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List of works by Marco Turco

An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment

scholarly article by J. M. Gutiérrez et al published 23 March 2018 in International Journal of Climatology

Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California

scientific article published in 2023

Assessing gridded observations for daily precipitation extremes in the Alps with a focus on northwest Italy


Bias correction and downscaling of future RCM precipitation projections using a MOS-Analog technique


Brief communication Decreasing fires in a Mediterranean region (1970–2010, NE Spain)


Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios

scientific article published on 06 September 2020

Climate change impacts on wildfires in a Mediterranean environment

scholarly article by Marco Turco et al published 2 July 2014 in Climatic Change

Climate drivers of the 2017 devastating fires in Portugal

scientific article published on 10 October 2019

Decreasing Fires in Mediterranean Europe

scientific article

Determinants of extinction-colonization dynamics in Mediterranean butterflies: the role of landscape, climate and local habitat features

scientific article

Estimating daily meteorological data and downscaling climate models over landscapes


Exacerbated fires in Mediterranean Europe due to anthropogenic warming projected with non-stationary climate-fire models

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Flash flood evolution in North-Western Mediterranean

Human and climate drivers of global biomass burning variability

scholarly article

Impact of climate variability on Alpine glaciers in northwestern Italy


Impact of climate variability on summer fires in a Mediterranean environment (northeastern Iberian Peninsula)


Impact of evolving greenhouse gas forcing on the warming signal in regional climate model experiments.

scientific article

Inter-annual and decadal changes in teleconnections drive continental-scale synchronization of tree reproduction

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

Land-surface initialisation improves seasonal climate prediction skill for maize yield forecast.

scientific article

Large biases and inconsistent climate change signals in ENSEMBLES regional projections


Linking crop yield anomalies to large-scale atmospheric circulation in Europe

scientific article

Long‐term variability and trends in meteorological droughts in Western Europe (1851–2018)

scientific article published on 22 June 2020

Observed climate change hotspots

scholarly article by Marco Turco et al published 12 May 2015 in Geophysical Research Letters

On the key role of droughts in the dynamics of summer fires in Mediterranean Europe.

scientific article

Population exposure to particulate-matter and related mortality due to the Portuguese wildfires in October 2017 driven by storm Ophelia

scientific article published on 28 August 2020

Recent changes and relations among drought, vegetation and wildfires in the Eastern Mediterranean: The case of Israel

scholarly article by Marco Turco published in April 2017

Screen-level non-GTS data assimilation in a limited-area mesoscale model

Seasonal predictability of summer fires in a Mediterranean environment


Seasonal predictability of water resources in a Mediterranean freshwater reservoir and assessment of its utility for end-users

scientific article published on 29 September 2016

Seasonal prediction of climate-driven fire risk for decision-making and operational applications in a Mediterranean region

scientific article published on 23 April 2019

Skilful forecasting of global fire activity using seasonal climate predictions.

scientific article published on 13 July 2018

Spatial patterns and broad-scale weather cues of beech mast seeding in Europe

scientific article published on 18 May 2017

Summer drought predictability over Europe: empirical versus dynamical forecasts


Testing MOS precipitation downscaling for ENSEMBLES regional climate models over Spain


Testing instrumental and downscaled reanalysis time series for temperature trends in NE of Spain in the last century


The snow storm of 8 March 2010 in Catalonia (Spain): a paradigmatic wet-snow event with a high societal impact


Trends in flash flood events versus convective precipitation in the Mediterranean region: The case of Catalonia

article published in 2016

Trends in indices of daily precipitation extremes in Catalonia (NE Spain), 1951–2003


Use of bias correction techniques to improve seasonal forecasts for reservoirs - A case-study in northwestern Mediterranean.

scientific article published on 09 August 2017

Validation of a new SAFRAN-based gridded precipitation product for Spain and comparisons to Spain02 and ERA-Interim
