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List of works by Edward F. Roseman

A Portable Freshwater Closed-System Fish Egg Incubation System

article by Jenny L. Sutherland et al published 9 September 2014 in North American Journal of Aquaculture

A biophysical model of Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus) explains interannual variations in recruitment


A description of the nearshore fish communities in the Huron–Erie Corridor using multiple gear types

A scientific basis for restoring fish spawning habitat in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers of the Laurentian Great Lakes


Absorption of cadmium from water by North American zebra and quagga mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae)

Abundance and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in offshore soft sediments in Western Lake Huron, 2001–2007


Adaption of egg and larvae sampling techniques for lake sturgeon and broadcast spawning fishes in a deep river


Adverse Effects of Alewives on Laurentian Great Lakes Fish Communities


An ecological basis for future fish habitat restoration efforts in the Huron-Erie Corridor

Angler-Caught Piscivore Diets Reflect Fish Community Changes in Lake Huron


Artificial reefs and reef restoration in the Laurentian Great Lakes


Biomass of deepwater demersal forage fishes in Lake Huron, 1994–2007: Implications for offshore predators


Changes in Movements of Chinook Salmon between Lakes Huron and Michigan after Alewife Population Collapse


Changes in the Dreissenid Community in the Lower Great Lakes with Emphasis on Southern Lake Ontario


Colonization, Ecology, and Population Structure of the "Quagga'' Mussel (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) in the Lower Great Lakes


Confirmation of cisco spawning in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario using an egg pumping device


Conservation and management of fisheries and aquatic communities in Great Lakes connecting channels


Contaminant and nutrient element levels in soft tissues of zebra and quagga mussels from waters of southern Lake Ontario


Contemporary environmental assessment using a viability analysis in a large river system to inform restoration and adaptive management decisions

scientific article published in 2019

Continued feeding on Diporeia by deepwater sculpin in Lake Huron


Deepwater Demersal Fish Community Collapse in Lake Huron


Diet and bathymetric distribution of juvenile Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron

scientific article published on 17 December 2020

Diet and habitat use by age-0 deepwater sculpins in northern Lake Huron, Michigan and the Detroit River


Diets of aquatic birds reflect changes in the Lake Huron ecosystem


Divergent migration within lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) populations: Multiple distinct patterns exist across an unrestricted migration corridor.

scientific article published on 21 October 2017

Ecological Factors Affecting Rainbow Smelt Recruitment in the Main Basin of Lake Huron, 1976–2010


Egg deposition by lithophilic-spawning fishes in the Detroit and Saint Clair Rivers, 2005–14

scholarly article published 2017

Energy Density of Bloaters in the Upper Great Lakes


Environmental DNA (eDNA): A tool for quantifying the abundant but elusive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus).

scientific article

Evidence of the St. Clair-Detroit River System as a dispersal corridor and nursery habitat for transient larval burbot

Exploring potential effects of cormorant predation on the fish community in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron


Fall diet and bathymetric distribution of deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii) in Lake Huron


Feeding Ecology of Pelagic Larval Burbot in Northern Lake Huron, Michigan


Food web changes reflected in age‐0 piscivore diets and growth

scientific article published in 2023

Genetic effects of habitat restoration in the Laurentian Great Lakes: an assessment of lake sturgeon origin and genetic diversity


Heritage strain and diet of wild young of year and yearling lake trout in the main basin of Lake Huron


Influence of water temperature on rainbow smelt spawning and early life history dynamics in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron


Lake Sturgeon, Lake Whitefish, and Walleye Egg Deposition Patterns with Response to Fish Spawning Substrate Restoration in the St. Clair-Detroit River System


Lake sturgeon response to a spawning reef constructed in the Detroit river


Large-Scale Changes in Bloater Growth and Condition in Lake Huron


Larval dispersal underlies demographically important intersystem connectivity in a Great Lakes yellow perch (Perca flavescens) population


Mechanisms driving recruitment variability in fish: comparisons between the Laurentian Great Lakes and marine systems


Nearshore Fish Species Richness and Species–Habitat Associations in the St. Clair–Detroit River System

scientific article published on 09 June 2021

Phenology and species diversity in a Lake Huron ichthyoplankton community: Ecological implications of invasive species dominance


Planktivory in the changing Lake Huron zooplankton community: Bythotrephes consumption exceeds that of Mysis and fish


Population synchrony of a native fish across three Laurentian Great Lakes: evaluating the effects of dispersal and climate

scientific article published on 4 November 2009

Portfolio theory as a management tool to guide conservation and restoration of multi-stock fish populations

scientific article published in 2015

Predation on Walleye Eggs by Fish on Reefs in Western Lake Erie


Relative abundance, age, growth, and fecundity of grubby Myoxocephalus aenaeus in Niantic River and Niantic Bay, Long Island Sound

Removal of Walleye Eggs from Reefs in Western Lake Erie by a Catastrophic Storm


Restoring piscivorous fish populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes causes seabird dietary change

scientific article published in April 2008

Review of fish diversity in the Lake Huron basin


Sampling Little Fish in Big Rivers: Larval Fish Detection Probabilities in Two Lake Erie Tributaries and Implications for Sampling Effort and Abundance Indices


Spatial Patterns Emphasize the Importance of Coastal Zones as Nursery Areas for Larval Walleye in Western Lake Erie


Spatial and temporal genetic diversity of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill)) from Lake Huron and Lake Erie


Spatial distribution of pelagic fish larvae in the northern main basin of Lake Huron


Spawning by walleye (Sander vitreus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) in the Detroit River: Implications for spawning habitat enhancement

Species distribution models effectively predict the detection of Dreissena spp. in two connecting waters of the Laurentian Great Lakes

scientific article published in 2024

Stock-specific advection of larval walleye (Sander vitreus) in western Lake Erie: Implications for larval growth, mixing, and stock discrimination


The genetic stock structure of larval and juvenile winter flounder larvae in Connecticut waters of eastern Long Island Sound and estimations of larval entrainment


The renaissance of North American large rivers: synthesis of the special section

article by Robin L. DeBruyne & Edward F. Roseman published March 2015 in Restoration Ecology

The renaissance of ecosystem integrity in North American large rivers

article by Edward F. Roseman & Robin L. DeBruyne published January 2015 in Restoration Ecology

Trophic shift, not collapse

scientific article

Use of main channel and two backwater habitats by larval fishes in the Detroit River

Use of navigation channels by Lake Sturgeon: Does channelization increase vulnerability of fish to ship strikes?

scientific article published on 5 July 2017

Using Larval Fish Community Structure to Guide Long-Term Monitoring of Fish Spawning Activity

Using time-varying asymptotic length and body condition of top piscivores to indicate ecosystem regime shift in the main basin of Lake Huron: a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach


Validation of a spatial model used to locate fish spawning reef construction sites in the St. Clair–Detroit River system

Verifying success of artificial spawning reefs in the St. Clair-Detroit River System for lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescensRafinesque, 1817)
