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List of works by Guillaume Brès

A Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings Solver for Lattice-Boltzmann Based Computational Aeroacoustics

A Hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann/FH-W Method to Predict Sources and Propagation of Landing Gear Noise

A statistical jet-noise model based on the resolvent framework

article published in 2017

Acoustic Properties of Porous Coatings for Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Control

Acoustic field associated with parabolized stability equation models in turbulent jets

Acoustic resonance in the potential core of subsonic jets

Alternate Designs of Ultrasonic Absorptive Coatings for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Control

Amplitude scaling of turbulent-jet wavepackets

Comparison between Wall-modeled and Wall-resolved Large Eddy Simulations for the prediction of boundary-layer separation around the side mirror of a full-scale vehicle

Direct Numerical Simulations of Three-Dimensional Cavity Flows

Effects of coherence on jet-surface interaction noise

Evaluation of PSE as a Model for Supersonic Jet Using Transfer Functions

Flow and Noise Predictions for Tandem Cylinders in a Realistic Wind-Tunnel Configuration

Flow and noise predictions for the tandem cylinder aeroacoustic benchmarka)

High-frequency wavepackets in turbulent jets

article published in 2016

High-frequency wavepackets in turbulent jets

Importance of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer state in subsonic turbulent jets

Inlet conditions for wave packet models in turbulent jets based on eigenmode decomposition of large eddy simulation data

Instability of Hypersonic Boundary Layer on a Wall with Resonating Micro-Cavities

Large eddy simulation for jet noise: azimuthal decomposition and intermittency of the radiated sound

Large eddy simulation for jet noise: the importance of getting the boundary layer right

Large eddy simulations of supersonic rectangular jets from sinuous exhaust system

article published in 2017

Nozzle Wall Modeling in Unstructured Large Eddy Simulations for Hot Supersonic Jet Predictions

Numerical Simulations of Natural and Actuated Flow over a 3-D, Low-Aspect-Ratio Airfoil

Numerical Simulations of Subsonic and Transonic Open-Cavity Flows

Numerical Simulations of the Transient Flow Response of a 3D, Low-Aspect-Ratio Wing to Pulsed Actuation

On removing the near-field coherent structures in a jet and its impact on the radiated sound

article published in 2016

One Way Navier-Stokes and resolvent analysis for modeling coherent structures in a supersonic turbulent jet

Parabolized stability equation models in turbulent supersonic jets

Properties of the Lattice Boltzmann Method for Acoustics

scholarly article published 11 May 2009

Second-mode attenuation and cancellation by porous coatings in a high-speed boundary layer

article by Guillaume Brès et al published 31 May 2013 in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Simulation and Modeling of Turbulent Jet Noise

Spectral analysis of jet turbulence

article published in 2018

Stochastic and nonlinear forcing of wavepackets in a Mach 0.9 jet

Super- and multi-directive acoustic radiation by linear global modes of a turbulent jet

Tandem Cylinder Noise Predictions Using Lattice Boltzmann and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings Methods

Three-Dimensional Linear Stability Analysis of Cavity Flows

Tonal dynamics and sound in subsonic turbulent jets


Towards Best Practices for Jet Noise Predictions with Unstructured Large Eddy Simulations

Trapped acoustic waves in the potential core of subsonic jets

Turbulent jet noise in the absence of coherent structures

Unstructured Large Eddy Simulation of a Hot Supersonic Over-Expanded Jet with Chevrons


Unstructured Large Eddy Simulations for Nozzle Interior Flow Modeling and Jet Noise Predictions

Unstructured Large-Eddy Simulations of Supersonic Jets

Wavepacket intermittency and its role in turbulent jet noise

Wavepacket models for supersonic jet noise

Wavepackets and trapped acoustic modes in a turbulent jet: coherent structure eduction and global stability