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List of works by Frank Werner

A Genetic Algorithm for Hybrid Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with Minimizing the Makespan or Mean Flow Time

A Graphical Approach for Solving Single Machine Scheduling Problems Approximately

A Graphical Approach to Solve Combinatorial Problems: Algorithms and Some Computational Results

A Graphical Approach to Solve an Investment Optimization Problem

A Heuristic Decomposition Algorithm for Scheduling Problems on Mixed Graphs

A Permutation-Based Neighborhood for the Blocking Job-Shop Problem with Total Tardiness Minimization

A branch and bound algorithm for minimizing weighted completion times with deadlines

article by Frank Werner published January 1993 in Optimization

A comparison of heuristic algorithms for flow shop scheduling problems with setup times and limited batch size

scholarly article by D. Danneberg et al published May 1999 in Mathematical and Computer Modelling

A comparison of scheduling algorithms for flexible flow shop problems with unrelated parallel machines, setup times, and dual criteria

scholarly article by Jitti Jungwattanakit et al published February 2009 in Computers and Operations Research

A comparison of solution procedures for two-machine flow shop scheduling with late work criterion

article published in 2005

A dynamic model and an algorithm for short-term supply chain scheduling in the smart factory industry 4.0

scholarly article by Dmitry Ivanov et al published 19 January 2015 in International Journal of Production Research

A finite characterization and recognition of intersection graphs of hypergraphs with rank at most 3 and multiplicity at most 2 in the class of thresholds graphs

A graphical realization of the dynamic programming method for solving N P -hard combinatorial problems


A heuristic algorithm for minimizing mean flow time with unit setups

A locally optimal insertion heuristic for a one-machine scheduling problem

A new effective dynamic program for an investment optimization problem

A new graphical approach for solving single-machine scheduling problems approximately

A note on a single machine scheduling problem with generalized total tardiness objective function

A note on the paper ‘Single machine scheduling problems with financial resource constraints: Some complexity results and properties’ by E.R. Gafarov et al


A note on the two machine job shop with the weighted late work criterion

A polynomial algorithm for an open shop problem with unit processing times and tree constraints

A polynomial algorithm for the [n/m/0, tij = 1, tree/Cmax] open shop problem

A polynomial approximation scheme for problem F2/rj/Cmax

A polynomially solvable case of a single machine scheduling problem when the maximal job processing time is a constant

A robust optimization approach for a cellular manufacturing system considering skill-leveled operators and multi-functional machines

scientific article published in 2022

A strongly polynomial algorithm for a new class of linear inequalities1

Adaptive scheduling algorithm based on mixed graph model


Algorithms for flexible flow shop problems with unrelated parallel machines, setup times, and dual criteria

scholarly article by Jitti Jungwattanakit et al published 2 March 2007 in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Algorithms for some maximization scheduling problems on a single machine

scholarly article by E. R. Gafarov et al published October 2010 in Automation and Remote Control

Algorithms for special cases of the single machine total tardiness problem and an application to the even–odd partition problem

scholarly article by Alexander A. Lazarev & Frank Werner published May 2009 in Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Approaches to modeling train scheduling problems as job-shop problems with blocking constraints

Approximability results for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with a single type of resources

article by Evgeny R. Gafarov et al published 13 March 2012 in Annals of Operations Research

Batching for work and rework processes on dedicated facilities to minimize the makespan

Batching work and rework processes with limited deterioration of reworkables

Block models for scheduling jobs on two parallel machines with a single server

Book Review: Michael L. Pinedo (2005): ISBN 0-387-22198-0, Springer, New York


Book reviews

Book reviews

Calculation of the stability radius of an optimal line balance

Complexity of mixed shop scheduling problems: A survey

Complexity of shop-scheduling problems with fixed number of jobs: a survey

article published in 2007

Complexity results for parallel machine problems with a single server

Constructive heuristic algorithms for the open shop problem

scholarly article by H. Bräsel et al published June 1993 in Computing

Correction: Ungson, Y. et al. Filling of Irregular Channels with Round Cross-Section: Modeling Aspects to Study the Properties of Porous Materials. 2018, , 1901

scientific article published on 11 March 2019

Cost minimizing scheduling of work and rework processes on a single facility under deterioration of reworkables

Erratum to: Minimizing total tardiness on parallel machines with preemptions

scholarly article published in Journal of Scheduling

Filling of Irregular Channels with Round Cross-Section: Modeling Aspects to Study the Properties of Porous Materials

Flexible job shop scheduling with lot streaming and sublot size optimisation

Foreword to the thematical issue devoted to the seventieth anniversary of Academician V.S. Tanaev

Graphs with Maximal Induced Matchings of the Same Size

Graphs with maximal induced matchings of the same size

scholarly article by Philippe Baptiste et al published January 2017 in Discrete Applied Mathematics

Guest Editorial

Guest Editorial

Hamiltonian properties of triangular grid graphs

Heuristic algorithms for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with a common due date, release dates, and linear earliness and tardiness penalties

scholarly article by J. Bank & Frank Werner published February 2001 in Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Heuristic constructive algorithms for open shop scheduling to minimize mean flow time

Heuristics for generalized shop scheduling problems based on decomposition


Heuristics for hybrid flow shops with controllable processing times and assignable due dates

article published in 2002

Heuristics for permutation flow shop scheduling with batch setup times

Hierarchical Scheduling of Mobile Robots in Production-Transportation Supply Chains


Home Health Care Planning with the Consideration of Flexible Starting/Ending Points and Service Features

scientific article published in 2022

Improving local search heuristics for some scheduling problems. Part II

Improving local search heuristics for some scheduling problems—I

Incorporating supplier selection and order allocation into the vehicle routing and multi-cross-dock scheduling problem

