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List of works by Jozef Ongena

A new ion cyclotron range of frequency scenario for bulk ion heating in deuterium-tritium plasmas: How to utilize intrinsic impurities in our favour

Analysis of electron cyclotron emission by fast electrons generated by lower hybrid current drive at JET

Analysis of the phase control of the ITER ICRH antenna array. Influence on the load resilience and radiated power spectrum

Anomalous and classical neutral beam fast ion diffusion on JET

Chapter 3: ELMy H-Mode Operation in JET

Characteristics and scaling of energy and particle losses during Type I ELMs in JET H-modes

article published in 2002

Commissioning of the ITER-like ICRF antenna for JET

Comparison of L-mode regimes with enhanced confinement by impurity seeding in JET and DIII-D

Comparison of the performance of ICRF antennas with and without Faraday shield on TEXTOR

Confinement mechanisms in the radiatively improved mode

Confinement properties of high density impurity seeded ELMy H-mode discharges at low and high triangularity on JET

Confinement transitions with radiation cooling in TEXTOR-94


Contribution of LPP/ERM-KMS to the modern developments of ICRH antenna systems

Coupling Of The JET ICRF Antennas In ELMy H-mode Plasmas With ITER Relevant Plasma—Straps Distance

Coupling and matching study of the ICRF antenna for W7-X



Density dependence of trace tritium transport in H-mode Joint European Torus plasma

Design of an ICRF system for plasma–wall interactions and RF plasma production studies on TOMAS

Development of an ICRH antenna system at W7-X for plasma heating and wall conditioning


ELMy H-modes in JET helium-4 plasmas

Effect of antenna phasing and wall conditioning on ICRH in TEXTOR


Effect of gas injection during LH wave coupling at ITER-relevant plasma–wall distances in JET

Effect of the minority concentration on ion cyclotron resonance heating in presence of the ITER-like wall in JET


Effects of ICRF induced density modifications on LH wave coupling at JET

Effects of impurity seeding in DIII-D radiating mantle discharges

Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating


Energy confinement in steady-state ELMy H-modes in JET

Energy for Future Centuries: Prospects for Fusion Power as a Future Energy Source

Energy for Future Centuries: Prospects for Fusion Power as a Future Energy Source

Energy for Future Centuries: Will Fusion Be an Inexhaustible, Safe, and Clean Energy Source?

Enhanced confinement discharges in DIII-D with neon and argon induced radiation

Enhancing The Mode Conversion Efficiency In JET Plasmas With Multiple Mode Conversion Layers


Evidence of suppression of ITG-instability in the radiatively improved mode in TEXTOR-94


Experimental and simulated argon spectra in the 2.3-3.4 nm region from tokamak plasmas

Experimental investigation of ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating scenarios for ITER's half-field hydrogen phase performed in JET

Fast ion generation and bulk plasma heating with three-ion ICRF scenarios


Fast ions in mode conversion heating (3He)–H plasmas in JET

First experiments on plasma production using field-aligned ICRF fast wave antennas in the large helical device

scientific article published in 2021

Focus Point on the Transition to Sustainable Energy Systems

Fundamental ion cyclotron resonance heating of JET deuterium plasmas

article published in 2009

Fusion: A true challenge for an enormous reward

article by J. Ongena published 2015 in EPJ Web of Conferences

Heat loads from ICRF and LH wave absorption in the SOL: characterization on JET and implications for the ITER-Like Wall

Heat loads on JET plasma facing components from ICRF and LH wave absorption in the SOL

Heating, Confinement and Extrapolation to Reactors

Heating, Confinement and Extrapolation to Reactors

High Confinement and High Density with Stationary Plasma Energy and Strong Edge Radiation in the TEXTOR-94 Tokamak

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

High confinement and high density with stationary plasma energy and strong edge radiation cooling in the upgraded Torus Experiment for Technology Oriented Research (TEXTOR-94)


High density operation at JET by pellet refuelling*

High density, high performance high-confinement-mode plasmas in the Joint European Torus (JET)

High power ICRH and NB heating results in TEXTOR


Hybrid Couplers On The JET ICRF System: Commissioning And First Results on ELMs


IC Wall Conditioning antenna for W7-X with potential for Heating and Fast Particle Generation

ICRF Wall Conditioning: Present Status and Developments for Future Superconducting Fusion Machines

scholarly article published 2009

ICRF physics aspects of wall conditioning with conventional antennas in large-size tokamaks

ICRF scenarios for ITER's half-field phase

ICRH of JET and LHD Majority Ions at Their Fundamental Cyclotron Frequency

ICRH physics and technology achievements in JET-ILW


ITER L mode confinement database


Implementation of load resilient ion cyclotron resonant frequency (ICRF) systems to couple high levels of ICRF power to ELMy H-mode plasmas in JET

Improved ELM scaling with impurity seeding in JET

Improved confinement in TEXTOR


Improved confinement with edge radiative cooling at high densities and high heating power in TEXTOR


