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List of works by Alan Felstead

"Participation, Organisational Commitment and Employee Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis"

13 The Skill Debate: Concepts, Measures and Evidence




Abstracts and Commentaries

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Bringing in the Customers: Regulation, Discretion and Customer Service Narratives in Upmarket Hair Salons

Britain's Training Statistics: A Cautionary Tale

Britain's Training Statistics: A Cautionary Tale


Closing the age gap? Age, skills and the experience of work in Great Britain

Computers and pay

Computers and the changing skill-intensity of jobs

Creating and Using Knowledge

Creating and Using Knowledge

Creating and using knowledge: an analysis of the differentiated nature of workplace learning environments


Direct Participation and Employee Learning at Work

Establishing rapport: using quantitative and qualitative methods in tandem

Financement des programmes de formation par le gouvernement. Les résultats d'une politique de contrats

Fits, misfits and interactions: learning at work, job satisfaction and job-related well-being

Flexible Labour and Non-Standard Employment: An Agenda of Issues

scholarly article published 1999

Following the Retail Chain: Sandwiches, Supermarkets and the Potential for Workplace Learning

For better or worse? Non-standard jobs and high involvement work systems

article by Alan Felstead & Duncan Gallie published November 2004 in International Journal of Human Resource Management

Funding Government Training Schemes: Mechanisms and Consequences

Funding Post Compulsory Education and Training: A retrospective analysis of the TEC and FEFC systems and their impact on skills

Homeworking in Britain: the national picture in the mid-1990s

Identifying Gender Inequalities in the Distribution of Vocational Qualifications in the UK

In Work, at Home: Towards an Understanding of Homeworking

Insecurity at work Is job insecurity really much worse now than before?

Job Complexity and Task Discretion: Tracking the Direction of Skills at Work in Britain

article published in 2004

Job-Learning Demands Measure

Job-Related Well-Being Through the Great Recession

Learning Disposition Index

Learning, knowing and controlling the stock: the nature of employee discretion in a supermarket chain

Looking inside the Russian doll: the interconnections between context, learning and pedagogy in the workplace

article published in 2007

Making a sales advisor: the limits of training ‘instrumental empathy’

Measure of Individual Task Discretion

Organizational Participation Measure

Policies for Intrinsic Job Quality

Putting skills in their place

Rapid change or slow evolution? Changing places of work and their consequences in the UK

article by Alan Felstead published March 2012 in Journal of Transport Geography

Researching a Problematic Concept: Homeworkers in Britain

Researching a Problematic Concept: Homeworkers in Britain

Shifting the Frontier of Control: Small Firm Autonomy within a Franchise

Skill, task discretion and new technology

Skills and work organisation in Britain: a quarter century of change

Skills in the British workplace

Teamwork, Skill Development and Employee Welfare


The Corporate Paradox: Power and Control in the Business Franchise

The Impact of Training on Labour Mobility: Individual and Firm-level Evidence from Britain


The Importance of ‘Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks’: Training and Learning Opportunities for Older Workers

The Inequality of Job Quality

The Social Organization of the Franchise: A Case of `Controlled Self-Employment'

The determinants of skills use and work pressure: A longitudinal analysis

article published in 2016

The implications of direct participation for organisational commitment, job satisfaction and affective psychological well-being: a longitudinal analysis

The quality of work in Britain over the economic crisis

Towards the Learning Organisation? Explaining Current Trends in Training Practice in the UK

Tracing the connections: short-termism, training and recession

article published in 2016

Tracing the link: organisational structures and skill demands

Training During the Recession

Training During the Recession

Training Quality Measure

Training in the public sector in a period of austerity: the case of the UK

article published in 2014

Work with Advanced Technology Measure