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List of works by Stephen R Baillie

Community Variability Increases with Time

scientific article published on 16 November 2006

Comparison of habitat‐specific trends in the abundance of breeding birds in the UK

Consequences of large-scale processes for the conservation of bird populations


Demographic mechanisms of the population decline of the song thrush Turdus philomelos in Britain



Estimating age-dependent survival from age-aggregated ringing data-extending the use of historical records


Estimating species distributions from spatially biased citizen science data

scientific article published in 2020

Evaluating the Breeding Bird Survey for producing national population size and density estimates


Exploring density-dependent relationships in demographic parameters in populations of birds at a large spatial scale


Factors influencing detection of density dependence in British birds : I. Population trends

scientific article

Factors influencing detection of density dependence in British birds : II. Longevity and population variability

scientific article published in October 1996

Flexibility in the timing of post-breeding moult in passerines in the UK


How can functional space for farmland birds best be studied? A comment on


Hypotheses to explain patterns of population change among breeding bird species in England


Integrating demographic data: towards a framework for monitoring wildlife populations at large spatial scales


Large-scale spatial analysis of ringing and re-encounter data to infer movement patterns: A review including methodological perspectives


Large-scale spatial variation in the breeding performance of song thrushes Turdus philomelos and blackbirds T. merula in Britain


Latitudinal gradients in the productivity of European migrant warblers have not shifted northwards during a period of climate change


Long-term changes in the migration phenology of UK breeding birds detected by large-scale citizen science recording schemes

scientific article published in 2016

Long-term datasets in biodiversity research and monitoring: assessing change in ecological communities through time

scientific article

Migration Watch: an Internet survey to monitor spring migration in Britain and Ireland


Modeling large-scale dispersal distances


Modelling large-scale relationships between changes in woodland deer and bird populations


Modelling the progression of bird migration with conditional autoregressive models applied to ringing data

scientific article (publication date: 2014)

Overcoming the challenges of public data archiving for citizen science biodiversity recording and monitoring schemes

scientific article published in 2018

Population change of avian predators and grey squirrels in England: is there evidence for an impact on avian prey populations?


Population processes in European Blackbirds Turdus merula: a state–space approach


Rainfall on wintering grounds affects population change in many species of Afro-Palaearctic migrants


Representing migration routes from re-encounter data: a new method applied to ring recoveries of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) in Europe

article published in 2018

Robustness of simple avian population trend models for semi-structured citizen science data is species-dependent

scientific article published in 2019

Seabirds and oil: the worst winter

scientific article published in Nature

Should we account for detectability in population trends?

Species traits explain variation in detectability of UK birds


Subspecies status of Common Eiders Somateria mollissima in Shetland based on morphology and DNA


Survival of Afro-Palaearctic passerine migrants in western Europe and the impacts of seasonal weather variables


The EURING Data Bank – a critical tool for continental-scale studies of marked birds

The UK Nest Record Scheme: its value for science and conservation

scientific article published on 29 May 2009

The effect of severe oil pollution during the winter of 1980–81 on British and Irish Auks


The importance of variation in the breeding performance of seed-eating birds in determining their population trends on farmland

scientific article published in 2000

The suspension of moult by trans-Saharan migrants in Crete


Trends in the abundance of farmland birds: a quantitative comparison of smoothed Common Birds Census indices


Uses of ringing data for the conservation and management of bird populations: A ringing scheme perspective

article published in 1995