Improved dielectric tensor in the ICRF module of Transp

Improved plasma performance in TEXTOR with silicon coated surfaces

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improvement of plasma energy confinement in tokamak under radiative cooling of the edge plasma

Impurity Radiation for Detecting Arcs during High Lower Hybrid Power Transmission at JET


Impurity penetration through the edge transport barrier

Impurity production from the ion cyclotron resonance heating antennas in JET


Impurity-seeded ELMy H-modes in JET, with high density and reduced heat load


Impurity-seeded plasma experiments on JET


Influence of Magnetic Field Ripple on the Intrinsic Rotation of Tokamak Plasmas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Influence of gas puff location on the coupling of lower hybrid waves in JET ELMy H-mode plasmas

Integrated scenario in JET using real-time profile control

Ion cyclotron resonance heating of a tokamak plasma using an antenna without a Faraday shield


JET (3He)–D scenarios relying on RF heating: survey of selected recent experiments

article published in 2009

JET intrinsic rotation studies in plasmas with a high normalized beta and varying toroidal field ripple

JET radiative mantle experiments in ELMy H-Mode

JET scrape-off-layer ionization at lower hybrid wave launching

JET's contribution to fusion science and ITER


JET: Preparing the future in fusion

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 54 no. S3, March 2004

LH Power Losses In Front of the JET Launcher

LH Wave Coupling over ITER-Like Distances at JET

LH power deposition and CD efficiency studies by application of modulated power at JET

LH power modulation experiment on JET

Large ELM-like events triggered by core MHD in JET advanced tokamak plasmas: impact on plasmas profiles, plasma-facing components and heating systems

article published in 2012

Localized bulk electron heating with ICRF mode conversion in the JET tokamak


Long timescale density peaking in JET

MHD activity at the beta limit in RI mode discharges on TEXTOR-94

Magnetic-confinement fusion

paper in nature physics from 2016

Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator


Measurements of the collapse of the steady-state cataphoretic density profile in a discharge tube with large cylindrical end volumes

Minority and mode conversion heating in (3He)–H JET plasmas

Model for the Transition to the Radiatively Improved Mode in a Tokamak

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Modelling of D majority ICRH at JET: impact of absorption at the Doppler-shifted resonance

Modelling of the ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for W7-X stellarator

Modification of Sawtooth Oscillations with ICRF Waves in the JET Tokamak

Monte Carlo investigation of imprisonment of resonance radiation with partial frequency redistribution

Neon radiation efficiency for different confinement regimes in TEXTOR-94

scholarly article by G Telesca et al published November 2000 in Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion and its large potential for the future world energy supply

Observations of rotation in JET plasmas with electron heating by ion cyclotron resonance heating

On resonant ICRF absorption in three-ion component plasmas: a new promising tool for fast ion generation

On the challenge of plasma heating with the JET metallic wall

Operation and coupling of LH waves with the ITER-like wall at JET


Operational Experience with the Scattering Matrix Arc Detection System on the JET ITER-Like Antenna

Operational issues at high lower hybrid power density in JET: waveguide conditioning and arc detection

Optimization of ICRH for core impurity control in JET-ILW

Optimization of pellet scenarios for long pulse fuelling to high densities at JET*

Optimizing ion-cyclotron resonance frequency heating for ITER: dedicated JET experiments

Optimizing ion-cyclotron resonance frequency heating for ITER: dedicated JET experiments

article published in 2011

Overview of JET results

Overview of Recent Results on Heating and Current Drive in the JET tokamak

article published in 2009

Overview of experiments with radiation cooling at high confinement and high density in limited and diverted discharges

Overview of radiative improved mode results on TEXTOR-94

Overview of recent JET results in preparation for ITER operation: Interplay between technical and scientific progress

Overview of recent results on Heating and Current Drive in JET

Overview of the JET results in support to ITER


Overview of transport, fast particle and heating and current drive physics using tritium in JET plasmas

Overview on Experiments On ITER-like Antenna On JET And ICRF Antenna Design For ITER

Pellet fuelling into radiative improved confinement discharges in TEXTOR-94

Performance of the Scattering Matrix Arc Detection System on the JET ITER-like ICRF antenna

Physical meaning of one-machine and multimachine tokamak scalings

Physics and engineering results obtained with the ion cyclotron range of frequencies ITER-like antenna on JET

Physics of confinement improvement of plasmas with impurity injection in DIII-D

Plasma and antenna coupling characterization in ICRF-wall conditioning experiments

Plasma wall interaction and plasma edge properties with radiation cooling and improved confinement in TEXTOR-94

Poloidal rotation dynamics, radial electric field, and neoclassical theory in the jet internal-transport-barrier region.

scientific article

Potential of ion cyclotron resonance frequency current drive via fast waves in DEMO


