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List of works by Claudio Labanti

A Light and Effective Wide Field Monitor for Gamma Ray Bursts and Transient Sources



A Three Dimensional High Energy Photon Detector For Gamma-Ray Astronomy

scholarly article published 27 November 1989

A balloon-borne instrumentation for cosmic gamma-ray burst detection and measurement

A broad energy range wide field monitor for next generation gamma-ray burst experiments

A compact and modular x- and gamma-ray detector with a CsI scintillator and double-readout Silicon Drift Detectors

A concept for a lightweight, low-power and sensitive Silicon-based All Sky Monitor for transient sources and Gamma Ray Bursts

scholarly article published 2010

A flexible scintillation light apparatus for rare events searches

A large area detector proposed for the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT)


A low-power CMOS ASIC for X-ray Silicon Drift Detectors low-noise pulse processing

A monolithic array of silicon drift detectors coupled to a single scintillator for γ-ray imaging with sub-millimeter position resolution

A monolithic array of silicon, drift detectors for high-resolution gamma-ray imaging

A pulse shape discrimination gamma-ray detector based on a silicon drift chamber coupled to a CsI(Tl) scintillator: prospects for a 1 keV-1 MeV monolithic detector

A small prototype of LSO-SDD anger camera

A year-long AGILE observation of Cygnus X-1 in hard spectral state

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE Detection of a Strong Gamma-Ray Flare from the Blazar 3C 454.3

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal


AGILE View of TGFs

AGILE WebMon: Monitoring the AGILE payload through the WEB

AGILE and Gamma-Ray Bursts

AGILE and Gamma-Ray Bursts

AGILE and gamma-ray astrophysics

AGILE and the Gamma-Ray Bursts

AGILE detection of Cygnus X-3γ-ray active states during the period mid-2009/mid-2010

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of GeV $\sf$γ-ray emission from the SNR W28

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of a rapid γ-ray flare from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during the GASP-WEBT monitoring

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of delayed gamma-ray emission from GRB 080514B

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of delayed gamma-ray emission from the short gamma-ray burst GRB 090510

scientific article

AGILE detection of extremeγ-ray activity from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during March 2009

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of intense gamma-ray emission from the blazar PKS 1510-089

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of intenseγ-ray activity from the blazar PKS 0537–441 in October 2008

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE detection of variable γ-ray activity from the blazar S5 0716+714 in September–October 2007

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE mini-calorimeter gamma-ray burst catalog

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE observation of a gamma-ray flare from the blazar 3C 279

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGILE observations of the "Soft" gamma-ray pulsar PSR B1509-58

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

AGILE, a satellite for high energy γ-ray astrophysics: prospects for the Mini-Calorimeter

scientific article published in January 2004

AGILE: A gamma-ray mission

AGILE: The scientific instrument

ASPEX: a pret-a-porter all sky monitor

scholarly article published 14 June 2006

An updated list of AGILE brightγ-ray sources and their variability in pointing mode

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Array of X and gamma ray scintillator detector for space gamma ray telescope application

Beam tests of a 3-D position sensitive scintillation detector

Building a pixellated detector for gamma-ray imaging: the PICsIT example

Calibration of AGILE-GRID with in-flight data and Monte Carlo simulations

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Calibration of AGILE-GRID with in-flight data and Monte Carlo simulations

Characterization of a LaBr3 scintillator with multi-cell Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) readout

Characterization of a novel pixelated Silicon Drift Detector (PixDD) for high-throughput X-ray astrophysics

Characterization of a tagged γ - ray beam line at the DA Φ NE Beam Test Facility

Characterization of an ASIC front-end electronics dedicated to the Silicon Drift Detectors

Characterization of the VEGA ASIC coupled to large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detectors

Characterization of the VEGA ASIC dedicated to large area position-sensitive SDDs for space and medical applications

Concept for an innovative wide-field camera for x-ray astronomy

Cosmic rays tracks in the PICsIT instrument onboard the INTEGRAL satellite

Cosmic rays tracks on the PICsIT detector

scientific article

Data handling system of the gamma-ray space detector AGILE

scholarly article published 13 December 2000

Design and construction of the Mini-Calorimeter of the AGILE satellite

article by Claudio Labanti et al published January 2009 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Design of a CZT gamma-camera for GRB and fast transient follow-up: a wide-field-monitor for the EDGE mission


Detection of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula with AGILE

scientific article published in Science

Detection of gamma-ray emission from the eta-Carinae region

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Detection of terrestrial gamma ray flashes up to 40 MeV by the AGILE satellite

scholarly article

Detectors for high-resolution gamma-ray imaging based on a single CsI(Tl) scintillator coupled to an array of silicon drift detectors

article published in 2001

Direct evidence for hadronic cosmic-ray acceleration in the supernova remnant IC 443


