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List of works by Filip Johnsson

A Study of Fuel Particle Movement in Fluidized Beds

A cost-benefit analysis of transmission network reinforcement driven by generation capacity expansion


A differentiated description of building-stocks for a georeferenced urban bottom-up building-stock model

A geospatial comparison of distributed solar heat and power in Europe and the US

scientific article

A modelling strategy for energy, carbon, and cost assessments of building stocks

A novel multigrid technique for Lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds

A novel technique for particle tracking in cold 2-dimensional fluidized beds—simulating fuel dispersion

Account for variations in the H2O to CO2 molar ratio when modelling gaseous radiative heat transfer with the weighted-sum-of-grey-gases model


Achieving 60% CO2 reductions within the UK energy system—Implications for the electricity generation sector

Ammonia-based post combustion – The techno-economics of controlling ammonia emissions

An economic assessment of distributed solar PV generation in Sweden from a consumer perspective – The impact of demand response

scholarly article by Emil Nyholm et al published August 2017 in Renewable Energy

Assessment of biomass energy sources and technologies: The case of Central America

Assessment of strategies for CO2 abatement in the European petroleum refining industry

Biomass co-firing potentials for electricity generation in Poland—Matching supply and co-firing opportunities


Biomass mixing in a fluidized bed biomass gasifier for hydrogen production

Bottom bed regimes in a circulating fluidized bed boiler

article published in 1996

Building-stock aggregation through archetype buildings: France, Germany, Spain and the UK


CCS in the European electricity supply system — Assessment of national conditions to meet common EU targets

CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat-region — Assessment of an intraregional CCS infrastructure and legal framework

CO 2 emissions abatement in the Nordic carbon-intensive industry – An end-game in sight?

article by Johan Rootzén & Filip Johnsson published February 2015 in Energy

Carbon Monoxide Formation during Oxy-fuel-Fired Fluidized-Bed Combustion

Challenges to Integrate CCS into Low Carbon Electricity Markets

Characteristics of gas mixing in a circulating fluidised bed

Characterization of fluidization regimes by time-series analysis of pressure fluctuations


Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation—An assessment of the potential in EU27

Combustion characteristics of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames

Combustion of wood particles—a particle model for eulerian calculations

Composition of Volatile Gases and Thermochemical Properties of Wood for Modeling of Fixed or Fluidized Beds


Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Oxy-Fuel Flames: The Role of Soot and Gas Radiation


Conversion of Sulfur during Pulverized Oxy-coal Combustion

Conversion of large coal particles under O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres—Experiments and modeling

Cost-Effectiveness of Retrofitting Swedish Buildings

Cost-effective retrofitting of Swedish residential buildings: effects of energy price developments and discount rates

Cost-optimized allocation of wind power investments: a Nordic-German perspective


Dampening variations in wind power generation-the effect of optimizing geographic location of generating sites

Demand response potential of electrical space heating in Swedish single-family dwellings

Demonstrating load-change transient performance of a commercial-scale natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion CO 2 capture


Deployment of CCS in Industrial Applications in the EU – Timing, Scope and Coordination

Development of a Methodology to Analyze the Geographical Distribution of CCS Plants and Ramp-up of CO2-flow Over Time

Digital image analysis of hydrodynamics two-dimensional bubbling fluidized beds

Dispatch modeling of a regional power generation system – Integrating wind power

Distributed solar and wind power – Impact on distribution losses

Dual fibre optical probe measurements of solids volume fraction in a circulating fluidized bed

Dynamics of furnace processes in a CFB boiler


Effective drag on spheres immersed in a fluidized bed at minimum fluidization—Influence of bulk solids properties

scientific article published in 2022

Effects of CO2-Absorption Control Strategies on the Dynamic Performance of a Supercritical Pulverized-Coal-Fired Power Plant


Electric road systems in Norway and Sweden-impact on CO 2 emissions and infrastructure cost

Electricity dependency and CO2 emissions from heating in the Swedish building sector—Current trends in conflict with governmental policy?

