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List of works by Torben Juel Jensen

Diffusion of language change: Accommodation to a moving target

Er ’klart sprog’ lettere at forstå? En undersøgelse af forståelsen af to versioner af et brev fra SKAT

Forgrunding af ledsætninger – et psykolingvistisk forsøg

scientific article

From community to conversation – and back. Exploring the interpersonal potentials of two generic pronouns in Danish

Generic variation? Developments in use of generic pronouns in late 20th century spoken Danish

Generisk <em>du</em> - en igangværende sprog(brugs)forandring

scientific article

Is ‘plain language’ easier to understand? A study of the understanding of two versions of a letter from skat

scientific article

Kan man ligge i et mentalt rum

Ordstilling i ledsætninger i moderne dansk talesprog

scientific article

Passive voice should be avoided – or should it?

scientific article

Passiven bør undgås – eller bør den? En receptionsundersøgelse af passivers indflydelse på forståelse af og holdninger til breve fra en offentlig myndighed

Past participles of strong verbs in Jutland Danish: A real-time study of regionalization and standardization


Promoting the demoted: The distribution and semantics of “main clause word order” in spoken Danish complement clauses

Refleksivt anvendte pronominer i moderne dansk

scientific article

Sætningsadverbialer i ledsætninger som forgrundssignal

scientific article

What do(es) you mean? the pragmatics of generic second person pronouns in modern spoken Danish

Word order variation and foregrounding of complement clauses