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List of works by Anuj Dawar

A Fixed-Point Logic with Symmetric Choice

A Restricted Second Order Logic for Finite Structures

article by Anuj Dawar published June 1998 in Information and Computation

A restricted second order logic for finite structures

Adjunct Elimination Through Games in Static Ambient Logic

Affine Systems of Equations and Counting Infinitary Logic

Affine systems of equations and counting infinitary logic

Approximation Schemes for First-Order Definable Optimisation Problems

Backtracking Games and Inflationary Fixed Points

Backtracking games and inflationary fixed points

Capturing MSO with One Quantifier

Capturing Relativized Complexity Classes without Order

Choiceless Polynomial Time, Counting and the Cai–Fürer–Immerman Graphs

Choiceless polynomial time, counting and the Cai–Fürer–Immerman graphs

Complexity Bounds for Regular Games

DAG-Width and Parity Games

Definability of linear equation systems over groups and rings

Degree Lower Bounds of Tower-Type for Approximating Formulas with Parity Quantifiers


Degree lower bounds of tower-type for approximating formulas with parity quantifiers


Elementary Properties of the Finite Ranks

Expressiveness and complexity of graph logic

article published in 2007

Finite Model Theory on Tame Classes of Structures

First order logic, fixed point logic and linear order

Fixed-Parameter Tractable Distances to Sparse Graph Classes

Fixed-point Logics with Nondeterministic Choice


Generalising Automaticity to Modal Properties of Finite Structures

Generalising automaticity to modal properties of finite structures

Generalized Quantifiers and Logical Reducibilities


Generalized quantifiers and 0-1 laws

Graph Isomorphism Parameterized by Elimination Distance to Bounded Degree

Graph Isomorphism Parameterized by Elimination Distance to Bounded Degree

Guest editorial

Homomorphism preservation on quasi-wide classes

article published in 2010

Implicit definability and infinitary logic in finite model theory

Infinitary Logic and Inductive Definability over Finite Structures

article published in 1995

Inflationary Fixed Points in Modal Logic

Inflationary fixed points in modal logic

article published in 2004

Locally Excluding a Minor

article published in 2007

Logics with Rank Operators

Maximum Matching and Linear Programming in Fixed-Point Logic with Counting

article published in 2013

Modal Characterisation Theorems over Special Classes of Frames

Modal characterisation theorems over special classes of frames

Model Theory Makes Formulas Large


Model-Checking First-Order Logic: Automata and Locality

On Complete Problems, Relativizations and Logics for Complexity Classes

article by Anuj Dawar published 2010 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

On Datalog vs. LFP

On Symmetric Circuits and Fixed-Point Logics

On Symmetric and Choiceless Computation

On Tractable Parameterizations of Graph Isomorphism

On preservation under homomorphisms and unions of conjunctive queries

On preservation under homomorphisms and unions of conjunctive queries

On the Bisimulation Invariant Fragment of Monadic Σ1 in the Finite

On the Descriptive Complexity of Linear Algebra

scholarly article by Anuj Dawar published 2008 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Ordering finite variable types with generalized quantifiers

Parameterized Complexity Classes under Logical Reductions


Pebble Games with Algebraic Rules

scholarly article by Anuj Dawar & Bjarki Holm published 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Preservation Under Extensions on Well-Behaved Finite Structures

Preservation under Extensions on Well-Behaved Finite Structures

Separating Graph Logic from MSO

Solving Linear Programs without Breaking Abstractions

The Complexity of Satisfaction on Sparse Graphs

The Descriptive Complexity of Parity Games

The Expressive Power of Finitely Many Generalized Quantifiers

The Power of Counting Logics on Restricted Classes of Finite Structures

The dag-width of directed graphs

The expressive power of finitely many generalized quantifiers

The monadic theory of finite representations of infinite words

Turing Centenary Conference: How the World Computes