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List of works by Pukhraj Rishi

A rare presentation of pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy

scientific article

Acute postoperative Bacillus cereus endophthalmitis mimicking toxic anterior segment syndrome.

scientific article

Analysis of Potential Ischemic Effect of Intravitreal Bevacizumab on Unaffected Retina in Treatment-Naïve Macular Edema Due to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Prospective, Interventional Case-Series

scientific article

Anterior Chamber Migration of Fluocinolone Acetonide Intravitreal Implant

scientific article published on 12 September 2019

Arc Welders' Maculopathy

scientific article published on 01 November 2017

Association of bilateral, multiple presumed retinal astrocytic proliferations with combined hamartoma of retina and retinal pigment epithelium in a 9-year-old male child with neurofibromatosis type 2.

scientific article

Atypical Presentation of Bilateral Retinoblastoma with Floaters and Sub-Internal Limiting Membrane Seeds in an 11-Year-Old Asian Indian Male


Author reply: To PMID 24008807.

scientific article published in December 2014

Author response: Repeat gas insufflation for successful closure of idiopathic macular hole following failed primary surgery

scientific article published on April 2015

Author's reply: To PMID 23202390.

scientific article published on November 2013

Author's response Comments on Repeat gas insufflation for successful closure of idiopathic macular hole following failed primary surgery

scientific article published on January 2015

Bietti crystalline dystrophy in a young woman

scientific article published on 12 March 2015

Bilateral acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR) in a young adult Indian male

scientific article published on 04 April 2019

Bilateral optic disk metastasis from breast carcinoma

scientific article published in May 2015

Bilateral pale posterior pole sans pain: A "hard" sell

Biopsy techniques for intraocular tumors

scientific article

Bone augmentation of the osteo-odonto alveolar lamina in MOOKP--will it delay laminar resorption?

scientific article published on 19 May 2015

Boston Keratoprosthesis for Keratopathy in Eyes With Retained Silicone Oil: A New Indication

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

Boston Type 2 keratoprosthesis- mid term outcomes from a tertiary eye care centre in India

scientific article published on 26 August 2018

Breakthrough vitreous hemorrhage after ICGA guided PDT for PCV.

scientific article published in March 2009

Can retinal microtrauma by internal limiting membrane peeling cause retinal angiomatosis proliferans?

scientific article published on September 2011

Case report on two diabetic donor eyes with no retinopathy: Clinicopathological and molecular studies

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Cavitary retinoblastoma: clinical observations

scientific article published on 18 September 2019

Central retinal artery occlusion secondary to optic disk melanocytoma

scientific article published on 01 January 2012

Cholesterolosis Bulbi

scientific article published on 09 March 2017

Choroidal Nevus and Melanoma in Patients with Oculocutaneous Albinism

scientific article published on 10 July 2019

Choroidal hematoma presenting as pseudo-uveal melanoma in a monocular 47-year-old Asian Indian lady with opaque media.

scientific article published in May 2018

Choroidal melanoma masquerading as multifocal central serous chorioretinopathy.

scientific article

Choroidal thickness in Waardenburg syndrome

scientific article published on 18 June 2019

Choroidal thickness in normal Indian subjects using Swept source optical coherence tomography.

scientific article

Circumscribed choroidal haemangioma: clinical and topographical features

scientific article published on 02 January 2019

Clinical and genetic analysis of Indian patients with NDP-related retinopathies

scientific article published on 10 June 2017

Clinical and histopathological features of posttraumatic iris cyst

scientific article

Clinical features and treatment outcomes of vasoproliferative tumors in Indian participants

scientific article published in February 2018

Clinico-Pathological Association of Delineated miRNAs in Uveal Melanoma with Monosomy 3/Disomy 3 Chromosomal Aberrations

scientific article published on 26 January 2016

Coats' disease of adult-onset in 48 eyes

scientific article

Coats' disease with retinochoroidal anastomosis

scientific article

Coats' disease: an Indian perspective

scientific article

Coexisting Optic Disc Melanocytoma and Pituitary Adenoma

scientific article published on 24 January 2019

Combination photodynamic therapy and bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization associated with toxoplasmosis