Emission control of nitrogen oxides in the oxy-fuel process

Energy efficiency policies for space heating in EU countries: A panel data analysis for the period 1990–2010

Energy usage and technical potential for energy saving measures in the Swedish residential building stock

Equilibrium measurements of the NH3–CO2–H2O system – measurement and evaluation of vapor–liquid equilibrium data at low temperatures

Establishing an integrated CCS transport infrastructure in northern Europe–Challenges and possibilities

Estimates of turbulence mechanisms in circulating fluidized bed combustors


Estimation of Solids Mixing in a Fluidized-Bed Combustor

Evaluation of SO3 Measurement Techniques in Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion

Expansion of a freely bubbling fluidized bed


Experimental Evaluation and Field Application of a Salt Method for SO3 Measurement in Flue Gases

Experimental characterization of axial fuel mixing in fluidized beds by magnetic particle tracking

Experimental evaluation of lateral mixing of bulk solids in a fluid-dynamically down-scaled bubbling fluidized bed

Experimental quantification of lateral mixing of fuels in fluid-dynamically down-scaled bubbling fluidized beds

Exploring the limits for CO2 emission abatement in the EU power and industry sectors—Awaiting a breakthrough

Firing of coal and biomass and their mixtures in 50kW and 12MW circulating fluidized beds – Phenomenon study and comparison of scales

Flame and radiation characteristics of gas-fired O2/CO2 combustion

Fluctuations and waves in fluidized bed systems: The influence of the air-supply system

Fluid-dynamic boundary layers in CFB boilers

article published in 1995

Fluidization regimes and transitions from fixed bed to dilute transport flow

Fluidization regimes in non-slugging fluidized beds: the influence of pressure drop across the air distributor

Fourier analysis of nonlinear pressure fluctuations in gas–solids flow in CFB risers–Observing solids structures and gas/particle turbulence

Gas and solids flow in circulating fluidized beds — discussion on turbulence

Gas leakage measurements in a cold model of an interconnected fluidized bed for chemical-looping combustion


Gas mixing in circulating fluidised-bed risers

Geographic aggregation of wind power-an optimization methodology for avoiding low outputs

Heat extraction from a utility-scale oxy-fuel-fired CFB boiler

scholarly article by Sadegh Seddighi et al published July 2015 in Chemical Engineering Science

Heat requirement for regeneration of aqueous ammonia in post-combustion carbon dioxide capture

scholarly article by Henrik Jilvero et al published November 2012 in International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Heat transfer in a 4–MW th circulating fluidized bed furnace operated under oxy-fired and air-fired conditions: Modeling and measurements

High-temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides in oxy-fuel combustion

article published in 2008

Highly efficient electricity generation from biomass by integration and hybridization with combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants for natural gas


How to decarbonize the transport sector?

Hydrodynamics and steel tube wastage in a fluidized bed at elevated temperature

Impact of electricity price fluctuations on the operation of district heating systems: A case study of district heating in Göteborg, Sweden

scholarly article by Dmytro Romanchenko et al published October 2017 in Applied Energy

Impact of thermal plant cycling on the cost-optimal composition of a regional electricity generation system


Improved syngas processing for enhanced Bio-SNG production: A techno-economic assessment


Improving the flexibility of coal-fired power generators: Impact on the composition of a cost-optimal electricity system


Influence of Operating Conditions on SO3 Formation during Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion

article published in 2012

Influence of bulk solids cross-flow on lateral mixing of fuel in dual fluidized beds

Influence of particle and gas radiation in oxy-fuel combustion

Infrastructure for CCS in The Skagerrak/Kattegat Region, Southern Scandinavia: A Feasibility Study

Inlet boundary conditions for the simulation of fluid dynamics in gas–solid fluidized beds

