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List of works by Lelio Luzzi

A Geometric Multiscale modelling approach to the analysis of MSR plant dynamics


A Preliminary Approach to the Dynamic Behaviour of Circulating Fuel Reactors for Generation IV

A Preliminary Study of the MSFR Dynamics

A generalized approach to heat transfer in pipe flow with internal heat generation

A model predictive control approach for the Italian LBE–XADS


A multi-physics modelling approach to the dynamics of Molten Salt Reactors

A multi-physics reduced order model for the analysis of Lead Fast Reactor single channel


A multiproperty method and apparatus for thermophysical measurements on solids

A numerical assessment of the load bearing capacity of externally pressurized moderately thick tubes

Scientific article published in 2009

A preliminary approach to the ALFRED reactor control strategy

A preliminary approach to the MSFR control issues

A reduced order model for investigating the dynamics of the Gen-IV LFR coolant pool

scholarly article by Stefano Lorenzi et al published June 2017 in Applied Mathematical Modelling

A thermoelastic method for measuring the thermal diffusivity of solids

An approach for the modelling and the analysis of the MSR thermo-hydrodynamic behaviour

An approach to the MSR dynamics and stability analysis

article published in 2013

Analysis of the MSFR Core Neutronics Adopting Different Neutron Transport Models

Analytical and numerical investigation of the heat exchange effect on the dynamic behaviour of natural circulation with internally heated fluids

scholarly article by A. Pini et al published May 2016 in Chemical Engineering Science

Application of the SCIANTIX fission gas behaviour module to the integral pin performance in sodium fast reactor irradiation conditions

scientific article published in 2022

Application of the TRANSURANUS code for the fuel pin design process of the ALFRED reactor

Assessment of analytical and numerical models on experimental data for the study of single-phase natural circulation dynamics in a vertical loop

scholarly article by Lelio Luzzi et al published April 2017 in Chemical Engineering Science

Calculating the effective delayed neutron fraction in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor: Analytical, deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches

Collapse of Nuclear Reactor SG Tubes Pressurized From Outside: The Influence of Imperfections

Collapse of Thick Cylinders Under Radial Pressure and Axial Load

Collapse of Thick Tubes Pressurized From Outside: An Accurate Predictive Formula


Comparison of a Modal Method and a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition approach for multi-group time-dependent reactor spatial kinetics

Control approach to the load frequency regulation of a Generation IV Lead-cooled Fast Reactor

article published in 2015

Development of a Spatial Neutronics Model for Control-Oriented Dynamics Simulation


Development of an OpenFOAM model for the Molten Salt Fast Reactor transient analysis


Development of the ALFRED reactor full power mode control system


Dimensional effects in the modelling of MSR dynamics: Moving on from simplified schemes of analysis to a multi-physics modelling approach

article published in 2012

Dynamic stability of natural circulation loops for single phase fluids with internal heat generation

scholarly article by D.E. Ruiz et al published April 2015 in Chemical Engineering Science

Extension and validation of the TRANSURANUS burn-up model for helium production in high burn-up LWR fuels

Finite element limit analysis of anisotropic structures

Investigation of the MSFR core physics and fuel cycle characteristics

Modelling and analysis of the MSFR transient behaviour

Modelling and control strategy of the Italian LBE-XADS


Object-oriented modelling and simulation for the ALFRED dynamics

POD-Galerkin method for finite volume approximation of Navier–Stokes and RANS equations

Petri-net based modelling approach for ALFRED reactor operation and control system design

Physics-based modelling of fission gas swelling and release in UO2 applied to integral fuel rod analysis

Reduced Basis Approaches in Time-Dependent Non-Coercive Settings for Modelling the Movement of Nuclear Reactor Control Rods

The influence of the wall thermal inertia over a single-phase natural convection loop with internally heated fluids

scholarly article by A. Cammi et al published October 2016 in Chemical Engineering Science

The molten salt reactor (MSR) in generation IV: Overview and perspectives

article published in 2014

Thermal contact resistance calibration for thermal diffusivity measurement of metals by the thermoelastic method

Thermal-hydraulics of internally heated molten salts and application to the Molten Salt Fast Reactor