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Combined photodynamic therapy and intravitreal bevacizumab as primary treatment for subretinal neovascularization associated with type 2 idiopathic macular telangiectasia

scientific article published in May 2009

Combined photodynamic therapy and intravitreal ranibizumab as primary treatment for choroidal neovascularization associated with age-related macular degeneration in an Indian patient

scientific article published in September 2008

Combined photodynamic therapy and intravitreal ranibizumab as primary treatment for subretinal neovascular membrane (SRNVM) associated with type 2 idiopathic macular telangiectasia.

scientific article

Combined scleral buckling and phacoemulsification

scientific article published on January 1, 2009

Commentary: Vitrectomy as a treatment modality in vitreous seeding secondary to ciliary body melanocytoma

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Comparison of photodynamic therapy, ranibizumab/bevacizumab or combination in the treatment of myopic choroidal neovascularisation: a 9-year-study from a single centre

scientific article published on 20 January 2016

Complications of Intravitreal Chemotherapy in Eyes with Retinoblastoma: See Editorial on pg. 359

scientific article published on 05 May 2017

Congenital x-linked retinoschisis: a novel approach for management of a large schitic cavity overhanging the macula

scientific article

Conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia with corneal furrow degeneration

scientific article published on July 2014

Correlation of retinal changes with choroidal changes in acute and recurrent central serous chorioretinopathy assessed by swept-source optical coherence tomography

scientific article published on 20 January 2020

Culture and Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Proven Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Endophthalmitis: A Case Series

scientific article published on 6 September 2016

Cutaneous Vitiligo Following Management of Uveal Melanoma in 6 Patients

scientific article published on September 1, 2013

Delayed onset chloroquine retinopathy presenting 10 years after long-term usage of chloroquine

scientific article published on January 2013

Delayed, spontaneous conversion of type 2 closure to type 1 closure following surgery for traumatic and idiopathic macular holes

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

Delayed, spontaneous conversion of type 2 closure to type 1 closure following surgery for traumatic macular hole associated with submacular hemorrhage

scientific article published on September 1, 2012

Discrepancy between fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography in detection of macular disease

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

Endogenous endophthalmitis in children and adolescents: Case series and literature review

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

Endophthalmitis caused by Enterococcus faecalis: a case series.

scientific article

Endophthalmitis in eyes presenting with orbital signs: a case-control study

scientific article published in March 2010

Endophthalmitis research group study: selection bias skews results

scientific article published on 01 March 2007

Enterococcus faecalis Endophthalmitis in Children - A 21 Year Study

scientific article published on 13 October 2017

EpCAM knockdown alters microRNA expression in retinoblastoma--functional implication of EpCAM regulated miRNA in tumor progression.

scientific article


scientific article published on 28 May 2009

Evidence of Tumour Microenvironment and Stromal Cellular Components in Retinoblastoma

scientific article published on 17 July 2018

Extensive Chorio-retinal Damage Due to Dirofilaria Repens- Report of a Case

scientific article published on 11 March 2020

Foveal atrophy and macular hole formation following intravitreal ranibizumab with/without photodynamic therapy for choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration

scientific article published on 11 February 2011

Fractured Ozurdex TM implant in the vitreous cavity

scientific article published on July 1, 2012

Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (VRFi001-A) from orbital adipose tissue of a bilateral retinoblastoma patient with heterozygous RB1 gene deletion

scientific article

Giant nevus of Ota.

scientific article

Global gene deregulations in FASN silenced retinoblastoma cancer cells: molecular and clinico-pathological correlations.

scientific article published on 8 May 2015

Goltz syndrome: Primary diagnosis by an ophthalmologist

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

Headache or eye pain as the presenting feature of uveal melanoma

scientific article published on 01 September 2013

Hemi-central retinal artery occlusion in young adults

scientific article

Hemi-central retinal artery occlusion in young adults

scientific article published on 01 September 2011

Hemorrhagic intraretinal macrocyst: Differential diagnoses and report of an unusual case

