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List of works by Matteo Viel

A White Paper on keV sterile neutrino Dark Matter


A consistent determination of the temperature of the intergalactic medium at redshift 〈z〉 = 2.4

scientific article

An improved measurement of the flux distribution of the Ly forest in QSO absorption spectra: the effect of continuum fitting, metal contamination and noise properties

scientific article

Baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyαforest of BOSS quasars

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics


scholarly article in proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2010, San Diego, California, United States

CODEX: measuring the acceleration of the universe and beyond

Can Sterile Neutrinos Be Ruled Out as Warm Dark Matter Candidates?

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Clustering of Sloan digital sky survey III photometric luminous galaxies: the measurement, systematics, and cosmological implications

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Clustering of submillimetre galaxies in a self-regulated baryon collapse model

scientific article

Coarse-grained cosmological perturbation theory


scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics

Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with high-redshift probes

Constraining warm dark matter candidates including sterile neutrinos and light gravitinos with WMAP and the Lyman-αforest


Constraint on neutrino masses from SDSS-III/BOSS Lyα forest and other cosmological probes

Constraints on massive neutrinos from the CFHTLS angular power spectrum

Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity from large scale structure probes

article published in 2011

Constraints on the primordial power spectrum from high-resolution Lyman α forest spectra and WMAP

scientific article

Cosmic degeneracies – I. Joint N-body simulations of modified gravity and massive neutrinos

scientific article

Cosmic dynamics in the era of Extremely Large Telescopes


Cosmic evolution of the C iv in high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations

scientific article

Cosmic reionization in dynamic quintessence cosmology

scholarly article by D. Crociani et al published April 2008 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Cosmological and astrophysical constraints from the Lymanαforest flux probability distribution function

article published in 2009

Cosmology with Phase 1 of the Square Kilometre Array Red Book 2018: Technical specifications and performance forecasts

scholarly article

Cross-correlating the {gamma}-ray sky with catalogs of galaxy clusters

scientific article published in January 2017

Dark energy effects on the Lyman forest

scholarly article

Detecting X-ray filaments in the low-redshift Universe with XEUS and Constellation-X

scientific article

EDGE: Explorer of diffuse emission and gamma-ray burst explosions

EDGE: explorer of diffuse emission and gamma-ray burst explosions

ESPRESSO, an exo-Earths hunter for the VLT

ESPRESSO: The next European exoplanet hunter

ESPRESSO: the Echelle spectrograph for rocky exoplanets and stable spectroscopic observations

ESPRESSO: the radial velocity machine for the VLT

ESPRESSO: the ultimate rocky exoplanets hunter for the VLT

ESTREMO/WFXRT: Extreme phySics in the TRansient and Evolving COsmos

Effects of massive neutrinos on the large-scale structure of the Universe

scholarly article

Erratum: The power spectrum of the flux distribution in the Lyman α forest of a large sample of UVES QSO Absorption Spectra (LUQAS)★

scholarly article published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Euclid preparation: XL. Impact of magnification on spectroscopic galaxy clustering

Euclid preparation: XXXI. The effect of the variations in photometric passbands on photometric-redshift accuracy

scientific article published in January 2024

Euclid preparation: XXXIV. The effect of linear redshift-space distortions in photometric galaxy clustering and its cross-correlation with cosmic shear

scientific article published on 29 February 2024

Euclid preparation: XXXVII. Galaxy colour selections with Euclid and ground photometry for cluster weak-lensing analyses

scientific article published in April 2024

Euclid preparation: XXXVIII. Spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei with NISP

scientific article published in May 2024

Expansion and collapse in the cosmic web

scientific article published in January 2005

Exploring the thermal state of the low-density intergalactic medium atz = 3 with an ultrahigh signal-to-noise QSO spectrum

scholarly article

Fitting methods for baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyman-α forest fluctuations in BOSS data release 9

Galactic Winds in the Intergalactic Medium

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Galactic winds in cosmological simulations of the circumgalactic medium

scientific article

High-resolution spectroscopy of the 3D cosmic web with close QSO groups★

scientific article

How Cold Is Cold Dark Matter? Small-Scales Constraints from the Flux Power Spectrum of the High-Redshift Lyman-αForest

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

IGM constraints from the SDSS-III/BOSS DR9 Ly{alpha} forest transmission probability distribution function

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Inferring the dark matter power spectrum from the Lymanαforest in high-resolution QSO absorption spectra

scientific article

Lenses in the forest: cross correlation of the Lyman-alpha flux with cosmic microwave background lensing

scientific article published on 28 August 2009

Measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyman-α forest fluctuations in BOSS data release 9

