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List of works by Frank van Langevelde

African endemic stingless bees as an efficient alternative pollinator to honey bees in greenhouse cucumber (<i>Cucumis sativus</i> L)

scientific article published on 05 January 2022

An assessment of the terrestrial mammal communities in forests of Central Panama, using camera-trap surveys

Artificial night lighting inhibits feeding in moths.

scientific article published on March 2017

Associations between monthly rainfall and mortality in cattle due to East Coast fever, anaplasmosis and babesiosis

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora

publication published on 30 September 2021

Biomass partitioning and root morphology of savanna trees across a water gradient

scientific article published in 2012

Bumblebees land remarkably well in red-blue greenhouse LED light conditions

scientific article published on 06 May 2020

Citizen science for development: Potential role of mobile phones in information sharing on ticks and tick-borne diseases in Laikipia, Kenya

scientific article published in November 2018

Colors of attraction: Modeling insect flight to light behavior

scientific article published on 26 June 2018

Compositional patterns of overstorey and understorey woody communities in a forest–savanna boundary in Ghana


Contrasting effects of host species and phylogenetic diversity on the occurrence of HPAI H5N1 in European wild birds

scientific article published on 10 May 2019

Contrasting timing of parturition of chital Axis axis and gaur Bos gaurus in tropical South India - the role of body mass and seasonal forage quality


Correction: Species' Life-History Traits Explain Interspecific Variation in Reservoir Competence: A Possible Mechanism Underlying the Dilution Effect.

scientific article published on 13 September 2013

Deciduous and evergreen trees differ in juvenile biomass allometries because of differences in allocation to root storage

scientific article published in August 2013

Declines in moth populations stress the need for conserving dark nights

scientific article

Defence against vertebrate herbivores trades off into architectural and low nutrient strategies amongst savanna Fabaceae species


Density dependence and population dynamics of black rhinos (Diceros bicornis michaeli) in Kenya’s rhino sanctuaries

scientific article published in 2009

Deriving Animal Behaviour from High-Frequency GPS: Tracking Cows in Open and Forested Habitat

scientific article published on 24 June 2015

Dilution effect and identity effect by wildlife in the persistence and recurrence of bovine tuberculosis

scientific article

Dilution effect in bovine tuberculosis: risk factors for regional disease occurrence in Africa

scientific article published on 26 June 2013

Dilution versus facilitation: Impact of connectivity on disease risk in metapopulations

scientific article published on 14 April 2015

Disturbance regulates the density-body-mass relationship of soil fauna

scientific article published on 02 December 2019

Disturbance–diversity relationships for soil fauna are explained by faunal community biomass in a salt marsh

scholarly article by Madhav Prakash Thakur et al published November 2014 in Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Do spatially homogenising and heterogenising processes affect transitions between alternative stable states?

scientific article published in 2017

Dutch hedgehogsErinaceus europaeusare nowadays mainly found in urban areas, possibly due to the negative Effects of badgersMeles meles

Ecological determinants of butterfly vulnerability across the European continent

article by Tijl Essens et al published 30 March 2017 in Journal of Insect Conservation

Effect of patches of woody vegetation on the role of fire in tropical grasslands and savannas

Effect of spectral composition of artificial light on the attraction of moths


Effective pollination of greenhouse Galia musk melon (<i>Cucumis melo</i> L. var. <i>reticulatus</i> ser.) by afrotropical stingless bee species

scientific article published on 01 February 2022

Effects of fire and herbivory on the stability of savanna ecosystems


Effects of native and invasive grasses on the survival and growth of tree seedlings in a neotropical savanna

scientific article published in 2023

Effects of scale and efficiency of rural traffic calming on safety, accessibility and wildlife

Effects of simulated browsing on growth and leaf chemical properties inColophospermum mopanesaplings

scientific article published in 2010

Fine-scale spatial distribution of plants and resources on a sandy soil in the Sahel

article published in 2002

Fixed or mixed? Variation in tree functional types and vegetation structure in a forest-savanna ecotone in West Africa

scientific article published on 23 July 2020

Flattened fauna and mitigation: Traffic victims related to road, traffic, vehicle, and species characteristics


Food quality and quantity are more important in explaining foraging of an intermediate-sized mammalian herbivore than predation risk or competition


Forest degradation influences nesting site selection of Afro-tropical stingless bee species in a tropical rain forest, Kenya

scholarly article by Nkoba Kiatoko et al published 23 November 2017 in African Journal of Ecology

