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List of works by Rukmani Mohanta

$$A_4$$A4 realization of linear seesaw and neutrino phenomenology

A Comprehensive Study of the Discovery Potential of NOνA, T2K, and T2HK Experiments

Analysis of $B^{0}_{d} \to \phi K^{{*0}} $ decay mode with supersymmetry

Analysis of directCP violation in $B^- \to D^0 D_s^-, D^0 D^-$ decays

B Physics: WHEPP-XI working group report


Bs0−B¯s0mixing andb→stransitions in an isosinglet down quark model


CP violation in $\Lambda_b \to p \pi^-$ decay

Can there be any new physics in b→d penguins

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004 no. 11, December 2004

Charmless two body hadronic decays of theΛbbaryon

scholarly article

Cobimaximal Neutrino Mixing with $$A_4$$ Symmetry

Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from ν_{e} Appearance and ν_{μ} Disappearance in NOvA

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters


Dark Matter in SM4 and Its Implications in LFV Decays

Determination of the angleγfrom nonleptonicBc→DsD0decays

scholarly article

Effect of FCNC mediated Z boson on lepton flavor violating decays

Effect of R-parity violation on the rare decay Λb → Λμ+μ−

Effect of heavy quark symmetry on the mass difference ofB-system in minimal left right symmetric model

Effects of Scalar Leptoquarks inb→sTransitions

Effects of scalar leptoquark on semileptonic Λb decays

Effects ofR-parity violation onCPasymmetries inΛb→pπdecay

scholarly article

Exclusive Weak Radiative Decays of B Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model

Explaining the RK and RD(*) anomalies with vector leptoquarks

scholarly article

ExplainingB→Kπanomaly with nonuniversalZ′boson

scholarly article

ExploringCPviolation withBs0→D0φdecays

scholarly article

First Measurement of Electron Neutrino Appearance in NOvA.

scientific article published on 13 April 2016

First measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance in NOvA

article by Phil Adamson et al published 25 March 2016 in Physical Review D

Flavour physics and CP violation

Fourth generation effect onΛbdecays

article by Rukmani Mohanta & A. K. Giri published 17 November 2010 in Physical Review D

Hadronic Weak Decays of b Baryon in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model

Impact of Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing on Physics Potential of Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

Impact of lepton flavor universality violation on CP-violation sensitivity of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments

Impact of leptoquarks in semileptonic $B$ decays

Impact of vector leptoquarks on $\bar{B} \rightarrow {\bar{K}}^{* }{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ anomalies

Implications of Lepton Nonuniversality in the Beauty Sector

article by A Giri et al published November 2016 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Implications of lepton flavor violation on long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments

scholarly article

Implications of the nonuniversalZboson in flavor changing neutral current mediated rare decays

scholarly article

Lepton flavor violatingBmeson decays via a scalar leptoquark

scholarly article

Leptoquark effects on $b\;\to \;s{\boldsymbol{\nu }}\bar{{\boldsymbol{\nu }}}$ and $B\;\to \;{{Kl}}^{+}{l}^{-}$ decay processes

Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle θ_{23} in NOvA.

scientific article published on 10 April 2017

Model-independent investigation of rare semileptonic b→ulν¯l decay processes

scholarly article


Neutrino mass and neutrinoless double beta decay in SO(10) GUT with Pati–Salam symmetry

Neutrino mixing matrices with relatively large θ 13 and with texture one-zero

New constraints on oscillation parameters from νe appearance and νμ disappearance in the NOvA experiment

scholarly article

New physics effects in charm meson decays involving $$c \rightarrow u l^+ l^- (l_i^{\mp } l_j^{\,\pm \,})$$ c → u l + l - ( l i ∓ l j ± ) transitions

article by Suchismita Sahoo & Rukmani Mohanta published May 2017 in European Physical Journal C

New physics effects on theCPasymmetries inB→φKSandB→η′KSdecays

scholarly article

Non-Leptonic Two-Meson Decays of B Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model with Factorization Ansatz

Non-zero $$\theta _{13}$$ θ 13 and leptonic CP phase with $$A_4$$ A 4 symmetry

NonleptonicBmeson decays intoDanda1in HQET


Possibility of extracting the weak phase 7 from Λb→ Λ0 decays

Possibility of extracting the weak phaseγfromΛb→ΛD0decays

scholarly article

Possible signatures of unparticles in rare annihilation typeBdecays

scholarly article

Predicting Leptonic CP Phase by Considering Deviations in Charged Lepton and Neutrino Sectors

Predicting leptonic CP phase by considering deviations in charged lepton and neutrino sectors

Probing new physics in B→φπ decay

Probing new physics inB→f0(980)Kdecays

scholarly article

Probing the unparticle signal in b → d penguin processes

article published in 2008

Radiative decays of heavy baryons with heavy quark symmetry

Radiative decays of heavy mesons with heavy quark symmetry

Rare semileptonic B→K(π)li−lj+ decay in a vector leptoquark model

scholarly article

Ratio of the color suppressed decays Λ b →ΛJ/ψ andB 0→KJ/ψ

Ratios ofB andD meson decay constants with heavy quark symmetry

Revisiting the sensitivity studies for leptonic CP-violation and mass hierarchy with T2K, NOνA and LBNE experiments


Scalar Leptoquarks and the Rare B Meson Decays

Scalar leptoquarks and the rareBmeson decays

scholarly article

Search for active-sterile neutrino mixing using neutral-current interactions in NOvA

scholarly article

Searching for new physics in the angular distribution of Bd0→φK*0 decay

scholarly article

Searching for new physics in the rare decay B+→Ds+φ

Signature of new physics in B → ϕ π decay

Some two body non-leptonicB decays and estimation off D in the heavy quark effective theory

Standard model with four generations: Selected implications for rareBandKdecays

scholarly article

Study of FCNC mediated Z boson effectin the semileptonic rare baryonic decays Λb → Λl+l-

Study of FCNC-mediated rareBsdecays in a single universal extra dimension scenario

scholarly article

Study of some rare decays ofBsmeson in the fourth generation model


Study of someBs→f0(980)decays in the fourth generation model

article by Rukmani Mohanta published 14 July 2011 in Physical Review D

Study of the Rare Decays $$B_{s,d}^* \rightarrow \mu ^+ \mu ^-$$

Study of the rare decays ${B}_{s,d}^{* } \rightarrow {\mu }^{+}{\mu }^{-}$

Study of the rare semileptonic decaysBd0→K*l+l−in scalar leptoquark model

scholarly article

The fourth family: A simple explanation for the observed pattern of anomalies in B – CP asymmetries

article by Amarjit Soni et al published January 2010 in Physics Letters B

Towards extracting the best possible results from NO $$\nu $$ ν A

Transverse $\tau$ polarization in Bc $\rightarrow$ $\tau$$\bar nu$$\tau$$\gamma$ decay

article published in 2002

Two body non-leptonic decaysB →Dπ with heavy quark and chiral symmetry

Two body non-leptonic Λ b decays in the largeN c limit

Unparticle effect onBs−B¯smixing and its implications forBs→J/ψϕ,ϕϕdecays

scholarly article

WG5 summary: direct CP violation in B decays

Weak Radiative Decay Width B ->K* in COQM Including Long-Range Contributions

Weak Radiative Decay b -> and Quark-Confined Effects in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model

Weak phase information from the color suppressedB(−)d0→D(−)*0K(−)*0modes

scholarly article

Weak radiative decay Λ b →Λγ in the heavy quark effective theory

Working group report: Neutrino physics

Λ b →Λ c +a 1 decay in the heavy quark effective theory