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List of works by Carole Saintomé

5' to 3' Unfolding Directionality of DNA Secondary Structures by Replication Protein A: G-QUADRUPLEXES AND DUPLEXES

scientific article

Binding polarity of RPA to telomeric sequences and influence of G-quadruplex stability

scientific journal article

Evidence for direct contact between the RPA3 subunit of the human replication protein A and single-stranded DNA

scientific article

G4 motifs affect origin positioning and efficiency in two vertebrate replicators

scientific article published on 12 February 2014

GGGCTA repeats can fold into hairpins poorly unfolded by replication protein A: a possible origin of the length-dependent instability of GGGCTA variant repeats in human telomeres

scientific article published on 01 July 2021

Human replication protein A unfolds telomeric G-quadruplexes

scientific journal article

Multiple hPOT1-TPP1 cooperatively unfold contiguous telomeric G-quadruplexes proceeding from 3' toward 5', a feature due to a 3'-end binding preference and to structuring of telomeric DNA

scientific article published on 01 October 2021

Photoactivatable oligonucleotide probes to trap single-stranded DNA binding proteins: Updating the potential of 4-thiothymidine from a comparative study

scientific article published on 29 August 2018

Photochemistry of 4-Thiothymine Derivatives in the Presence ofN-9-Substituted-Adenine Derivatives: Formation ofN-6-Formamidopyrimidines

scientific article published on 01 November 1997

RPA prevents G-rich structure formation at lagging-strand telomeres to allow maintenance of chromosome ends

scientific journal article

Thionucleobases as intrinsic photoaffinity probes of nucleic acid structure and nucleic acid-protein interactions.

scientific article published on February 1998