Discovery of Powerful Gamma-Ray Flares from the Crab Nebula

scientific article published in Science

Discovery of new gamma-ray pulsars with AGILE

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

EDGE: Explorer of diffuse emission and gamma-ray burst explosions

EDGE: explorer of diffuse emission and gamma-ray burst explosions

ESTREMO/WFXRT: Extreme phySics in the TRansient and Evolving COsmos

Enhanced detection of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes by AGILE.

scientific article

Episodic transient gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-1

Extreme particle acceleration in the microquasar Cygnus X-3

scientific article

First AGILE catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

First FAMU observation of muon transfer from μp atoms to higher-Z elements

First GRB detections with the AGILE Minicalorimeter

First experimental results of a new gamma-ray detector based on a Silicon Drift Chamber coupled to a Scintillator

First prototype of a gamma-camera based on a single CsI:(Tl) scintillator coupled to a silicon drift detector array

article published in 2000

First results about on-ground calibration of the silicon tracker for the AGILE satellite

article by P.W. Cattaneo et al published February 2011 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research


scholarly article published 29 January 2015

GAME: GRB and All-sky Monitor Experiment

article by Lorenzo Amati et al published May 2014 in International Journal of Modern Physics D



GRB 070724B: the first Gamma Ray Burst localized by SuperAGILE

GRB 070724B: the first gamma ray burst localized by SuperAGILE and its Swift X-ray afterglow

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

GRIPS - Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy

Galactic sources science with AGILE: The case of the Carina Region

Gamma-Light: High-Energy Astrophysics above 10 MeV

Gamma-ray Astrophysics with AGILE

Gamma-ray burst detection with the AGILE mini-calorimeter

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy (GRIPS)

Gamma-ray imaging detectors based on SDDs coupled to scintillators

Gamma-ray localization of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Ground support equipment for scientific tests and calibration of the AGILE instrument

High energy variability of 3C 273 during the AGILE multiwavelength campaign of December 2007–January 2008

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

High spatial resolution correlation of AGILE TGFs and global lightning activity above the equatorial belt

scholarly article

High-resolution timing observations of spin-powered pulsars with the AGILE gamma-ray telescope

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

IBIS/PICsIT in-flight performances

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

IBIS: The Imager on-board INTEGRAL

scientific article

ICARUS ASIC: a 16 channel photodiode read out system

ICARUS-SDD: a 16 channel ASIC for silicon drift detectors read-out

INTEGRAL observations of the Crab pulsar

scientific article

Imager prototype for gamma-ray astronomy: functional performance

scholarly article by Claudio Labanti et al published August 1993 in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Imaging characterization of a multi-energy CT with quasi-monochromatic X-ray source

Imaging of cosmic ray tracks in the PICsIT detector onboard the INTEGRAL satellite

Imaging performance of a large-area Silicon Drift Detector for X-ray astronomy

scholarly article by Riccardo Campana et al published March 2011 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

In-flight performance of the AGILE mini-calorimeter and its gamma-ray burst detection capabilities

Integral imager: Prototype scientific performances

Interplanetary Network localizations of Konus short gamma-ray bursts

scientific article

LOFT: a large observatory for x-ray timing

LOFT: the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing


Large-area linear Silicon Drift Detector design for X-ray experiments

Long-term AGILE monitoring of the puzzling gamma-ray source 3EG J1835+5918

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Methods for optimizing the performances of position-sensitive CsI(Tl) scintillation bars with photodiode readout

MiniCalorimeter of the AGILE satellite

Monitoring the hard X-ray sky with SuperAGILE

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Multiwavelength observations of 3C 454.3. I. The AGILE 2007 November campaign on the "Crazy diamond"

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Multiwavelength observations of 3C 454.3. II. The AGILE 2007 December campaign

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Multiwavelength observations of 3C 454.3. III. Eighteen months of AGILE monitoring of the "Crazy Diamond"

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Multiwavelength observations of a TeV-flare from W Comae

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

On field Spectrometry for diagnostic X-ray beams: Comparison between innovative devices

On-board electronics for BLIMP: a balloon-borne prototype for the INTEGRAL satellite

On-ground calibration of AGILE-GRID with a photon beam: results and lessons for the future

One year of in-orbit operation of the AGILE Payload

PICsIT detector for γ-ray astronomy: pixels qualification campaign

scholarly article by G. Di Cocco et al published January 2002 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

PICsIT: a position sensitive detector for space applications

Performance of position sensitive scintillator detectors when readout with a low noise photodevice

Position and energy resolution of a new gamma-ray detector based on a single CsI(Tl) scintillator coupled to a silicon drift chamber array

Position sensitive x- and gamma-ray scintillator detector for new space telescopes

Preliminary results on TeV sources search with AGILE

Properties of terrestrial gamma ray flashes detected by AGILE MCAL below 30 MeV

article by Martino Marisaldi et al published February 2014 in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics

Radiation tests of single photon avalanche diode for space applications

Room-temperature spectroscopic performance of a very-large area silicon drift detector

Science with AGILE

Science with AGILE

article published in 2001

Scientific calibration of the PICsIT engineering model detector of the IBIS telescope

Scientific performance evaluation of the PICsIT qualification model of the IBIS telescope

Scientific prospects in soft gamma-ray astronomy enabled by the LAUE project

scholarly article published 26 September 2013

Scintillating fibers readout by Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD) for space applications

Search for Very Short Bursts with the AGILE Mini-Calorimeter

Search of GRB with AGILE Minicalorimeter

Semi-empirical model for fluorescence lines evaluation in diagnostic x-ray beams.

scientific article published on 22 October 2015

Silicon drift chamber with extended energy range

article published in 2000

Silicon drift detectors array coupled to scintillators operated with pulse shape discrimination technique: a 1 keV - 1 MeV position sensitive gamma-ray detector

Silicon drift detectors coupled to CsI(Tl) scintillators for spaceborne gamma-ray detectors

Single Photon Avalanche Diodes for space applications

Steps towards the hyperfine splitting measurement of the muonic hydrogen ground state: pulsed muon beam and detection system characterization

Study of theγ-ray source 1AGL J2022+4032 in the Cygnus region

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Super-agile—The X-ray detector for the gamma-ray mission agile


Temporal properties of GX 301-2 over a year-long observation with SuperAGILE

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes as Powerful Particle Accelerators

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

Test campaign of the minicalorimeter for the AGILE Satellite

The 2009 December gamma-ray flare of 3C 454.3: the multifrequency campaign

The AGILE Mission

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The AGILE Mission and Gamma-Ray Bursts

The AGILE data handling in-flight performance

scholarly article published October 2008

The AGILE gamma-ray astronomy mission

scholarly article by S. Mereghetti et al published 2000 in AIP Conference Proceedings

The AGILE instrument

The AGILE mission and its scientific instrument

The AGILE observations of the hard and bright GRB 100724B

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The AGILE scientific instrument

The AGILE space mission

The Agile Gamma-Ray Astronomy Satellite

scholarly article by S. Mereghetti et al published 2001 in Astrophysics and Space Science Library

The Crab nebula super-flare in 2011 April: extremely fast particle acceleration and gamma-ray emission

The Ibis-Picsit detector onboard Integral

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The June 2008 flare of Markarian 421 from optical to TeV energies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The LOFT mission concept: a status update


The LaBr3(Ce) based detection system for the FAMU experiment

scholarly article

The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT)


The Large Observatory for x-ray timing


The MCAL science console software for the minicalorimeter of the AGILE mission

The MGSE software for the on-ground gamma-ray calibration of the AGILE payload

The Mini-Calorimeter detector for the AGILE mission

The Mini-Calorimeter on-board AGILE: 18 months in orbit

The Mini-Calorimeter on-board AGILE: The first year in space

The SIRIUS mixed analog-digital ASIC developed for the LOFT LAD and WFM instruments

The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances

scholarly article

The Test Equipment of the AGILE Minicalorimeter Prototype

The XGS instrument on-board THESEUS

The characterization of the distant blazar GB6 J1239+0443 from flaring and low activity periods

scientific article

The e-ASTROGAM gamma-ray space mission

The e-ASTROGAM gamma-ray space observatory for the multimessenger astronomy of the 2030s

The e-ASTROGAM mission

The extraordinary gamma-ray flare of the blazar 3C 454.3

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The flaring blazars of the first 1.5 years of the AGILE mission

The large area detector of LOFT: the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing

scientific article (publication date: 24 July 2014)

The large area detector onboard the eXTP mission


The mechanical ground support equipment for the AIV and calibration of the AGILE integrated payload

The mini calorimeter of the AGILE satellite

The mini-calorimeter of the AGILE satellite

The observation of GRBs with AGILE and the interesting cases of GRB 090618 and GRB 100724B

The observation of gamma ray bursts and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes with AGILE

article published in 2011

The science of AGILE: part I

The science of AGILE: part II

The space gamma-ray observatory AGILE

The status of the AGILE GRB observations and the noticeable case of GRB 080514B

The wide field monitor onboard the eXTP mission

Upper limits on the high-energy emission from gamma-ray bursts observed by AGILE-GRID

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

X- and gamma-ray detection with a silicon drift detector coupled to a CsI(Tl) scintillator operated with pulse shape discrimination technique

X-ray 3D computed tomography of large objects: investigation of an ancient globe created by Vincenzo Coronelli

X-ray imaging and spectroscopy performance of a large area silicon drift chamber for wide-field x-ray astronomy applications

scholarly article published 16 July 2010

eXTP: Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarization mission