Green Veining: Landscape Determinants of Biodiversity in European Agricultural Landscapes

scientific article published in 2005

Herbivores as architects of savannas: inducing and modifying spatial vegetation patterning

scientific article published in 2008

Herbivores as architects of savannas: inducing and modifying spatial vegetation patterning

Implications of shared predation for space use in two sympatric leporids.

scientific article

Increased searching and handling effort in tall swards lead to a Type IV functional response in small grazing herbivores

scientific article published on 11 January 2011

Influence of host plant phenology and oviposition date on the oviposition pattern and offspring performance of the butterfly Phengaris alcon


Influence of multiple predators decreases body condition and fecundity of European hares

scientific article published in 2022

Instantaneous intake rate of herbivores as function of forage quality and mass: Effects on facilitative and competitive interactions

scientific article published in 2008

Interacting effects of landscape context and habitat quality on flower visiting insects in agricultural landscapes

article by David Kleijn & Frank van Langevelde published May 2006 in Basic and Applied Ecology

Interaction between Varroa destructor and imidacloprid reduces flight capacity of honeybees

scientific article published in December 2015

Interactive effect of reduced pollen availability and Varroa destructor infestation limits growth and protein content of young honey bees.

scientific article published on 21 February 2013

Introduction to Resource Ecology

Landscape Ecology and Rural Roads: Traffic Calming for improving both landscape and wildlife?

scientific article published in 2013

Large herbivores may alter vegetation structure of semi-arid savannas through soil nutrient mediation

scientific article (publication date: April 2011)

Larger antelopes are sensitive to heat stress throughout all seasons but smaller antelopes only during summer in an African semi-arid environment.

scientific article

Leaf adaptations of evergreen and deciduous trees of semi-arid and humid savannas on three continents

article published in 2013

Looking for the ants: selection of oviposition sites by two myrmecophilous butterfly species


Modeling elephant-mediated cascading effects of water point closure

scientific article

Modelling the effect of intersections in linear habitat on spatial distribution and local population density

Modelling the negative effects of landscape fragmentation on habitat selection

scholarly article by Frank van Langevelde published November 2015 in Ecological Informatics

Moisture and nutrients determine the distribution and richness of India's large herbivore species assemblage


Movement ecology of large herbivores in African savannas: current knowledge and gaps

scientific article

Naturally selected honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies resistant to Varroa destructor do not groom more intensively

Neckband or backpack? Differences in tag design and their effects on GPS/accelerometer tracking results in large waterbirds

scientific article published in 2016

Nest defensibility decreases home-range size in central place foragers

scientific article published in 2018

Not only the butterflies: managing ants on road verges to benefit Phengaris (Maculinea) butterflies

article by Irma Wynhoff et al published 19 September 2010 in Journal of Insect Conservation

Not only the butterflies: managing ants on road verges to benefit Phengaris (Maculinea) butterflies

scholarly article published 2010

On the importance of root traits in seedlings of tropical tree species

scientific article published on 13 December 2019

On the relationship between fire regime and vegetation structure in the tropics

scientific article published on 7 January 2018

Online appendix 1:Spatial refuges buffer landscapes against homogenisation and degradation by large herbivore populations and facilitate vegetation heterogeneity

scientific article published on 23 May 2017

Optimal foraging for multiple resources in several food species

scientific article published in July 2009

Optimisation or satiation, testing diet selection rules in goats


Optimization of net returns from wildlife consumptive and non-consumptive uses by game reserve management

Optimization of wildlife management in a large game reserve through waterpoints manipulation: a bio-economic analysis.

scientific article

Phengaris (Maculinea) alconbutterflies deposit their eggs on tall plants with many large buds in the vicinity ofMyrmicaants


Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius butterflies select host plants close to Myrmica ants for oviposition, but P . nausithous do not


Population recovery and occurrence of the endemic Rhine sculpin (<i>Cottus rhenanus</i>)

scientific article published in 2023

Possible causes of decreasing migratory ungulate populations in an East African savannah after restrictions in their seasonal movements

scientific article (publication date: March 2010)

Predation danger can explain changes in timing of migration: the case of the barnacle goose

scientific article

Productivity affects the density–body mass relationship of soil fauna communities

scholarly article by Vincent Comor et al published May 2014 in Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Prolonged drought results in starvation of African elephant ( Loxodonta africana )

