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List of works by Frank Huysmans

'Achter de schermen' bij 'Onderweg naar morgen': Overheidsdoelstellingen in een veranderende mediamarkt /Government policy goals in a changing media market


Adolescents’ Leisure and Well-being in the Netherlands: Trends and Correlates

Chapter 1. Reading and digital media

Children's comprehension of visual formal features in television programs


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De invloed van partners op elkaars mediagebruik: Een tijdbestedinganalyse van huishoudens /Partners' influence on each other's media use: An analysis of time use in households


Effect of a school library on the reading attitude and reading behaviour in non-western migrant students

Measuring the public library's societal value: A methodological research program

article published in 2013

Media Diversity

Mediabeleid 2006: focus op functies? Inleiding tot dit themanummer

Patterns of perceived public library outcomes in five countries

Perceived outcomes of public libraries in Finland, Norway and the Netherlands

scholarly article by Pertti Vakkari et al published 2 September 2014 in Journal of Documentation

Setting the scene: Ontwikkelingen in het medialandschap /Setting the scene: Developments in the media landscape

Television viewing and the temporal organization of daily life in households: A multilevel analysis


The Library at School: effects on reading attitude and reading frequency

article published in 2013

The People's Palaces: Public Libraries in the Information Society

The Role of School Libraries in Reducing Learning Disadvantages in Migrant Children

The foundation of communication and action in consciousness: Confronting action theory with systems theoretical arguments

Wie werden in den Niederlanden (ohne bibliothekarisches Studium) aus Quereinsteigern Bibliothekare?

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