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List of works by Pascale Gautret

Archean (3.33 Ga) microbe-sediment systems were diverse and flourished in a hydrothermal context

scholarly article

Automicrites in modern cyanobacterial stromatolitic deposits of Rangiroa, Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia: Biochemical parameters underlaying their formation


Biochemical Control of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Modern Lagoonal Microbialites, Tikehau Atoll, French Polynesia


Biochemical markers of zooxanthellae symbiosis in soluble matrices of skeleton of 24 Scleractinia species


Biosedimentology of Microbial Buildups IGCP Project No. 380 Proceedings of 2nd Meeting, Göttingen/Germany 1996


Biosignatures on Mars: What, Where, and How? Implications for the Search for Martian Life

scientific article

Caractéristiques des spicules et du squelette carbonaté des espèces actuelles du genre Merlia (Démosponges, Merliida), et comparaison avec des Chaetétides fossiles

scholarly article published in 1991

Characterization and mobility of arsenic and heavy metals in soils polluted by the destruction of arsenic-containing shells from the Great War.

scientific article published on 2 February 2016

Comparaison des modalités de diagenèse du squelette de Spongiaires carbonatés dans le Trias de Turquie et le Permien de Tunisie

scientific article published in 1987

Composition of soluble mineralizing matrices in zooxanthellate and non-zooxanthellate scleractinian corals: Biochemical assessment of photosynthetic metabolism through the study of a skeletal feature


Compositional diversity of soluble mineralizing matrices in some recent coral skeletons compared to fine-scale growth structures of fibres: discussion of consequences for biomineralization and diagenesis


Conservation of a permanent hypersaline lake: management options evaluated from decadal variability ofColeofasciculus chthonoplastesmicrobial mats


Dating carbonaceous matter in archean cherts by electron paramagnetic resonance

scientific article (publication date: February 2013)

Defining organominerals: Comment on ‘Defining biominerals and organominerals: Direct and indirect indicators of life’ by Perry et al. (2007, Sedimentary Geology, 201, 157–179)

scholarly article by Christian Défarge published in January 2009

Effect of water table variations and input of natural organic matter on the cycles of C and N, and mobility of As, Zn and Cu from a soil impacted by the burning of chemical warfare agents: A mesocosm study

scientific article

Electron paramagnetic resonance study of a photosynthetic microbial mat and comparison with Archean cherts

scientific article

Evolution des Scleractiniaires: Diversité des architectures poreuses au Trias supérieur

scientific article published in 1993

Geyserite in hot-spring siliceous sinter: Window on Earth's hottest terrestrial (paleo)environment and its extreme life


Impact of Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxides Mineralogy on Iron Solubilization and Associated Microbial Communities

scientific article published on 20 November 2020

Influence of environmental changes on the biogeochemistry of arsenic in a soil polluted by the destruction of chemical weapons: A mesocosm study

scientific article published on 29 January 2018

Les Démosponges calcifiées des biohermes du Jurassique supérieur du Sud tunisien (Oxfordien de la région de Tataouine)

article published in 1989

Matrices organiques intrasquelettiques des scléractiniaires récifaux: Évolution diagénétique précoce de leurs caractéristiques biochimiques et conséquences pour les processus de cimentation

scientific article published in 2000

Microbial community response to environmental changes in a technosol historically contaminated by the burning of chemical ammunitions

scientific article published on 26 August 2019

Microbialites and microbial communities: Biological diversity, biogeochemical functioning, diagenetic processes, tracers of environmental changes

scholarly article

Microcosm-scale biogeochemical stabilization of Pb, As, Ba and Zn in mine tailings amended with manure and ochre

scientific article published in 2019

Mobility of Pb, Zn, Ba, As and Cd toward soil pore water and plants (willow and ryegrass) from a mine soil amended with biochar

scientific article published on 21 November 2018

Molecular fossils and other organic markers as palaeoenvironmental indicators of the Messinian Calcare di Base Formation: normal versus stressed marine deposition (Rossano Basin, northern Calabria, Italy)


Mud mounds: A polygenetic spectrum of fine-grained carbonate buildups

scientific article published in 1995

Nature and environmental significance of microbialites in Quaternary reefs: the Tahiti paradox

scientific article

Organisation de la phase minérale chez Vaceletia crypta (Vacelet)Démosponge, Sphinctozoaire actuelle. Comparaison avec des formes aragonitiques du Trias de Turquie

scientific article published in 1985

Petrology of Lower Cretaceous carbonate mud mounds (Albian, N. Spain): insights into organomineralic deposits of the geological record


Preservation and evolution of organic matter during experimental fossilisation of the hyperthermophilic archaea Methanocaldococcus jannaschii

scientific article

Présence d'un Stromatopore calcitique dans le Trias de Turquie (nappes d'Antalya, Alakir Cay)

scientific article published in 1991

Recherche sur la fluorescence UV du squelette aspiculaire chez les Démosponges calcitiques triasiques

article by Jean-Pierre Cuif et al published January 1990 in Geobios

Recherche sur les affinités desSpongiomorphidae Frech, 1890

scientific article published in 1993

Recherche sur les affinitésdes Spongiomorphidae Frech, 1890

scientific article published in 1992

Reply to “Reply to comments on defining biominerals and organominerals: Direct and indirect indicators of life [Perry et al., Sedimentary Geology, 201, 157–179]” by R.S. Perry and M.A. Sephton

scholarly article by Christian Défarge published in January 2010

Skeletal formation in the modern but ultraconservative chaetetid spongeSpirastrella (Acanthochaetetes) wellsi (demospongiae, porifera)

scientific article published on 04 January 2007

Syndepositional cements associated with nannofossils in the Marmolada Massif: Evidences of microbially mediated primary marine cements? (Middle Triassic, Dolomites, Italy)


Temporal Evolution of Surface and Sub-Surface Biogeochemistry of Pb-Rich Mine Tailings During Phytostabilization: A One-Year Mesocosm Study

scientific article published in 2021

Temporal Evolution of Surface and Sub-Surface Geochemistry and Microbial Communities of Pb-Rich Mine Tailings During Phytostabilization: A One-Year Pilot-Scale Study

scientific article published in 2022

Temporal evolution of surface and sub-surface geochemistry and microbial communities of Pb-rich mine tailings during phytostabilization: A one-year pilot-scale study

scientific article published in 2022

The earliest unambiguous Neanderthal engravings on cave walls: La Roche-Cotard, Loire Valley, France

scientific article published in 2023

The structure and role of the "petola" microbial mat in sea salt production of the Sečovlje (Slovenia)

scientific article published on 13 July 2018

Viruses Occur Incorporated in Biogenic High-Mg Calcite from Hypersaline Microbial Mats

scientific article published on 26 June 2015