Integration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in a regional wind-thermal power system

article published in 2010

Interaction between a Fluidized Bed and Its Air-Supply System: Some Observations

Large scale integration of wind power: moderating thermal power plant cycling


Laser Doppler anemometry measurements in a circulating fluidized bed of metal particles

Lateral fuel dispersion in a large-scale bubbling fluidized bed

Linkages between demand-side management and congestion in the European electricity transmission system


Linking the Effect of Reservoir Injectivity and CO 2 Transport Logistics in the Nordic Region

Local air ratio measured by zirconia cell in a circulating fluidised bed furnace

Macroscopic modelling of fluid dynamics in large-scale circulating fluidized beds

Magnetic tracer-particle tracking in a fluid dynamically down-scaled bubbling fluidized bed

Magnetic tracking of a fuel particle in a fluid-dynamically down-scaled fluidised bed

Managing the costs of CO2 abatement in the cement industry

Material constraints for concentrating solar thermal power

Measurement and Modeling of Particle Radiation in Coal Flames

Measurement and modeling of sulfur trioxide formation in a flow reactor under post-flame conditions

Measurements of local solids volume-fraction in fluidized bed boilers

article by Håkan Johnsson & Filip Johnsson published March 2001 in Powder Technology

Measuring fuel mixing under industrial fluidized-bed conditions – A camera-probe based fuel tracking system

Modeling of fluidized bed combustion processes

Modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized bed combustors

Modeling the Alkali Sulfation Chemistry of Biomass and Coal Co-firing in Oxy-fuel Atmospheres

Modeling the Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems

Modelling Large-scale CCS Development in Europe Linking Techno- economic Modelling to Transport Infrastructure


Modelling opportunities and costs associated with energy conservation in the Spanish building stock


Momentum probe and sampling probe for measurement of particle flow properties in CFB boilers

NO Emission during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite

NOx reburning in oxy-fuel combustion: A comparison between solid and gaseous fuels

Non-intrusive determination of bubble and slug length scales in fluidized beds by decomposition of the power spectral density of pressure time series

article published in 2002

Novel Approach to Characterize Fluidized Bed Dynamics Combining Particle Image Velocimetry and Finite Element Method


Numerical simulation of the fluid dynamics of a freely bubbling fluidized bed: influence of the air supply system


On the carbon monoxide formation in oxy-fuel combustion—Contribution by homogenous and heterogeneous reactions

Oxy-Fuel Combustion Modeling: Performance of Global Reaction Mechanisms

Parametric modelling of time series of pressure fluctuations in gas–solid fluidized beds

Partial Capture of Carbon Dioxide from Industrial Sources - A Discussion on Cost Optimization and the CO 2 Capture Rate

scholarly article by Fredrik Normann et al published July 2017 in Energy Procedia

Pathways for the European electricity supply system to 2050—The role of CCS to meet stringent CO2 reduction targets

Pathways for the North European electricity supply

article published in 2009

Paying the full price of steel – Perspectives on the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the steel industry

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as regulating power providers: Case studies of Sweden and Germany


Post-combustion CO 2 capture applied to a state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant—The influence of dynamic process conditions


Postcombustion CO2 Capture Using Monoethanolamine and Ammonia Solvents: The Influence of CO2 Concentration on Technical Performance

Pressure and flow fluctuations in a fluidized bed—interaction with the air-feed system

Primary energy use for heating in the Swedish building sector—Current trends and proposed target

Process Evaluation of CO2 Capture in three Industrial case Studies

Process analysis of an oxygen lean oxy-fuel power plant with co-production of synthesis gas


Process evaluation of an 865MWe lignite fired O2/CO2 power plant


Progress of Combustion in an Oxy-fuel Circulating Fluidized-Bed Furnace: Measurements and Modeling in a 4 MWth Boiler

Prospects for CCS in the EU Energy Roadmap to 2050

Prospects for CO2 capture in European industry

Prospects of the European gas market


Public attitudes to climate change and carbon mitigation—Implications for energy-associated behaviours

scholarly article by Chris von Borgstede et al published June 2013 in Energy Policy

