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List of works by Didier Gascuel

A future for marine fisheries in Europe (Manifesto of the Association Française d’Halieumétrie)

article by Didier Gascuel et al published April 2011 in Fisheries Research

A multi-species multi-fleet bioeconomic simulation model for the English Channel artisanal fisheries

article by Clara Ulrich et al published November 2002 in Fisheries Research

A surplus production model including environmental effects: Application to the Senegalese white shrimp stocks

An ecosystem approach for the assessment of fisheries impacts on marine top predators: the Bay of Biscay case study

article by Géraldine Lassalle et al published 28 March 2012 in I C E S Journal of Marine Science

An iron cycle cascade governs the response of equatorial Pacific ecosystems to climate change

scientific article published on 24 September 2020

Analyse de l'évolution des puissances de pêche par l'analyse des cohortes : application aux senneurs exploitant l'albacore(Thunnus albacares)dans l'Atlantique Est

Analysing environmental and fishing effects on a short-lived species stock: the dynamics of the octopusOctopus vulgarispopulation in Senegalese waters


Are we ready to track climate-driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? - A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data

scientific article published on 17 October 2020

Assessing stocks in data-poor African fisheries: a case study on the white grouperEpinephelus aeneusof Mauritania

article by B Meissa et al published August 2013 in African Journal of Marine Science

Assessing the contribution of marine protected areas to the trophic functioning of ecosystems: a model for the Banc d'Arguin and the Mauritanian shelf

scientific article

Assessment of a multispecies fishery in Senegal, using production models and diversity indices


Balancing complexity and feasibility in Mediterranean coastal food-web models: uncertainty and constraints

scientific article published in 2014

Biological Characteristics of an Estuarine Growing Eel Population (Sèvre Niortaise Estuary, France)


Bottom-up control regulates fisheries production at the scale of eco-regions in European seas

article by E Chassot et al published 7 August 2007 in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Caractéristiques d'une pêcherie d'anguille(Anguilla anguilla) au verveux dans un petit estuaire (Blavet, France). Characteristics of an Eel(Anguilla anguilla) Fyke-net Fishery within a Small Estuary (River Blavet, France)


Changes in the trophic structure of fish demersal communities in West Africa in the three last decades


Climate change undermines the global functioning of marine food webs

scientific article published on 10 January 2020

Climate‐induced decrease in biomass flow in marine food webs may severely affect predators and ecosystem production

scientific article

Decline of demersal resources in North-West Africa: an analysis of Mauritanian trawl-survey data over the past 25 years


Disentangling diverse responses to climate change among global marine ecosystem models

EcoDiet : A hierarchical Bayesian model to combine stomach, biotracer, and literature data into diet matrix estimation

scientific article published in 2021

EcoTroph: Modelling marine ecosystem functioning and impact of fishing

scientific article published in 2009

EcoTroph: a simple model to assess fishery interactions and their impacts on ecosystems

article by L. Gasche & Didier Gascuel published 19 February 2013 in I C E S Journal of Marine Science

Efficiency of two contrasted marine protected areas (MPA) in West Africa over a decade of fishing closure

Energy Flow Through Marine Ecosystems: Confronting Transfer Efficiency

scientific article published on 20 October 2020

Environmental life cycle assessment of seafood production: A case study of trawler catches in Tunisia

scientific article

Estimates of the mortality and the duration of the trans-Atlantic migration of European eel Anguilla anguilla leptocephali using a particle tracking model.

scientific article published in June 2009

European Union's public fishing access agreements in developing countries

scientific article

Evaluating changes in marine communities that provide ecosystem services through comparative assessments of community indicators

scholarly article by Kristin M. Kleisner et al published December 2015 in Ecosystem services

Exploitation des ressources marines : quand la crise écologique compromet l'alimentation des pays du Sud

Factors affecting the detection distances of reef fish: implications for visual counts

scientific article published in 2011

Fishing impact and environmental status in European seas: a diagnosis from stock assessments and ecosystem indicators

Fishing impact in Mediterranean ecosystems: an EcoTroph modeling approach

Fishing inside or outside? A case studies analysis of potential spillover effect from marine protected areas, using food web models

scholarly article by Mathieu Colléter published in November 2014

Flow-carried and active swimming migration of the glass eel(Anguilla anguilla) in the tidal area of a small estuary on the French Atlantic coast


Global assessment of the fishing impacts on the Southern Benguela ecosystem using an EcoTroph modelling approach

Global change in the trophic functioning of marine food webs

scientific article published on 11 August 2017

Global marine primary production constrains fisheries catches

scientific article

Global overview of the applications of the Ecopath with Ecosim modeling approach using the EcoBase models repository

scientific article published in 2015

Hierarchical interpretation of nonlinear relationships linking yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) distribution to the environment in the Atlantic Ocean

