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List of works by Sergio Billotta

A large area cosmic ray detector for the inspection of hidden high-Z materials inside containers

AquEYE, a single photon counting photometer for astronomy

scholarly article by C. Barbieri et al published 20 January 2009 in Journal of Modern Optics

Arrays of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes

Characterization of EASIROC as front-end for the readout of the SiPM at the focal plane of the Cherenkov telescope ASTRI

Characterization of a Novel 100-Channel Silicon Photomultiplier—Part I: Noise

Characterization of a Novel 100-Channel Silicon Photomultiplier—Part II: Charge and Time

Characterization of detectors for the Italian Astronomical Quantum Photometer Project


Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy

article by Marcos Actis et al published 23 November 2011 in Experimental Astronomy

Design of a large area tomograph to search for high-Z materials inside containers by cosmic muons

Design of a muonic tomographic detector to scan travelling containers

Electro-optical characterization of MPPC detectors for the ASTRI Cherenkov telescope camera

article by Davide Marano et al published December 2014 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Evaluation of the optical cross talk level in the SiPMs adopted in ASTRI SST-2M Cherenkov Camera using EASIROC front-end electronics

Fabrication, characterization and testing of silicon photomultipliers for the Muon Portal Project

Features of Silicon Photo Multipliers: Precision Measurements of Noise, Cross-Talk, Afterpulsing, Detection Efficiency

Improved SPICE electrical model of silicon photomultipliers

Introducing the CTA concept

Iqueye, a single photon-counting photometer applied to the ESO new technology telescope

scholarly article

Iqueye: a single-photon counting very high-speed photometer for the ESO 3.5m NTT


Performance and applications of the UVscope instrument

Precision measurements of Photon Detection Efficiency for SiPM detectors

Quantum Detection Efficiency in Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes

SiPM detectors for the ASTRI project in the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

article published in 2014

Silicon Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes

Silicon Photomultiplier Technology at STMicroelectronics

Silicon Photomultipliers Electrical Model Extensive Analytical Analysis

Silicon photomultipliers for nuclear medical imaging applications

scholarly article published 25 April 2008

Single photon avalanche photodiodes arrays

Single-photon avalanche photodiodes with integrated quenching resistor

Spada: An Array of Spad Detectors For Astrophysical Applications

The Muon Portal Project: Development of an innovative scanning portal based on muon tomography

The camera of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

The muon portal double tracker to inspect travelling containers

article published in 2014

The muon portal project: A dedicated muon detector for the inspection of shipping containers

UVSiPM: A light detector instrument based on a SiPM sensor working in single photon counting

Very fast photon counting photometers for astronomical applications: IquEYE for the ESO 3.5m New Technology Telescope