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List of works by Chrystal Jaye

'Are We One Body?' Body Boundaries in Telesomatic Experiences

scientific article published on August 2007

'Do as I say, not as I do': Medical Education and Foucault's Normalizing Technologies of Self

scientific article published in August 2006

'There is no sick leave at the university': how sick leave constructs the good employee

scientific article published on 28 September 2020

'Why worry about something you can't control?' Negotiated risk, longevity and health behaviours

scientific article published in March 2017

A Polymath Anthropologist; Oceanic Music Encounters; Normal Humanness, Change and Power in Human Assisted Reproductive Technology; The Social Ecology of New Technologies and Haemophilia; Indian Settlers, the story of a New Zealand South Asian Commun

scientific article published in 2008

A citizens' jury on euthanasia/assisted dying: Does informed deliberation change people's views?

scientific article published on 09 December 2019

A qualitative comparative investigation of variation in general practitioners' prescribing patterns.

scientific article

After hours healthcare for older patients in New Zealand--barriers to accessing care

scientific article published on 04 August 2006

Age-related patterns in work-related injury claims from older New Zealanders, 2009-2013: Implications of injury for an aging workforce

scientific article published on 4 November 2017

An exercise to map patient-centred care networks

scientific article published on 08 January 2016

Barriers to equitable maternal health in Aotearoa New Zealand: an integrative review

scientific article published on 30 October 2019

Caring for self-harming patients in general practice

scientific article published in December 2017

Changes in clinical practice and patient disposition following the introduction of point-of-care testing in a rural hospital

scientific article published on 19 January 2010

Communities of clinical practice and normalising technologies of self: learning to fit in on the surgical ward

scientific article published in April 2010

Communities of clinical practice in action: Doing whatever it takes

scientific article published on January 2017

Communities of clinical practice: the social organization of clinical learning

scientific article published on January 2009

Cracking open death: death conversations in primary care

scientific article published on 01 December 2016

Defining Decision Making: A Qualitative Study of International Experts’ Views on Surgical Trainee Decision Making

scientific article published on June 1, 2011

Doing qualitative research in general practice: methodological utility and engagement.

scientific article

Dunedin's free clinic: an exploration of its model of care using case study methodology.

scientific article

Embodying occupational overuse syndrome

scientific article published on December 15, 2010

Employing imaginative rationality: using metaphor when discussing death

scientific article published on 5 October 2016

Engaging with complementary and alternative medicine in general practice

scientific article published on March 1, 2011

Exploring the value of social network 'care maps' in the provision of long-term conditions care

scientific article published on 18 March 2019

GP obstetricians' views of the model of maternity care in New Zealand

scientific article published on February 1, 2013

GPs' perception of their role in the identification and management of family violence

scientific article published on 7 February 2007

General Practitioners providing obstetric care in New Zealand. What differentiates GPs who continue to deliver babies?

scientific article published in March 2017

General practice registrars' views on maternity care in general practice in New Zealand

scientific article

Guest Editorial: Ethics and equity in the time of Coronavirus

scientific article published on 01 June 2020

Hidden in Plain Sight: Transactions of Moral Capital in Sick Leave Management Within the Corporate University

Introducing point-of-care testing into a rural hospital setting: thematic analysis of interviews with providers

scientific article published in March 2010

Living into death: a case for an iterative, fortified and cross-sector approach to advance care planning

scientific article published on 16 May 2017

Local clinical pathways: from 'good ideas' to 'practicality' for general practitioners

scientific article published on 01 October 2018

Managing Sick Leave in the University: Bureaucracy and Discretion

Medical student learner neglect in the clinical learning environment: applying Glaser's theoretical model

scientific article published on 28 November 2020

Moral Economy and Moral Capital in the Community of Clinical Practice

scientific article

Moral distress in rural veterinarians as an outcome of the Mycoplasma bovis incursion in southern New Zealand

Occupational overuse syndrome: moral ambiguities of New Zealand health professionals

scientific article published on 13 April 2011

One of us: Stories from two New Zealand rest homes

scientific article published on 12 September 2015

Patients' views on end-of-life practices that hasten death: a qualitative study exploring ethical distinctions

scientific article published on 24 June 2020

Perspectives on access to personal health information in New Zealand/Aotearoa


Providing care to refugees through mainstream general practice in the southern health region of New Zealand: a qualitative study of primary healthcare professionals' perspectives

scientific article published on 31 December 2019

Putting social care on the map.

scientific article

Rurality and latent precarity: Growing older in a small rural New Zealand town

Shared care requires a shared vision: communities of clinical practice in a primary care setting.

scientific article published on 16 February 2017

Spiritual beliefs, practices, and needs at the end of life: Results from a New Zealand national hospice study

scientific article

Stereotactic radiosurgery: the patient's experience

scientific article

Student belief about the value of challenge

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

Talking around embodiment: the views of GPs following participation in medical anthropology courses

scientific article published on June 1, 2004

Teaching and learning in the hospital ward.

scientific article published on 9 October 2009

The Use of Nurses in Community Palliative Care

scientific article published on July 1, 2011

The embodied liminalities of occupational overuse syndrome: Medical anthropology quarterly

scientific article published in June 2012

The lived political economy of occupational overuse syndrome among New Zealand workers

scientific article published in November 2010

The people speak: social media on euthanasia/assisted dying

scientific article published on 07 February 2019

The psychosocial impact of Mycoplasma bovis on southern New Zealand farmers: The human cost of managing an exotic animal disease incursion

scientific article published in 2022

The spiritual environment in New Zealand hospice care: identifying organisational commitment to spiritual care

scientific article published on 20 May 2014

Vaikoloa: Understanding depression in Tokelauan people in New Zealand

scientific article

Wellbeing and health in a small New Zealand rural community: Assets, capabilities and being rural-fit

What do general practice patients know about their prescription medications?

scientific article published on 27 September 2002

What do they get out of it? Considering a partnership model in health service research

What is spirituality? Evidence from a New Zealand hospice study


What is the answer to the challenge of multimorbidity in New Zealand?

scientific article published on 01 June 2020

Why do patients attend Dunedin's free clinic? An audit of general practice activity using the ICPC-2 classification system

scientific article published on 13 March 2015

‘The day I killed my cows was the day I walked away’: Mycoplasma bovis, moral economy and moral capital

“No better or worse off”: Mycoplasma bovis, farmers and bureaucracy

“Tossing Out the Baby with the Bath Water”: New Zealand General Practitioners on Maternity Care

scientific article published on January 1, 2013