Predictive modelling of impurity seeded plasmas in JET

Predictive modelling of the impact of argon injection on H-mode plasmas in JET with the RITM code

Predictive simulations of NBI ion power load to the ICRH antenna in Wendelstein 7-X

scientific article published in 2023

Preparations for deuterium–tritium experiments on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor*

Present Status of the ITER-like ICRF Antenna on JET

Quasistationary High Confinement Discharges with trans-Greenwald Density on TEXTOR-94

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

RF Matching Feedback Control Systems on the JET ITER-Like Antenna

Radiation pattern and impurity transport in argon seeded ELMy H-mode discharges in JET

Recent H majority inverted radio frequency heating scheme experiments in JET-ILW

scholarly article by Dirk Van Eester et al published 2017 in EPJ Web of Conferences

Recent H-mode density limit studies at JET

Recent ICRF developments at JET


Recent advances in physics and technology of ion cyclotron resonance heating in view of future fusion reactors

Recent developments in pellet fuelling at JET


Recent experimental results and modeling of RF heating of ([sup 3]He)-D JET plasmas: RF as a tool to study transport

Recent experiments on alternative dipole phasing with the JET A2 ICRF antennas

Recent progress on JET towards the ITER reference mode of operation at high density


Recent progress on the development and analysis of the ITPA global H-mode confinement database


Recent progress toward high performance above the Greenwald density limit in impurity seeded discharges in limiter and divertor tokamaks

Recent results on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning in mid and large size tokamaks

Recent results on ion cyclotron and combined heating of TEXTOR


Reduction of divertor heat load in JET ELMy H-modes using impurity seeding techniques

Results and modelling of high power edge radiation cooling in Textor


Review of deuterium–tritium results from the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

Review of recent advances in heating and current drive on TEXTOR

Role of sawtooth in avoiding impurity accumulation and maintaining good confinement in JET radiative mantle discharges


SOL characterization and LH coupling measurements on JET in ITER-relevant conditions

Scaling of radiated power to plasma contamination for neon seeded discharges on boronized TEXTOR-94

Scaling of the energy confinement time with β and collisionality approaching ITER conditions

Seeding of impurities in JET H-mode discharges to mitigate the impact of ELMs

Simulating the JET ITER-like Antenna circuit

Simulation of ITER full-field ICWC scenario in JET: RF physics aspects

Simulation of the time behaviour of impurities in JET Ar-seeded discharges and its relation with sawtoothing and RF heating

article published in 2003

Simultaneous measurements of unstable and stable Alfvén eigenmodes in JET

scientific article published in 2022

Stability analysis of improved confinement discharges: internal transport barriers in Tore Supra and radiative improved mode in TEXTOR

Status of the WEST travelling wave array antenna design and results from the high power mock-up

scientific article published in 2022

Studies on basic phenomena during the pellet injection into high-temperature plasmas

Study and design of the ion cyclotron resonance heating system for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X

Study of the choice of the decoupling layout for the ITER ICRH system

Study of the power exhaust and the role of impurities in the Torus Experiment for Technological Oriented Research (TEXTOR)


Sustainable production: Physicists' report on EU green electricity.

scientific article published in September 2015

Synergetic heating of D-NBI ions in the vicinity of the mode conversion layer in H-D plasmas in JET with the ITER like wall


Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X


Tests of local transport theory and reduced wall impurity influx with highly radiative plasmas in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

article published in 1999

The 2008 Public Release of the International Multi-tokamak Confinement Profile Database

The International Multi-Tokamak Profile Database

The Radiative Improved Mode in TEXTOR: Power Exhaust and Improved Confinement at High Density

The beta scaling of energy confinement in ELMy H-modes in JET

The decay of 1s2 and 1s4 radiation in krypton

The dedicated ICRH system for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X

The effect of lower hybrid waves on JET plasma rotation

The influence of impurities on limiter tokamak plasmas and relevant mechanisms

The influence of plasma-edge properties on high confinement discharges with a radiating plasma mantle at the tokamak TEXTOR-94


The role of aspect ratio and beta in H-mode confinement scalings

Theoretical model for the collapse of the steady-state cataphoretic density profile in a discharge tube with large cylindrical end volumes

Theoretical model for transient cataphoretic segregation in a discharge tube with large cylindrical end volumes

Three-dimensional modelling and numerical optimisation of the W7-X ICRH antenna

Toroidal Rotation in RF Heated JET Plasmas

Toroidal rotation in RF heated JET plasmas

Towards the realization on JET of an integrated H-mode scenario for ITER


Transient cataphoresis in a discharge tube with end volumes

Transport and improved confinement in high power edge radiation cooling experiments on TEXTOR


Tritium transport experiments on the JET tokamak

Turbulent transport and turbulence in radiative I mode plasmas in TEXTOR-94

Understanding the spatial structure of RF-induced SOL modifications

Validation of the electrical design of the W7-X ICRF antenna on a reduced-scale mock-up