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List of works by Billy Edge

An Empirical Model to Estimate Overwash


Beach Erosion along the Northeast Texas Coast

Case Study for a Cohesive Sediment Transport Model for Matagorda Bay, Texas, with Coupled ADCIRC 2D-Transport and SWAN Wave Models


Cohesive sediment transport in the 3D-hydrodynamic-baroclinic circulation model,


Comparing Power Spectra Computed by Blackman-Tukey and Fast Fourier Transform

article published in 1970

Determination of Velocity in Estuary for Bridge Scour Computations

article published in 1998

Eleven Things an Engineer Thinks a Geologist Should Know About Carbonate Beaches

Evaluation of the Structure of Levee Transitions on Wave Run-Up and Overtopping by Physical Modeling

Experimental Study of Overwash

Global warming and hurricanes: the potential impact of hurricane intensification and sea level rise on coastal flooding


Hydrodynamic characterization of Corpus Christi Bay through modeling and observation

scientific article published on 6 August 2014

Investigation of the Damage to Areas of Coastal Chile Due to the Maule MW 8.8 Earthquake of February 27, 2010


Investigation of unrestrained cylinders rolling in steady uniform flows

Large-scale laboratory experiment on erosion of sand beds by moving circular vertical jets

Potential Impact of Climate Change on Hurricane Flooding Inundation, Population Affected and Property Damages in Corpus Christi1

scholarly article by Ashley E. Frey et al published 22 September 2010 in Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Potential implications of global warming and barrier island degradation on future hurricane inundation, property damages, and population impacted


Prediction of hydrodynamic forces on submarine pipelines using an improved Wake II Model

Renewable Ocean Energy

Sediment and Shoaling Processes: Bolivar Ferry Terminal, Galveston, Texas

article published in 2007

Technical Discoveries from the Cherbourg Breakwater

The Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Coastal Erosion

article published in 2001

Wake II model for hydrodynamic forces on marine pipelines including waves and currents