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List of works by Andreas Wirzba

A direct link between the quantum-mechanical and semiclassical determination of scattering resonances

A force from nothing onto nothing: Casimir effect between bubbles in the Fermi sea

Abashian-Booth-Crowe Effect in Basic Double-Pionic Fusion: A New Resonance?

scientific article (publication date: 17 June 2011)

Accurate variational forms for multiskyrmion configurations

Anomalous decays ofη′ andηinto four pions

Anomalous decays ofη′andηinto four pions

scholarly article

Application of the diffraction trace formula to the three-disk scattering system


Casimir Interaction among Objects Immersed in a Fermionic Environment

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Casimir effects in chiral bag models

Casimir interaction between normal or superfluid grains in the Fermi sea

Chaotic dynamics in a three-dimensional superconducting microwave billiard

scientific article published on 01 September 1996

Chiral symmetry restoration and the skyrme model

Chiral vacuum effects in a topological bag model of the light baryons

article by Ismail Zahed et al published October 1985 in Annals of Physics

Color anomaly in a hybrid bag model

article by H.B. Nielsen et al published October 1991 in Physics Letters B

Dense QCD: Overhauser or BCS pairing?

scholarly article

Deriving the quark condensate within a finite Fermi system from the generating functional of chiral perturbation theory

article published in 1996

Dibaryons as axially symmetric skyrmions

Dispersive analysis for η→γγ ⋆

Double-Δ (1232) formation in pion-nucleus absorption

Double-Δ excitation in pion absorption on 4He

Electric dipole moments of the nucleon and light nuclei

Electromagnetic form factors of bound nucleons revisited

Erratum to: Nuclear electric dipole moments in chiral effective field theory

scientific article

Erratum: Three disks in a row: A two-dimensional scattering analog of the double-well problem [Phys. Rev. A54, 2745 (1996)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review A

Fermionic Casimir effect in case of Andreev reflection


Generalized mesons in dense QCD

Generalized pions in dense QCD

In-medium Chiral Perturbation Theory beyond the Mean-Field Approximation

In-medium chiral perturbation theory

In-medium chiral perturbation theory

In-medium chiral perturbation theory and pion weak decay in the presence of background matter

Instantons as unitary spin maker

Measurement of the η → 3 π 0 Dalitz plot distribution with the WASA detector at COSY

Model-independent approach to η → π + π − γ and η ′ → π + π − γ

Neutron-Proton Mass Difference in Nuclear Matter and in Finite Nuclei and the Nolen-Schiffer Anomaly

Neutron-proton mass difference in finite nuclei and the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly

article published in 2008

Neutron-proton mass difference in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter

Neutron-proton mass difference in nuclear matter

New Method for a Continuous Determination of the Spin Tune in Storage Rings and Implications for Precision Experiments.

scientific article published on 26 August 2015

New skyrmion solutions on a 3-sphere

Nonanalog pion double charge exchange throughΔsub33-nucleon interaction

scientific article published on 01 July 1985

Nuclear electric dipole moments in chiral effective field theory

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 3, March 2015

Nuclear-structure aspects of nonanalog pion double charge exchange

scientific article published on 01 November 1986

Nucleon deformation in finite nuclei

Nucleon-nucleon potential in finite nuclei

scholarly article

On the quantization rules for meson-soliton bound systems

article by N.N. Scoccola & Andreas Wirzba published April 1991 in Physics Letters B

P - and T -violating Lagrangians in chiral effective field theory and nuclear electric dipole moments

Periodic Orbit Theory of Diffraction

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Periodic Skyrme solitons

scientific article published on 01 March 1985

Permanent electric dipole moments of single-, two- and three-nucleon systems

Pion double charge exchange in theΔ33resonance region

scientific article published on 01 December 1989

Quantization of HyperbolicN-Sphere Scattering Systems in Three Dimensions

Quantum mechanics and semiclassics of hyperbolic n-disk scattering systems

scholarly article by Andreas Wirzba published 1 February 1999 in Physics Reports

Remarks on NN → NN π beyond leading order

S-wave meson-nucleon interactions and the meson mass in nuclear matter from chiral effective lagrangians

Scalar Casimir effect between Dirichlet spheres or a plate and a sphere

scholarly article

Search for C violation in the decay η → π0e+e− with WASA-at-COSY

Search for a dark photon in the π 0 → e + e − γ decay

Self energies of the pion and the Δ isobar from the 3He(e,e′π+)3H reaction

Skyrmions withρandωMesons as Dynamical Gauge Bosons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Small disks and semiclassical resonances

Soft-pion corrections to the Skyrme soliton

scientific article published on 01 February 1986

Summing skyrmions

Test of the periodic-orbit approximation in n-disk systems

Tests of the fundamental symmetries in η meson decays

The Adler-Weisberger sum rule in the large Nclimit


The B=2 sector of the Skyrme model in S3(L)

The Casimir effect as a scattering problem

The Cheshire cat bag model: Color anomaly and η′ properties

The E2/M1 transition ratio for γN → Δ(1232) in a modified Skyrme model

The branching ratio $$\omega \rightarrow \pi ^+\pi ^-$$ ω → π + π - revisited

The electric dipole moment of the deuteron from the QCD θ-term

The mode spectrum and the stability analysis of skyrmions on a 3-sphere

The tale of the η′ from the Cheshire cat principle

Three disks in a row: A two-dimensional scattering analog of the double-well problem

scientific article published on 01 October 1996

Two skyrmions on a hypersphere


Unraveling models of CP violation through electric dipole moments of light nuclei

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 7, July 2014

Validity of the semiclassical periodic orbit approximation in the two‐ and three‐disk problems

scientific article published on 01 January 1992

Wave chaos in elastodynamic cavity scattering

in dense QCD

s-wave scattering of a polarizable atom by an absorbing nanowire

Δ33Dynamics in Pion Double Charge Exchange

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters