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List of works by Meri Raggi

A Bayesian network highlighting the linkages between landscape structure and the local economy: the case of agritourism in lowland areas of Northern Italy


Agri-environmental Policies and Public Goods: An Assessment of Coalition Incentives and Minimum Participation Rules

Agricultural policies and the emergence of voluntary landscape enhancement efforts: an exploratory analysis of rural tourism using an agent-based model

scholarly article by Matteo Zavalloni et al published 5 June 2015 in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

An Assessment of Disproportionate Costs in WFD: The Experience of Emilia-Romagna

An integer programming dynamic farm-household model to evaluate the impact of agricultural policy reforms on farm investment behaviour

article by Davide Viaggi et al published December 2010 in European Journal of Operational Research

Analysing behavioural differences of farm households: An example of income diversification strategies based on European farm survey data

Assessing Collective Measures in Rural Policy: The Effect of Minimum Participation Rules on the Distribution of Benefits from Irrigation Infrastructure

Assessing the Potential Economic Viability of Precision Irrigation: A Theoretical Analysis and Pilot Empirical Evaluation

Assessing the impact of RDP agri-environment measures on the use of nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers through spatial econometrics: The case study of Emilia-Romagna (Italy)


Building long-term vision for rural areas through multi-actor platforms: a preliminary study in the Emilia-Romagna region

scientific article published in 2021

Changing Perspectives on the Economics of Water

Combining linear programming and principal–agent models: An example from environmental regulation in agriculture

Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies

scientific article published in 2021

Designing contracts for irrigation water under asymmetric information: Are simple pricing mechanisms enough?

article by D. Viaggi et al published September 2010 in Agricultural Water Management

Distinguishing the innovation behaviour of micro, small and medium food enterprises


Do agri-environmental schemes contribute to high nature value farmland? A case study in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)


European agricultural landscapes, common agricultural policy and ecosystem services: a review


Farm-household investment behaviour and the CAP decoupling: Methodological issues in assessing policy impacts

article published in 2011

Implementing the water framework directive: contract design and the cost of measures to reduce nitrogen pollution from agriculture

article by Fabio Bartolini et al published October 2007 in Environmental Management

Improving value transfer through socio-economic adjustments in a multicountry choice experiment of water conservation alternatives

article published in 2015

Interpreting Farmers’ Perceptions of Risks and Benefits Concerning Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation: A Case Study in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)


Modelling and interpreting the impact of policy and price scenarios on farm-household sustainability: Farming systems vs. result-driven clustering

article by D. Viaggi et al published May 2013 in Environmental Modelling and Software

Modelling the Linkages between Cross-Compliance and Agri-Environmental Schemes Under Asymmetric Information

Pricing Policies in Managing Water Resources in Agriculture: An Application of Contract Theory to Unmetered Water


Provision of public goods and bads by agriculture and forestry. An analysis of stakeholders’ perception of factors, issues and mechanisms

scientific article published in 2023

SMEs' Preference for Innovation Networks: A Choice Experimental Approach


Spatial Patterns of Change in Agriculture and the Role of the Common Agricultural Policy

article published in 2013

The Role of ICT in Improving Sequential Decisions for Water Management in Agriculture

The effects of the Common Agricultural Policy on exit strategies and land re-allocation

The impact of EU common agricultural policy decoupling on farm households: Income vs. investment effects

The impact of water and agriculture policy scenarios on irrigated farming systems in Italy: An analysis based on farm level multi-attribute linear programming models


The potential impact of markets for irrigation water in Italy and Spain: a comparison of two study areas


The role of policy priorities and targeting in the spatial location of participation in Agri-Environmental Schemes in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)


The role of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: Assessing multiple effects in alternative policy scenarios

article published in 2013

The sustainability of irrigated agricultural systems under the Water Framework Directive: first results

Understanding the determinants of investment reactions to decoupling of the Common Agricultural Policy

Using the Ecosystem Services Framework for Policy Impact Analysis: An Application to the Assessment of the Common Agricultural Policy 2014–2020 in the Province of Ferrara (Italy)


Water Tariffs in Agriculture: Emilia Romagna Case Study

Water harvesting reservoirs with internal water reallocation: a case study in Emilia Romagna, Italy


Water management and irrigated agriculture in Italy: multicriteria analysis of alternative policy scenarios