Hierarchical interpretation of nonlinear relationships linking yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) distribution to the environment in the Atlantic Ocean

Identifying fishing trip behaviour and estimating fishing effort from VMS data using Bayesian Hidden Markov Models


Impact of trophic interactions on production functions and on the ecosystem response to fishing: A simulation approach


Information transfer, behavior of vessels and fishing efficiency: an individual-based simulation approach

Integrated ecological-economic fisheries models-Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation

article by J Rasmus Nielsen et al published 7 July 2017 in Fish and Fisheries

Integrating Marine Protected Areas in fisheries management systems: some criteria for ecological efficiency

article by Lucile Mesnildrey et al published April 2013 in Aquatic Living Resources

Investigating trophic-level variability in Celtic Sea fish predators

scientific article published in 2008

L'approche écosystémique des pêches, une condition pour l'exploitation durable des océans

Les passes à anguilles en Europe. Eel ladder devices in Europe

Long-term fishing impact on the Senegalese coastal demersal resources: diagnosing from stock assessment models

Mesoscale productivity fronts and local fishing opportunities in the European Seas

Minimizing the impact of fishing

Modeling trophic interactions to assess the effects of a marine protected area: case study in the NW Mediterranean Sea

article by A Valls et al published 7 June 2012 in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Modelling the effects of fishing on the biomass of the world’s oceans from 1950 to 2006

scientific article published in 2011

Modelling trophic flows in ecosystems to assess the efficiency of marine protected area (MPA), a case study on the coast of Sénégal

article by Mathieu Colléter et al published May 2012 in Ecological Modelling

New trophic indicators and target values for an ecosystem-based management of fisheries

article by Pierre Bourdaud et al published February 2016 in Ecological Indicators

Next-generation ensemble projections reveal higher climate risks for marine ecosystems

Overfishing of marine resources: some lessons from the assessment of demersal stocks off Mauritania

scientific article published in 2014

Potential impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries production in 72 tropical coastal communities

scientific article published in 2022

Rebuilding fish stocks and changing fisheries management, a major challenge for the Common Fisheries Policy reform in Europe

article by Sebastian Villasante et al published December 2012 in Ocean and Coastal Management

Seasonal dynamics of estuarine migration in glass eels(Anguilla anguilla)


Seasonal dynamics of the zoobenthic communities in the mesohaline zone of the Loire estuary (France)


Shifting baselines in European fisheries: The case of the Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay

article by Sylvie Guénette & Didier Gascuel published December 2012 in Ocean and Coastal Management

Size matters: How single-species management can contribute to ecosystem-based fisheries management


Size still matters. A response to Svedäng (2013): Size matters: Ne quid nimis

Structure and functioning of the Bay of Biscay ecosystem: A trophic modelling approach

scientific article

The Impact of Fisheries Discards on Scavengers in the Sea

scholarly article published 20 December 2018

The effects of flood regime and fishing effort on the overall abundance of an exploited fish community in the Amazon floodplain

The need for a protean fisheries science to address the degradation of exploited aquatic ecosystems

scientific article published in April 2016

The role of marine protected areas in sustaining fisheries: The case of the National Park of Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania

scientific article published in 2020

The scientific strategy needed to promote a regional ecosystem-based approach to fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Seas

article by Marta Coll et al published 27 February 2013 in Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

The trophic-level based model: A theoretical approach of fishing effects on marine ecosystems

scientific article published in 2005

The trophic-level-based ecosystem modelling approach: theoretical overview and practical uses

scientific article published in 2011

Towards the implementation of an integrated ecosystem fleet-based management of European fisheries

scholarly article by Didier Gascuel published in September 2012

Trophic flow kinetics in marine ecosystems: Toward a theoretical approach to ecosystem functioning

scientific article published in 2008

Trophic level-based indicators to track fishing impacts across marine ecosystems

scientific article published on 9 October 2014

Trophic model of lagoonal communities in a large open atoll (Uvea, Loyalty islands, New Caledonia)

article published in 2004

Trophic models: What do we learn about Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay ecosystems?

Trophic signature of coral reef fish assemblages: Towards a potential indicator of ecosystem disturbance

Une méthode simple d'ajustement des clés taille/âge : application aux captures d'albacores (Thunnus albacares) de l'Atlantique Est

Using trophic models to assess the impact of fishing in the Bay of Biscay and the Celtic Sea

article by Abdelkrim Bentorcha et al published 2017 in Aquatic Living Resources