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List of works by Damien McGrouther

Aberration corrected Lorentz scanning transmission electron microscopy

scientific article published on 3 February 2015

Atom Probe Specimen Fabrication Methods using a Dual FIB/SEM

Atom probe specimen fabrication methods using a dual FIB/SEM

scientific article published on 03 March 2007

Beam-Induced Fe Nanopillars as Tunable Domain-Wall Pinning Sites

Bridging the Gap: Polymer Nanowire Devices

Comment on “Three-Dimensional, Spin-Resolved Structure of Magnetic Vortex and Antivortex States in Patterned Co Films Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis”

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Concentric 360° domain wall nesting in magnetic tunnel junction films: a Lorentz TEM study

Controlled Individual Skyrmion Nucleation at Artificial Defects Formed by Ion Irradiation

scientific article published on 05 March 2020

Controlled domain wall injection into ferromagnetic nanowires from an optimized pad geometry

Controlling magnetic anisotropy in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanostructures

Core–shell GaN–ZnO moth-eye nanostructure arrays grown on a-SiO2/Si (1 1 1) as a basis for improved InGaN-based photovoltaics and LEDs

article by D.J. Rogers et al published June 2015 in Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications

Dependence of domain wall pinning potential landscapes on domain wall chirality and pinning site geometry in planar nanowires

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 79 no. 5, February 2009

Direct comparison of domain wall behavior in permalloy nanowires patterned by electron beam lithography and focused ion beam milling

Direct observation of domain wall structures in curved permalloy wires containing an antinotch

Effect of Ga+ ion irradiation on the structural and magnetic properties of CoFe/IrMn exchange biased bilayers


Effect of Substrate Hardness on Splat Morphology in High-Velocity Thermal Spray Coatings

Effect of annealing on the magnetic states of FEBID-grown cobalt nanopatterns examined by off-axis electron holography

scientific article published on 27 January 2020

Effect of substrate temperature on the magnetic properties of epitaxial sputter-grown Co/Pt

Epitaxial MOVPE growth of highly c-axis oriented InGaN/GaN films on ZnO-buffered Si (111) substrates

Fabrication of high quality plan-view TEM specimens using the focused ion beam

scientific article published on 04 May 2014

Fast Pixelated Detectors in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Part I: Data Acquisition, Live Processing, and Storage

scientific article published on 06 July 2020

Fast Pixelated Detectors in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Part II: Post-Acquisition Data Processing, Visualization, and Structural Characterization

scientific article published on 04 September 2020

Focused ion beam irradiation of ferromagnetic thin films in the presence of an applied field

Formation of Magnetic Structure by Domain Wall Confinement in Nanoconstriction

Growth of GaN by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy on ZnO-buffered c-sapphire substrates

Holographic imaging of electromagnetic fields via electron-light quantum interference

scientific article published on 03 May 2019

Investigating Large Area Fabrication of Silicon Quantum Dots in a Nitride Matrix for Photovoltaic Applications

scholarly article published 2006

Investigation of Microstructural and Electrochemical Properties of Impregnated (La,Sr)(Ti,Mn)O3±δas a Potential Anode Material in High-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Investigation of the origin of the decrease in exchange biasing in Ga+ ion irradiated CoFe∕IrMn films


Mask assisted fabrication of nanoislands of BiFeO3 by ion beam milling

article by Alessio Morelli et al published 21 April 2013 in Journal of Applied Physics

Measuring and tailoring the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in perpendicularly magnetized thin films

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 90 no. 2, July 2014

Medipix2/Timepix detector for time resolved Transmission Electron Microscopy


Microstructural compositional, and optical characterization of GaN grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy on ZnO epilayers


Modification of the magnetic properties of exchange coupled NiFe/FeMn films by Ga+ ion irradiation

Nanocharacterisation of precipitates in austenite high manganese steels with advanced techniques: HRSTEM and DualEELS mapping

article published in 2014

Nanopatterning of a thin ferromagnetic CoFe film by focused-ion-beam irradiation

Nanoscale Mapping of the Magnetic Properties of (111)-Oriented La0.67Sr0.33MnO3

scientific article published on 12 August 2015

On the origin of differential phase contrast at a locally charged and globally charge-compensated domain boundary in a polar-ordered material.

scientific article published on 19 March 2015

Preparation of Site Specific Atom Probe Tips using Focused Ion Beam Technology

Quantification of Subsurface Damage in a Brittle Insulating Ceramic by Three-Dimensional Focused Ion Beam Tomography

scientific article published on 04 March 2011

Reproducible domain wall pinning by linear non-topographic features in a ferromagnetic nanowire

article published in 2012

Site-specific specimen preparation for atom probe tomography of grain boundaries

Spin-transfer torque efficiency measured using a Permalloy nanobridge

article published in 2010

Structural analysis of ion irradiated polycrystalline NiFe/FeMn exchange bias systems


The Effect of Substrate Surface Oxides on the Bonding of NiCr Alloy Particles HVAF Thermally Sprayed onto Aluminum Substrates

scholarly article by William J. Trompetter et al published 28 April 2010 in Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Three dimensional imaging of deformation modes in TiN-based thin film coatings

Three-dimensional study of indentation-induced cracks in an amorphous carbon coating on a steel substrate

Use of ZnO thin films as sacrificial templates for metal organic vapor phase epitaxy and chemical lift-off of GaN

scientific article published on 13 August 2007

Vortex domain wall chirality rectification due to the interaction with end domain spin structures in permalloy nanowires