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Hospital anxiety and depression scale assessment of 100 patients before and after using low vision care: A prospective study in a tertiary eye-care setting

scientific article published in November 2017

Idiopathic bilateral uveal effusion syndrome (UES) in a middle-aged woman

scientific article published on November 2015

Images in clinical medicine. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

scientific article published in February 2009

Incidence, outcomes, and risk factors for hemorrhagic complications in eyes with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy following photodynamic therapy in Indian subjects

scientific article published on August 2017

Infusion flow related retinal breaks in 25G vitrectomy

scientific article published on 16 July 2016

Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma: Four-Year Results from Tertiary Center in India

scientific article published on 04 June 2019

Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: First Indian report

scientific article published on April 2015

Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: Two-year results from tertiary eye-care center in India

scientific article

Intralesional and topical interferon therapy following incomplete primary excision of ocular surface squamous neoplasia

scientific article

Intraocular glass foreign body-Retained amiss!

scientific article

Intraocular inflammation in a case of bee sting injury.

scientific article

Intravitreal bevacizumab for choroidal neovascular membrane associated with Best's vitelliform dystrophy

scientific article published on March 2010

Intravitreal bevacizumab for treatment of choroidal neovascularization associated with osteogenesis imperfecta

scientific article published on May 1, 2012

Intravitreal bevacizumab in the management of posttraumatic choroidal neovascular membrane

scientific article published on 01 January 2008

Intravitreal triamcinolone to treat refractory macular edema in a postvitrectomized eye

scientific article published on 01 December 2006

Juvenile rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

scientific article

Juxtapillary choroidal excavation with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: An unusual association

article by Maitreyi Chowdhury & Pukhraj Rishi published March 2019 in Indian Journal of Ophthalmology

Keratoprostheses in silicone oil-filled eyes: long-term outcomes

scientific article published on 18 July 2018

Keratoprosthesis: Current global scenario and a broad Indian perspective.

scientific article

Lamellar macular hole: a new indication for vitrectomy with ilm peeling?

scientific article published on 01 January 2008

Large lamellar corneoscleral grafts: tectonic role in initial management of severe ocular chemical injuries

scientific article

Lightning injury of posterior segment of the eye.

scientific article published on February 2016

Long-term outcomes of combination photodynamic therapy with ranibizumab or bevacizumab for treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration.

scientific article published on May 2016

Lysyl oxidase activity in the ocular tissues and the role of LOX in proliferative diabetic retinopathy and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

scientific article published on 19 June 2008

Macular hole developing in a post-vitrectomized eye and its surgical outcome

scientific article published on May 2013

Macular hole following successful stage 4B/stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity surgery.

scientific article published in June 2019

Macular infarction after enterococcus faecalis endophthalmitis

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

Management of a Case ofCandidaEndogenous Endophthalmitis in a Neonate

scientific article published on May 29, 2013

Management of intralenticular caterpillar setae

scientific article published in September 2008

Management of peripheral polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy with intravitreal bevacizumab and indocyanine green angiography-guided laser photocoagulation

scientific article

Membrane Proteome of Invasive Retinoblastoma: Differential Proteins and Biomarkers

scientific article published on 13 June 2018

Metabolite systems profiling identifies exploitable weaknesses in retinoblastoma

scientific article published on 27 November 2018

Methoxsalen-induced macular toxicity

scientific article published in November 2017

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva with lung metastasis

scientific article published in May 2015

Needle stick injuries in a tertiary eye-care hospital: Incidence, management, outcomes, and recommendations

scientific article published in October 2017

Nodular syphilitic scleritis masquerading as an ocular tumor

scientific article published on 25 March 2015

Non-coding and Coding Transcriptional Profiles Are Significantly Altered in Pediatric Retinoblastoma Tumors

Non-drainage scleral buckling with solid silicone elements

scientific article published on May 2014

Nucleolin-aptamer therapy in retinoblastoma: molecular changes and mass spectrometry-based imaging

scientific article published on 30 August 2016

OCT angiography features of paracentral acute middle maculopathy

Off-label use of bevacizumab in retinopathy of prematurity

scientific article published on 01 February 2009

Oguchi's disease with Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon in a seven-year-old boy

article published in 2018

Optical coherence tomography for precise localization of inapparent retained foreign body in ocular coats