Quantifying Carbon in Savannas: The Role of Active Sensors in Measurements of Tree Structure and Biomass

academic book chapter


scientific article published in 2005

Regional level risk factors associated with the occurrence of African swine fever in West and East Africa

scientific article published on 07 January 2017

Relationship between vegetation growth rates at the onset of the wet season and soil type in the Sahel of Burkina Faso: implications for resource utilisation at large scales

scholarly article by Lalit Kumar et al published March 2002 in Ecological Modelling

Relative growth rate variation of evergreen and deciduous savanna tree species is driven by different traits

scientific article published on 22 June 2014

Resilience and restoration of soft-bottom near-shore ecosystems

Resource use of specialist butterflies in agricultural landscapes: conservation lessons from the butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) nausithous

article by Sergej H. D. R. Jansen et al published 22 March 2012 in Journal of Insect Conservation

Scale of habitat connectivity and colonization in fragmented nuthatch populations

scientific article published in 2008

Scale of habitat connectivity and colonization in fragmented nuthatch populations

scientific article published in 2000

Scale of nutrient patchiness mediates resource partitioning between trees and grasses in a semi-arid savanna

scientific article published in 2011

Scale-dependent bi-trophic interactions in a semi-arid savanna: how herbivores eliminate benefits of nutrient patchiness to plants

scientific article

Seasonal diet changes in elephant and impala in mopane woodland

article by Martine Kos et al published 17 September 2011 in European Journal of Wildlife Research

Seedling growth of savanna tree species from three continents under grass competition and nutrient limitation in a greenhouse experiment


Self‐Organization of Vegetation in Arid Ecosystems

scientific article published in 2002

Short-term effect of nutrient availability and rainfall distribution on biomass production and leaf nutrient content of savanna tree species

scientific article

Sod translocation to restore habitats of the myrmecophilous butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius on former agricultural fields

scholarly article published September 2022

Soil clay content and fire frequency affect clustering in trees in South African savannas

scholarly article by Thomas A. Groen et al published May 2008 in Journal of Tropical Ecology

Soil seed bank dynamics under the influence of grazing as alternative explanation for herbaceous vegetation transitions in semi-arid rangelands

scientific article published in 2016

Spatial autocorrelation and the scaling of species–environment relationships

scientific article (publication date: August 2010)

Spatial distribution of lion kills determined by the water dependency of prey species


Spatial heterogeneity and irreversible vegetation change in semiarid grazing systems

scientific article published on February 2002

Spatial refuges buffer landscapes against homogenisation and degradation by large herbivore populations and facilitate vegetation heterogeneity

scientific article published on 23 May 2017

Species' life-history traits explain interspecific variation in reservoir competence: a possible mechanism underlying the dilution effect

scientific article

Stability of wooded patches in a South African nutrient-poor grassland: do nutrients, fire or herbivores limit their expansion?

scholarly article by Anja A. Mourik et al published 16 August 2007 in Journal of Tropical Ecology

Strong reactive movement response of the medium-sized European hare to elevated predation risk in short vegetation

The diversity-disease relationship: evidence for and criticisms of the dilution effect.

scientific article

The importance of seed mass for the tolerance to heat shocks of savanna and forest tree species


The influence of wild boar (Sus scrofa) on microhabitat quality for the endangered butterfly Pyrgus malvae in the Netherlands

article by Frédéric de Schaetzen et al published 18 January 2018 in Journal of Insect Conservation

The spatial scaling of habitat selection by African elephants

scientific article

Traffic mortality and the role of minor roads

scientific article published on 20 February 2008

Tree species from different functional groups respond differently to environmental changes during establishment

scientific article published on 12 December 2013

Two different strategies of host manipulation allow parasites to persist in intermediate-definitive host systems.

scientific article published on 28 December 2017

Two strategies for conservation planning in human-dominated landscapes

Understanding spatial differences in African elephant densities and occurrence, a continent-wide analysis


Using traffic flow theory to model traffic mortality in mammals

article published in 2005

Using traffic flow theory to model traffic mortality in mammals


Varroa destructor infestation impairs the improvement of landing performance in foraging honeybees

scientific article published on 09 September 2020

Varroa sensitive hygiene contributes to naturally selected varroa resistance in honey bees

Water and nutrients alter herbaceous competitive effects on tree seedlings in a semi-arid savanna

scientific article published in 2009

Will legal international rhino horn trade save wild rhino populations?

scientific article published on 05 June 2020

Winners and losers: tropical forest tree seedling survival across a West African forest-savanna transition

scientific article published on 18 April 2016

Winter survival of individual honey bees and honey bee colonies depends on level of Varroa destructor infestation

scientific article