Quantification of the energy efficiency gap in the Swedish residential sector

Radial voidage profiles in fast fluidized beds of different diameters

Radiation Intensity of Propane-Fired Oxy-Fuel Flames: Implications for Soot Formation

Radiation intensity of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames

Ramp-up of CO2 capture and storage within Europe

Ramp-up of large-scale CCS infrastructure in Europe

Reburning in Oxy-Fuel Combustion: A Parametric Study of the Combustion Chemistry

Reburning of Nitric Oxide in Oxy-Fuel Firing—The Influence of Combustion Conditions

Reduced Mechanism for Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems

Resources and future supply of oil

Response to Comment on “American Exceptionalism? Similarities and Differences in National Attitudes Toward Energy Policy and Global Warming”


SO3Formation under Oxyfuel Combustion Conditions

Ship transport—A low cost and low risk CO 2 transport option in the Nordic countries

Solar photovoltaic-battery systems in Swedish households – Self-consumption and self-sufficiency

Solids back-mixing in CFB boilers

Solids circulation in circulating fluidized beds with low riser aspect ratio and varying total solids inventory

article published in 2017

Spacial and dynamic energy demand of the E39 highway – Implications on electrification options

Stakeholder attitudes on Carbon Capture and Storage—An international comparison

scholarly article by Filip Johnsson et al published March 2010 in International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Stakeholder attitudes on carbon capture and storage — An international comparison

scholarly article by Filip Johnsson et al published February 2009 in Energy Procedia

Strategies for 2nd generation biofuels in EU – Co-firing to stimulate feedstock supply development and process integration to improve energy efficiency and economic competitiveness


Techno-economic Analysis of Carbon Capture at an Aluminum Production Plant – Comparison of Post-combustion Capture Using MEA and Ammonia


Techno-economic evaluation of an ammonia-based post-combustion process integrated with a state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant


The 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (ISCC-8)

The European power plant infrastructure—Presentation of the Chalmers energy infrastructure database with applications


The Local Heat Balance in a Stationary Fluidized-Bed Furnace Burning Biomass Fuels

scholarly article published 2003

The Performance of a Loop Seal in a CFB Boiler

The Performance of a Scaled-Down Fluidized Loop Seal

The Rate of CO2 Absorption in Ammonia—Implications on Absorber Design

The crucial role of frictional stress models for simulation of bubbling fluidized beds

The effect of high levels of solar generation on congestion in the European electricity transmission grid


The effect of improved efficiency on energy savings in EU-27 buildings

article published in 2013

The fate of sulphur during oxy-fuel combustion of lignite

The importance of CO2 capture and storage: A geopolitical discussion

The influence of price and non-price effects on demand for heating in the EU residential sector

article published in 2015

The role of CCS in the European electricity supply system

The role of biomass to replace fossil fuels in a regional energy system: The case of west Sweden

scholarly article by Jan Kjärstad & Filip Johnsson published 2016 in Thermal Science

Thermal integration and modelling of the chilled ammonia process

Thermal radiation in oxy-fuel flames

Thermo-Economic Optimization of Hybridization Options for Solar Retrofitting of Combined-Cycle Power Plants


Time-resolved modeling of gas mixing in fluidized bed units

Time-series analysis of pressure fluctuations in gas–solid fluidized beds – A review


Transport of CO2 in the Nordic region

Transportation systems for CO2––application to carbon capture and storage

scholarly article by Rickard Svensson et al published September 2004 in Energy Conversion and Management

Use of a conductivity heat-flow meter in fluidised-bed boilers

Value of wind power – Implications from specific power

Voidage distribution around bubbles in a fluidized bed: Influence on throughflow

Well-to-wheel analysis of bio-methane via gasification, in heavy duty engines within the transport sector of the European Union