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

Outcome of Sutured Scleral-Fixated Intraocular Lens in Blunt and Penetrating Trauma in Children

scientific article published on 01 October 2018

Outcome of vitreoretinal surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in X-linked juvenile retinoschisis

article published in 2018

Outcomes of surgery in eyes with familial exudative vitreoretinopathyassociated retinal detachment

scientific article published on 13 January 2020


scientific article published on 13 October 2015

Parafoveal telangiectasia (PFT) has been associated with changes in macular architecture and macular holes (lamellar and full thickness).

scientific article

Pediatric vitreous hemorrhage: A narrative review

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

Phosphoproteomics of Retinoblastoma: A Pilot Study Identifies Aberrant Kinases

scientific article published on 15 June 2018

Photodynamic monotherapy or combination treatment with intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide, bevacizumab or ranibizumab for choroidal neovascularization associated with pathological myopia

scientific article published on May 1, 2011

Photodynamic therapy for childhood choroidal neovascular membrane associated with best's vitelliform dystrophy

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

Plaque radiation for ciliary body medulloepithelioma presenting with neovascular glaucoma and vitreous hemorrhage in 13-year-old Asian girl

scientific article published on 23 April 2020

Prenatal genetic diagnosis of retinoblastoma--clinical correlates on follow-up

scientific article

Rapid progression of angioid streaks following intravitreal bevacizumab

scientific article published in October 2009

Re: Triamcinolone acetonide in ocular therapeutics

scientific article

Repeat gas insufflation for successful closure of idiopathic macular hole following failed primary surgery

scientific article

Reply: Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: 2-year results from tertiary eye-care center in India

scientific article published on September 2017

Retinal Detachment after Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation: A 10-Year Multicenter Study

scientific article published on 04 March 2019

Retinal Detachment in 31 Eyes with Retinitis Pigmentosa

scientific article published on 24 May 2017

Retinal detachment with hemorrhagic intraretinal macrocyst clinically presenting as pseudo-choroidal melanoma

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Retinal pigment epithelial changes after trypan blue-assisted internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic macular hole

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Retinopathy in incontinentia pigmenti.

scientific article published in June 2019

Short-term results of intravitreal dexamethasone implant (OZURDEX®) in treatment of recalcitrant diabetic macular edema: A case series

scientific article published on May 1, 2012

Stickler syndrome

scientific article published on July 2015

Subclinical subretinal fluid detectable only by optical coherence tomography in choroidal naevi-the SON study

scientific article published on 14 October 2020

Submacular hemorrhage: A study among Indian eyes

scientific article published on 11 November 2013

Submacular hemorrhage: a study amongst Indian eyes

scientific article published on November 2012

Surgical outcomes and complications of sutured scleral fixated intraocular lenses in pediatric eyes

scientific article published on 27 September 2017

Surgical refixation of posteriorly dislocated intraocular lens with scleral-tuck technique

scientific article published on May 2017

Sympathetic ophthalmitis following vitreoretinal surgery: Does antecedent trauma make a difference?

scientific article

Syphilitic uveitis as the presenting feature of HIV.

scientific article

Systemic lupus erythematosus retinopathy in a 32-year-old female: report of a case

scientific article


scientific article published on January 1, 2009

To remove the buckle or watch?

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

Trans-pupillary thermotherapy for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma

scientific article published in January 2008

Transpupillary thermotherapy for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma: clinical profile and treatment outcome

scientific article

Transpupillary thermotherapy for large-sized subfoveal circumscribed choroidal hemangioma

scientific article published on 01 October 2006

Treatment of choroidal neovascularization in a case of factor VIII deficiency: Ten-year follow-up.

scientific article

Treatment of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma using CyberKnife: A viable alternative

Update: Juxtapapillary choroidal excavation with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy - An unusual association

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

Using risk factors for detection and prognostication of uveal melanoma

scientific article


scientific article published on 21 September 2015

Vitrectomy for vitreopapillary traction in a nondiabetic 16-year-old girl

scientific article published on January 2017

Vitreoretinal Complications and Outcomes in 92 Eyes Undergoing Surgery for Modified Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis: A 10-Year Review

scientific article published on 13 January 2018

Vitreoretinal surgery in eyes with Pintucci biointegrable keratoprosthesis

scientific article published in February 2010

Vitreous hemorrhage in children and adolescents in India

scientific article published in February 2013