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List of works by Meers Oppenheim

A new method for determining meteoroid mass from head echo data

scholarly article

A technique for calculating meteor plasma density and meteoroid mass from radar head echo scattering

scientific article

Analysis of beam plasma instability effects on incoherent scatter spectra

Comparison of methods of determining meteoroid range rates from linear frequency modulated chirped pulses

Dependence of radar signal strength on frequency and aspect angle of nonspecular meteor trails

scholarly article

Determination of the meteoroid velocity distribution at the Earth using high-gain radar

Determining meteoroid bulk densities using a plasma scattering model with high-power large-aperture radar data


Effects of electrojet turbulence on a magnetosphere-ionosphere simulation of a geomagnetic storm

scholarly article

Electrostatic Mode Excitation in Electron Holes due to Wave Bounce Resonances

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Faster Traveling Atmosphere Disturbances Caused by Polar Ionosphere Turbulence Heating

Improving the Accuracy of Meteoroid Mass Estimates from Head Echo Deceleration

Improving the Accuracy of Meteoroid Mass Estimates from Head Echo Deceleration


Meteor head echo radar data: Mass–velocity selection effects

scientific article

Modeling long duration meteor trails

scholarly article

Modelling high-power large-aperture radar meteor trails

Origin of Dawnside Subauroral Polarization Streams During Major Geomagnetic Storms

scientific article published in 2022

Particle-in-cell simulation of incoherent scatter radar spectral distortions related to beam-plasma interactions in the auroral ionosphere

scholarly article

Particle-in-cell simulation of the incoherent scatter radar spectrum

Plasma parameter analysis of the Langmuir decay process via Particle-in-Cell simulations

scholarly article by M. A. Diaz et al published 16 August 2012 in Annales Geophysicae

Polarization and scattering of a long-duration meteor trail

scholarly article

Saturation of the Farley-Buneman instability via three-mode coupling

scholarly article