Metals in the IGM approaching the re-ionization epoch: results from X-shooter at the VLT★

scientific article

Minimally parametric power spectrum reconstruction from the Lyman α forest

scientific article

Modelling the IGM and the Lyα forest at high redshift from the dark matter distribution

scholarly article

New approach for precise computation of Lyman-α forest power spectrum with hydrodynamical simulations

article by Arnaud Borde et al published 2 July 2014 in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

New constraints on the free-streaming of warm dark matter from intermediate and small scale Lyman- α forest data


ORIGIN: metal creation and evolution from the cosmic dawn

Optical-NIR spectra of quasars close to reionization (z ∼ 6)

Particle Dark Matter Searches Outside the Local Group

scientific article published on 16 June 2015

Planck 2013 results. XII. Diffuse component separation

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Planck 2013 results. XIX. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Possible evidence for an inverted temperature–density relation in the intergalactic medium from the flux distribution of the Lyα forest

scientific article

Primordial non-Gaussianities in the intergalactic medium

scholarly article

Probing the 3-D matter distribution at z~2 with QSO multiple lines of sight

article by S. Cristiani et al published March 2005 in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union

Probing the intergalactic medium with the Lyα forest along multiple lines of sight to distant QSOs

scholarly article

Quasar-Lyman α forest cross-correlation from BOSS DR11: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

Realistic sterile neutrino dark matter with keV mass does not contradict cosmological bounds.

scientific article published on 22 May 2009

Spatial fluctuations in the spectral shape of the ultraviolet background at 2 > z > 3 and the reionization of helium

scientific article

Squeezing the window on isocurvature modes with the Lyman-αforest

scholarly article

Studying the warm-hot intergalactic medium in emission

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Suite of hydrodynamical simulations for the Lyman-αforest with massive neutrinos

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics


scientific article

Testing the accuracy of the hydrodynamic particle-mesh approximation in numerical simulations of the Lyman forest

scholarly article

The Lyman a forest opacity and the metagalactic hydrogen ionization rate at z 2-4

scholarly article

The Lyman α forest flux probability distribution at z>3★

scientific article

The Lyman-alpha forest power spectrum from the XQ-100 Legacy Survey

scientific article

The SDSS-III Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraints on the integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect

scientific article

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: ninth data release

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: tenth data release

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). Measuring non-linear galaxy bias at z ~ 0.8 (English)

2016 article in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey of SDSS-III

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The bispectrum of the Lyman forest at z < 2-2.4 from a large sample of UVES QSO absorption spectra (LUQAS)

scientific article

The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: weighing the neutrino mass using the galaxy power spectrum of the CMASS sample

scholarly article

The clustering of intermediate-redshift quasars as measured by the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey

scientific article

The effect of neutrinos on the matter distribution as probed by the intergalactic medium

The effects of primordial non-Gaussianity on the cosmological reionization

scholarly article

The eleventh and twelfth data releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: final data from SDSS-III

scientific article published in 'The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series' in July 2015

The high redshift Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect

The impact of feedback from galaxy formation on the Lyman α transmitted flux

scholarly article

The impact of feedback on the low-redshift intergalactic medium

scholarly article

The impact of spatial fluctuations in the ultraviolet background on intergalactic carbon and silicon

scientific article

The intergalactic medium thermal history at redshiftz= 1.7-3.2 from the Lyα forest: a comparison of measurements using wavelets and the flux distribution

scientific article

The ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: first spectroscopic data from the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey

scientific article published in November 2012

The non-linear matter power spectrum in warm dark matter cosmologies


The one-dimensional Lyαforest power spectrum from BOSS

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The power spectrum of the flux distribution in the Lyman forest of a large sample of UVES QSO absorption spectra (LUQAS)

scientific article

The quasar proximity effect at redshift 〈z〉≃ 2.6 with the From Lines to Overdensities approach★

scientific article

The rise of the C iv mass density atz< 2.5

scholarly article

The tenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: first spectroscopic data from the SDSS-III apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment


Tomography of the intergalactic medium with Ly forests in close QSO pairs

scientific article

Tracing the gas at redshift 1.7-3.5 with the Lyα forest: the FLO approach★

scientific article

Tracing the warm-hot intergalactic medium in the local Universe


Warm dark matter as a solution to the small scale crisis: New constraints from high redshift Lyman-αforest data


X-shooter observations of QSO pairs

scholarly article

scampy – A sub-halo clustering and abundance matching based python interface for painting galaxies on the dark matter halo/sub-halo hierarchy

scientific article published in 2020