List of works by Andreas Engel

A multi-model intercomparison of halogenated very short-lived substances (TransCom-VSLS): linking oceanic emissions and tropospheric transport for a reconciled estimate of the stratospheric source gas injection of bromine

scholarly article

A new estimation of the recent tropospheric molecular hydrogen budget using atmospheric observations and variational inversion

scholarly article

A quantitative analysis of stratospheric HCl, HNO3, and O3in the tropopause region near the subtropical jet


A test of our understanding of the ozone chemistry in the Arctic polar vortex based on in situ measurements of ClO, BrO, and O3in the 1994/1995 winter


A versatile, refrigerant- and cryogen-free cryofocusing–thermodesorption unit for preconcentration of traces gases in air

scholarly article by Florian Obersteiner et al published 31 October 2016 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Accelerating growth of HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) in the atmosphere

scholarly article

Age of stratospheric air unchanged within uncertainties over the past 30 years

An automated gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry instrument for the quantitative analysis of halocarbons in air

Balloon-borne in situ measurements of stratospheric H2O, CH4and H2at midlatitudes

scientific article published in 1999

Bromoform as a source of stratospheric bromine


CCl2F2mixing ratio profiles in the 1995 late winter Arctic vortex from balloon-borne spectra


CO2and SF6as stratospheric age tracers: Consistency and the effect of mesospheric SF6-loss

scholarly article

Calibration of TCCON column-averaged CO2: the first aircraft campaign over European TCCON sites

scholarly article

Chemical ozone loss in the Arctic and Antarctic stratosphere between 1992 and 2005

article by Simone Tilmes et al published 24 October 2006 in Geophysical Research Letters

Chlorine isotope fractionation in the stratosphere

scientific article published on September 2010

Comparison of GC/time-of-flight MS with GC/quadrupole MS for halocarbon trace gas analysis

Comprehensive assessment of meteorological conditions and airflow connectivity during HCCT-2010

scholarly article

Corrigendum to "Fractional release factors of long-lived halogenated organic compounds in the tropical stratosphere" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1093–1103, 2010

scholarly article

Denitrification observed inside the Arctic vortex in February 1995

scholarly article

Depletion of ozone and reservoir species of chlorine and nitrogen oxide in the lower Antarctic polar vortex measured from aircraft

scholarly article

Deriving an atmospheric budget of total organic bromine using airborne in situ measurements from the western Pacific area during SHIVA

scholarly article

Determination of the stratospheric organic chlorine budget in the spring arctic vortex from MIPAS B limb emission spectra and air sampling experiments


Distribution of halon-1211 in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and the 1994 total bromine budget

scholarly article by P. R. Wamsley et al published 1 January 1998 in Journal of Geophysical Research

Evaluating global emission inventories of biogenic bromocarbons

scholarly article

Fractional release factors of long-lived halogenated organic compounds in the tropical stratosphere

scholarly article

GHOST – A Novel Airborne Gas Chromatograph for In Situ Measurements of Long-Lived Tracers in the Lower Stratosphere: Method and Applications

scholarly article published in 2001

Global HCFC-22 measurements with MIPAS: retrieval, validation, global distribution and its evolution over 2005–2012

scholarly article

Highly resolved observations of trace gases in the lowermost stratosphere and upper troposphere from the Spurt project: an overview

scholarly article

Impact of mesospheric intrusions on ozone-tracer relations in the stratospheric polar vortex

scholarly article

Impact of the Asian monsoon on the extratropical lower stratosphere: trace gas observations during TACTS over Europe 2012

Improving stratospheric transport trend analysis based on SF6and CO2measurements


Indications of heterogeneous chlorine activation on moderately cold aerosol based on chlorine observations in the Arctic stratosphere

scholarly article by Andreas Engel published 26 July 2000 in Atmospheric Environment

Intercomparison of airborne N 2 O measurements using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy and in-situ gas chromatography

Inverse modeling of global and regional CH4emissions using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals


Layering in stratospheric profiles of long-lived trace species: Balloon-borne observations and modeling

article published in 1998

Long-term changes of methane and hydrogen in the stratosphere in the period 1978–2003 and their impact on the abundance of stratospheric water vapor

scholarly article

Lower stratospheric organic and inorganic bromine budget for the Arctic winter 1998/99


MIPAS IMK/IAA CFC-11 (CCl3F) and CFC-12 (CCl2F2) measurements: accuracy, precision and long-term stability

scholarly article

Measurements of chlorine partitioning in the winter Arctic stratosphere


Model evaluation of CO2and SF6in the extratropical UT/LS region


Modelling the chemistry and transport of bromoform within a sea breeze driven convective system during the SHIVA Campaign

Monitoring the vertical structure of the Arctic Polar Vortex over northern Scandinavia during EASOE: Regular N2O profile observations

scholarly article

NOy-N2O correlation observed inside the Arctic vortex in February 1997: Dynamical and chemical effects

scholarly article

NOycorrelation with N2O and CH4in the midlatitude stratosphere

scholarly article

Observation-based assessment of stratospheric fractional release, lifetimes, and ozone depletion potentials of ten important source gases

scholarly article

Observational constraints on the kinetics of the ClO-BrO and ClO-ClO ozone loss cycles in the Arctic winter stratosphere


Observed stratospheric profiles and stratospheric lifetimes of HCFC-141b and HCFC-142b

scholarly article

On the structural changes in the Brewer-Dobson circulation after 2000

scholarly article

Ozone loss driven by nitrogen oxides and triggered by stratospheric warmings can outweigh the effect of halogens


Partitioning Between Chlorine Reservoir Species Deduced from Observations in the Arctic Winter Stratosphere


Partitioning and budget of inorganic and organic chlorine species observed by MIPAS-B and TELIS in the Arctic in March 2011

scholarly article

Probing stratospheric transport and chemistry with new balloon and aircraft observations of the meridional and vertical N 2 O isotope distribution

scholarly article

Reactive organic species in the northern extratropical lowermost stratosphere: Seasonal variability and implications for OH


Reassessing the variability in atmospheric H2using the two-way nested TM5 model


Results from the International Halocarbons in Air Comparison Experiment (IHALACE)

scholarly article by B. D. Hall et al published 10 February 2014 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Retrieval of three-dimensional small-scale structures in upper-tropospheric/lower-stratospheric composition as measured by GLORIA


Short-lived brominated hydrocarbons – observations in the source regions and the tropical tropopause layer

scholarly article

Stratospheric trends of CFC-12 over the past two decades: Recent observational evidence of declining growth rates


Temperature dependences of air-broadening, air-narrowing and line-mixing coefficients of the methane ν3 R(6) manifold lines—Application to in-situ measurements of atmospheric methane

Temporal development of total chlorine in the high-latitude stratosphere based on reference distributions of mean age derived from CO2and SF6


The 1994 northern midlatitude budget of stratospheric chlorine derived from ATMOS/ATLAS-3 observations

scholarly article

The O 3 -N 2 O relation from balloon-borne observations as a measure of Arctic ozone loss in 1991/92

The contribution of oceanic methyl iodide to stratospheric iodine

scholarly article

The isotopic composition of methane in the stratosphere: high-altitude balloon sample measurements

scholarly article

The partitioning of hydrogen species in the Arctic winter stratosphere: Implications for microphysical parameters


The total hydrogen budget in the Arctic winter stratosphere during the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment


The variation of available chlorine, Cly, in the Arctic Polar Vortex during EASOE

scholarly article by Ulrich Schmidt et al published 22 June 1994 in Geophysical Research Letters

Validation of CFC-12 measurements from the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) with the version 6.0 retrieval algorithm

scientific article

Validation of MIPAS IMK/IAA methane profiles

Validation of version-4.61 methane and nitrous oxide observed by MIPAS

scholarly article

Vertical profile measurements of carbonylsulfide in the stratosphere

scholarly article