylene II. Chemiluminescence after a cold He plasma attack at −180°C

Degradative luminescent processes in atactic polypropyleneI. Chemiluminescence along the thermooxidation

Dependence of electroluminescence intensity and spectral distribution on ageing time in polyethylene naphthalate as modelled by space charge modified internal field

Description of bipolar charge transport in polyethylene using a fluid model with a constant mobility: model prediction


Description of charge transport in polyethylene using a fluid model with a constant mobility: fitting model and experiments


Dielectric and electrical properties of radiation-cured epoxy

Dielectric charging by AFM in tip-to-sample space mode: overview and challenges in revealing the appropriate mechanisms.

scientific article published on 02 July 2015

Dielectric layers for RF-MEMS switches: Design and study of appropriate structures preventing electrostatic charging

Dielectric layers for RF-MEMS switches: Design and study of appropriate structures preventing electrostatic charging

Dielectric layers with gradual properties

Dipole orientation in the amorphous phase of pvdf by pyroelectricity induced charges

Dissociating space charge processes from orientation polarization in poly(ethylene naphthalate) films


Effect of a cold helium plasma at −180°C on polyolefin films I. Plasma induced luminescence features of polyethylene and polypropylene

Effect of a cold helium plasma at −180°C on polyolefin films II. The chemiluminescence component

Effect of charging on the secondary electron emission

Effect of cross-linking agent on space charge accumulation in XLPE under DC electric stress

Effect of film thickness on the dielectric properties and charge storage in PMMA thin films

scientific article published in June 2013

Effect of initiator nature on ionic conduction in radiation cured epoxies

Efficient barrier for charge injection in polyethylene by silver nanoparticles/plasma polymer stack

Electric field profile measurement and modeling in multi-dielectrics for HVDC application

Electrical characterization of PEN films using TSDC and PEA measurements

Electrical, microstructural, physical and chemical characterization of hv xlpe cable peelings for an electrical aging diagnostic data base

Electrically active defects in silica-filled epoxy as revealed by light emission analysis

Electroluminescence and cathodoluminescence from polyethylene and polypropylene films: Spectra reconstruction from elementary components and underlying mechanisms

Electroluminescence and photoluminescence of UV-aged poly(ethylene naphthalate) films

Electroluminescence emission imaging in insulating polymers under uniform field configuration

Electroluminescence excitation mechanisms in an epoxy resin under divergent and uniform field

Electroluminescence excitation mechanisms in an epoxy resin under divergent field


Electroluminescence in saturated polyesters: Temperature dependence and correlation with space charge measurements

Evidence of exciton formation in thin polypropylene films under AC and DC fields and relationship to electrical degradation


Evidence of hot electron-induced chemical degradation in electroluminescence spectra of insulating polymers


Evidence of hot electron-induced chemical degradation in electroluminescence spectra of polyethylene


Experimental Evidence of Hot Electrons in Insulating Polymers


Fast and slow charge packets in polymeric materials under DC stress

Fast charge packet dynamics in XLPE insulated cable models


Feature article - Polymeric HVDC cable design and space charge accumulation. Part 2: insulation interfaces

Field and electron beam-induced luminescence phenomena in polypropylene thin films

Field distribution in polymeric MV-HVDC model cable under temperature gradient. Simulation and space charge measurements


From LDPE to XLPE: investigating the change of electrical properties. Part I. space charge, conduction and lifetime

article published in 2005

From LDPE to XLPE: investigating the change of electrical properties. part II: luminescence

HVDC Cable Design and Space Charge Accumulation. Part 3: Effect of Temperature Gradient [Feature article]

article published in 2008

Hot electron and partial-discharge induced ageing of polymers


Identification of photoluminescence features of an epoxy resin based on components features and curing effects

Identification of the components of the electroluminescence spectrum of PE excited in uniform fields


Impact of concentration gradient of polarizable species on the electric field distribution in polymeric insulating material for HVDC cable

Impact of conditioning on space charge formation in XLPE under dc electrical stress

In-situ diagnostic of polypropylene degradation by electrical discharge induced luminescence at room temperature

Influence of frequency, electrode material and superimposed dc on ac electroluminescence in polymer films


Influence of the crystalline phase on the molecular mobility of PVDF


Influence of the transport mechanism on simulated charge packet propagation in polyethylene

Input of optimization techniques for implementing charge transport models in electrical insulation

Interface tailoring for charge injection control in polyethylene

Ion generation and transport in low density polyethylene under electric stress

Kelvin force microscopy characterization of charging effect in thin a-SiOxNy:H layers deposited in pulsed plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process by tuning the Silicon-environment

Knowledge-based modelling of charge transport in insulating polymers: From experiments to model optimization

Light emission from cellular polypropylene ferroelectrets under high electric fields and its correlation with piezoelectricity

Luminescence of plasma-treated polymer surfaces at ambient temperature

Methodology for extraction of space charge density profiles at nanoscale from Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy measurements.

scientific article published on 3 November 2017

Millisecond time-range analysis of space-charge distribution and electroluminescence in insulating polymers under transient electric stress

Modeling electroluminescence in insulating polymers under ac stress: effect of excitation waveform

Modeling of charge injection and extraction in a metal/polymer interface through an exponential distribution of surface states

Modelling electroluminescence in insulating polymers under ac stress: effect of voltage offset and pre-stressing

Modelling electroluminescence in insulating polymers under sinusoidal stress: Effect of applied voltage, frequency and offset


Modelling space charge in a cable geometry

Monitoring electrically-active defects in silicafilled epoxy using light detection

Multi-dimensional modelling of electrostatic force distance curve over dielectric surface: Influence of tip geometry and correlation with experiment

article by A. Boularas et al published 28 August 2014 in Journal of Applied Physics

Multi-dimensional modelling of electrostatic forces between atomic force microscopy tip and dielectric surface

Nano-scale characterization of insulator-semicon contacts

Negative differential mobility for negative carriers as revealed by space charge measurements on crosslinked polyethylene insulated model cables


Numerical methods in the simulation of charge transport in solid dielectrics

Numerical modeling of space charge and electroluminescence in polyethylene under dc field

Numerical simulation of thermo-stimulated depolarization currents in polyethylene films

Numerical simulations for quantitative analysis of electrostatic interaction between atomic force microscopy probe and an embedded electrode within a thin dielectric: meshing optimization, sensitivity to potential distribution and impact of cantileve

On the UV contribution to plasma-induced luminescence of polypropylene

On the nature of the luminescence emitted by a polypropylene film after interaction with a cold plasma at low temperature

On the secondary electron emission phenomenon when originating from very thin layers

Parameters sensitivity analysis in charge transport model using Sobol indexes for optimization purpose

Photoluminescence, recombination induced luminescence and electroluminescence in epoxy resin

Polarization of electron-beam irradiated LDPE films to understand space charge generation and transport

Polymeric HVDC Cable Design and Space Charge Accumulation. Part 1: Insulation/Semicon Interface

Relative Importance of Trapping and Extraction in the Simulation of Space Charge Distribution in Polymeric Insulators under DC Potentials

Role of additives as recombination centres in polyethylene materials as probed by luminescence techniques

Role of the interface on charge build-up in a low-density polyethylene: Surface roughness and nature of the electrode

Secondary Relaxations in PVC As Studied by Phosphorescence Decay of Grafted Luminescent Probes

Semi-quantitative analysis of photoluminescence in thermoelectrically aged cables: I-identification of optical signatures

Semi-quantitative analysis of photoluminescence in thermoelectrically aged cables: II-analysis of a population of cables

Silver nanoparticles as a key feature of a plasma polymer composite layer in mitigation of charge injection into polyethylene under dc stress

Simulation of Charge Build Up and Transport in Electron Beam Irradiated Organic Dielectrics: Comparison to Space Charge Measurements

article published in 2008

Simultaneous measurement of electroluminescence and space charge distribution in low density polyethylene under a uniform dc field


Some considerations about the analysis of thermostimulated depolarization peaks

Space Charge Measurements in Low-Density Polyethylene under AC stress by the Pulsed Electro-acoustic Method

scholarly article published October 2008

Space charge and associated electroluminescence processes in XLPE cable peelings

Space charge behaviour in an epoxy resin: the influence of fillers, temperature and electrode material

article published in 2005

Space charge characteristics of LDPE nanocomposite/LDPE insulation system

Space charge characteristics of power cables under AC stress and temperature gradients

Space charge criteria in the assessment of insulation materials for HVDC

Space charge distributions in Polyimide thin films determined by FLIMM

Space charge formation in polyimide films and polyimide/SiO2 double-layer measured by LIMM

Space charge modeling in electron-beam irradiated polyethylene: Fitting model and experiments

Space charge, conduction and photoluminescence measurements in gamma irradiated poly (ethylene-2,6-naphthalate)

Space-charge dynamic in polyethylene: from dc to ac stress

Spectral analysis of optical emission due to isothermal charge recombination in polyolefins


Study of cooperative relaxation modes in complex systems by thermally stimulated current spectroscopy

Study of dielectric relaxations in polyamide 11 by thermostimulated currents and broadband dielectric spectroscopy

Study of polarisation and conduction phenomena in nano-structured polypropylene

Study of secondary relaxations in poly(vinyl chloride) by phosphorescence decay

Study of the thermal and dielectric behavior of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers in relation with their electroactive properties

Temperature dependence of electroluminescence in polyethylene naphthalate

Temperature dependence of the photoluminescence in poly(ethylene terephthalate) films

Temperature dependence of the pyroelectric coefficient in polyvinylidene fluoride


The combined effect of gamma and e-beam irradiation on the electrical properties of polyethylene Terephthalate

The grafting of luminescent side groups onto poly(vinyl chloride) and the identification of local structural features

The significance of electroluminescence in polyolefins

The use of luminescence spectroscopy to evaluate oxidation processes in polyolefin films

scholarly article

Thermo-Stimulated Depolarization Currents in polyethylene films. Numerical simulations and experiments

Time-resolved space charge and electroluminescence measurements in polyethylene under ac stress

Towards 3D charge localization by a method derived from atomic force microscopy: the electrostatic force distance curve

article by C Villeneuve-Faure et al published 23 October 2014 in Journal of Physics D

Transient analysis on stored charges in organic light-emitting diodes and their application in alternating current driven electroluminescence


UV-induced degradation of poly(ethylene naphthalate) films from the standpoint of electrical and luminescence properties

Uncover the electroluminescence in wide band gap polymers


Use of AC electroluminescence as a probe of space charge formation under DC field in polymer films

Use of dynamic space charge measurements to differentiate charge injection and ionic dissociation in polypropylene

α-Relaxation/retardation mode in semicrystalline polymers with flexible chains