Insertion techniques for the heuristic solution of the job shop problem

Integrated demand-responsive scheduling of maintenance and transportation operations in military supply chains

Local search heuristics for two-stage flow shop problems with secondary criterion

Makespan Minimization for a Two-Machine Scheduling Problem with a Single Server

Mean flow time minimization with given bounds of processing times

Measures of problem uncertainty for scheduling with interval processing times

article published in 2012

Metaheuristic approaches for the two-machine flow-shop problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date

article by Jacek Błażewicz et al published February 2008 in Computers and Operations Research

Minimising interference for scheduling two parallel machines with a single server


Minimizing maximum lateness of jobs with naturally bounded job data on a single machine in polynomial time

Minimizing the makespan for the two-machine scheduling problem with a single server: Two algorithms for very large instances

article by Keramat Hasani et al published 30 January 2015 in Engineering Optimization

Minimizing the number of machines for scheduling jobs with equal processing times


Minimizing total flow time in a two-machine flowshop problem with minimum makespan

Minimizing total tardiness on parallel machines with preemptions

Minimizing total weighted completion time approximately for the parallel machine problem with a single server

scholarly article by Keramat Hasani et al published September 2014 in Information Processing Letters

Minimizing total weighted completion time with uncertain data: A stability approach

Near to Optimal Size Selection in Combinatorial Circuits

On a generalized single machine scheduling problem with time-dependent processing times**Supported by RFBR grants 13-01-12108, 15-07-07489, 15-07-03141 and DAAD grant A/1400328

On a parallel machine scheduling problem with equal processing times

On the Complexity of Dissociation Set Problems in Graphs

On the application of insertion techniques for job shop problems with setup times

On the combinatorial structure of the permutation flow shop problem

On the complexity and some properties of multi-stage scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness penalties

On the heuristic solution of the permutation flow shop problem by path algorithms

scholarly article by Frank Werner published September 1993 in Computers and Operations Research

On the method of interchanging networks for permutation problems

On the solution of determinantal systems of linear inequalities

Open shop scheduling problems with late work criteria

Optimal makespan scheduling with given bounds of processing times

Optimal schedules with infinitely large stability radius∗

Parallel machine problems with equal processing times: a survey

Parallel machine scheduling problems with a single server

Partial job order for solving the two-machine flow-shop minimum-length problem with uncertain processing times

Polynomial algorithms for scheduling jobs with two processing times on unrelated machines

Positive half-products and scheduling with controllable processing times

Preemptive scheduling on uniform machines to minimize mean flow time


Problem F2∥Cmax with forbidden jobs in the first or last position is easy

article by Mikhail Y. Kovalyov & Frank Werner published March 2007 in European Journal of Operational Research

Reducing efficiently the search tree for multiprocessor job-shop scheduling problems

Schedule robustness analysis with the help of attainable sets in continuous flow problem under capacity disruptions

Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times

Scheduling Problems and Mixed Graph Colorings

scholarly article by Yuri N. Sotskov et al published May 2002 in Optimization

Scheduling in manufacturing systems: new trends and perspectives

Scheduling jobs with equal processing times on a single machine: minimizing maximum lateness and makespan

Scheduling unrelated machines with two types of jobs

Scheduling with Deadlines and Nested Processing Intervals for a Single Machine


Scheduling with common due date, earliness and tardiness penalties for multimachine problems: A survey

article by V. Lauff & Frank Werner published September 2004 in Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Scheduling with multiple servers


Search on the enumeration tree in the multiprocessor job-shop problem

Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for minimizing mean flow time in an open shop

scholarly article by Michael Andresen et al published October 2008 in Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for the two-machine scheduling problem with a single server

scholarly article by Keramat Hasani et al published 10 January 2014 in International Journal of Production Research

Single Machine Preemptive Scheduling to Minimize the Weighted Number of Late Jobs with Deadlines and Nested Release/Due Date Intervals

article by Valery S. Gordon et al published January 2001 in RAIRO Operations Research

Single machine scheduling problems with financial resource constraints: Some complexity results and properties

Single machine total tardiness maximization problems: complexity and algorithms

scholarly article by Evgeny R. Gafarov et al published 28 December 2012 in Annals of Operations Research

Soft due window assignment and scheduling of unit-time jobs on parallel machines

Solving a job-shop scheduling problem by an adaptive algorithm based on learning

Some relations between neighbourhood graphs for a permutation problem

Special Issue on Algorithms for Scheduling Problems

scholarly article by Frank Werner et al published 20 June 2018 in Algorithms

Stability Radius of an Optimal Schedule: A Survey and Recent Developments


Stability of Optimal Line Balance with Given Station Set

Stability of a schedule minimizing mean flow time


Stability of an optimal schedule in a job shop

Tessellation Methods for Modeling the Material Structure

The Stability Box for Minimizing Total Weighted Flow Time under Uncertain Data

The complexity of dissociation set problems in graphs

The dominance digraph as a solution to the two-machine flow-shop problem with interval processing times

The job - shop problem - modelling by latin rectangles, exact and heuristic solution

The optimality box in uncertain data for minimising the sum of the weighted job completion times

The two-machine flow-shop problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date

article by Jacek Błażewicz et al published September 2005 in European Journal of Operational Research

Transforming a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the single machine total tardiness maximization problem into a polynomial one

Two-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling with Nonregular Criteria

Two-machine open shop scheduling with secondary criteria

Using Simulated Annealing for Open Shop Scheduling with Sum Criteria

Zu einigen Nachbarschaftsstrukturen fiir Iterationsverfahren zur naherangsweisen Lösung spezieller Reihenfolgeprohleme

single Machine Preemptive Scheduling With Special Cost Functions1