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List of works by Claude Carignan

A 3D optical spectroscopy study of low surface brightness galaxies

scientific article published in January 2004

A 5° × 5° deep H i survey of the M81 group

scientific article

A Virgo high-resolution Hα kinematical survey — II. The Atlas

scientific article

A Virgo high-resolution Hα kinematical survey

scholarly article

A dark-halo-dominated galaxy: NGC 5585

scholarly article

A galactic weigh-in: mass models of SINGS galaxies using chemo-spectrophotometric galactic evolution models

scientific article published in January 2013

A multiscale study of star formation in Messier 33

scholarly article

Accurate determination of the mass distribution in spiral galaxies. II. Testing the shape of dark halos

scientific article published in January 2001

Accurate determination of the mass distribution in spiral galaxies. III. Fabry-Perot imaging spectroscopy of 6 spiral galaxies

scientific article published in January 2004

Accurate parameters of the mass distribution in spiral galaxies. I. Fabry-Perot observations of NGC 5585

scientific article published in January 1999

An evolutionary sequence of expanding hydrogen shells in galaxy discs

scientific article published in January 2007

An improved method for statistical studies of the internal kinematics of HII regions: the case of M83

scientific article published in January 2010

Anisotropy of random motions of gas in Messier 33

scientific article published in July 2020

At the low-mass end: light and H I distribution of GR 8

scientific article

BHαBAR: big Hα kinematical sample of barred spiral galaxies - I. Fabry-Perot observations of 21 galaxies

scientific article

Bar pattern speed and position of the circumnuclear ring in NGC 1097

scientific article

Basic parameters of dark halos in late-type spirals

scientific article published in January 1985

DDO 154: a "dark" galaxy ?

scientific article published in January 1988

Dark matter distribution and the H I - H-alpha connection in IC 2574

scientific article published in January 1994

Dark matter distribution in the galaxy IC 2574

scholarly article

Deep Fabry--Perot h{alpha} observations of two Sculptor group galaxies, NGC 247 and 300

scholarly article

Deep Fabry-Perot h{alpha} observations of NGC 7793: a very extended h{alpha} disk and a truly declining rotation curve

article by Dicaire I. et al published 2008 in The Astronomical Journal

Deep H{alpha} observations of NGC 253: a very extended and possibly declining rotation curve?

scientific article published in January 2011

Detection of H I associated with the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

scientific article

Detection of infalling hydrogen in transfer between the interacting galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427

scientific article published in January 2011

Discovery of Numerous Dwarf Galaxies in the Two Nearest Groups of Galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Early observations of the MHONGOOSE galaxies: getting ready for MeerKAT

scholarly article

Early science with the Karoo Array Telescope test array KAT-7

Engineering and science highlights of the KAT-7 radio telescope

scholarly article

Environment, ram pressure, and shell formation in Holmberg II

scientific article published in January 2002

Environmental effects on the kinematics of Virgo cluster Galaxies

scientific article published in January 2004

Estimating non-circular motions in barred galaxies using numericalN-body simulations


Evolution of structure in late-type spiral galaxies. I. Ionized gas kinematics in NGC 628

scientific article

Exploring the GalMer database: bar properties and non-circular motions

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Extended ionized gas in elliptical galaxies. II. Velocity and monochromatic maps of 11 elliptical and lenticular galaxies

scientific article

Extreme faint flux imaging with an EMCCD

scholarly article

Fabry-Perot observations using a new GaAs photon-counting system

GALEX Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: UV Color and Star Formation Efficiency

scholarly article

GHASP: A 3-D Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies at Hα

GHASP: an H {alpha} kinematical survey of spiral galaxies - XI. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using WISE photometry

scientific article

GHASP: an H{alpha} kinematic survey of spiral and irregular galaxies - V. Dark matter distribution in 36 nearby spiral galaxies

scientific article published in January 2008

GHASP: an Hα kinematic survey of spiral and irregular galaxies – VI. New Hα data cubes for 108 galaxies

scientific article (publication date: August 2008)

GHASP: an H α kinematics survey of spiral galaxies – XII. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using Rc-band photometry

scientific article

GH{alpha}FaS: galaxy h{alpha} Fabry-Perot system for the William Herschel Telescope

scholarly article

Galaxy mass models: MOND versus dark matter haloes

scientific article published in January 2014

H I and mass distribution in the dwarf "regular" galaxy UGC 2259

scholarly article

H I detection of two dwarf S0 galaxies in nearby groups: ESO 384-016 and NGC 59

scientific article published in January 2006

H I in the field of the dwarf Spheroidal/Irregular galaxy Phoenix

scientific article published in January 1999

H I kinematics and dynamics of Messier 31


H I kinematics, mass distribution and star formation threshold in NGC 6822, using the SKA pathfinder KAT-7

scientific article published in January 2017

H I observations of Sextans A and B with the SKA pathfinder KAT-7

scientific article

H I observations of galaxies in the southern filament of the Virgo Cluster with the Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder KAT-7 and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope

scientific article published in January 2017

H I observations of nearby dwarf galaxies

scientific article published in January 2004

H I studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. II. NGC 7793

scientific article

H I studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. III. NGC 55

scholarly article

H I studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. IV. NGC 247

scientific article published in January 1990

H I studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. V. NGC 253

scientific article

H i Kinematics and Mass Distribution of Messier 33

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

HI and hot gas in the outskirts of the M 81 group

scientific article

HI and mass distribution in the dwarf 'regular' galaxy UGC 2259

scholarly article

HI kinematics of the strongly warped Magellanic-type spiral NGC 5204

scientific article

HI observations of two new dwarf galaxies: Pisces A and B with the SKA Pathfinder KAT-7

scientific article published in January 2016

HI studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. I. Membership and M/L of the group

scientific article published in January 1988

HI studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. VI. NGC 300

scientific article

HI studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. VIII. The background galaxies: NGC 24 and NGC 45

HI studies of the Sculptor group of galaxies. VII. Implications on the distribution and nature of dark matter in groups

scientific article published in January 1991

Hα kinematics of the SINGS nearby galaxies survey — I

scientific article

Hα kinematics of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey – II

scientific article

H i in group interactions: HCG 44

scientific article

H i observations of the nearest starburst galaxy NGC 253 with the SKA precursor KAT-7

scientific article

Impact of ultraviolet radiation from giant spirals on the evolution of dwarf galaxies

scientific article

Improved 3D Fabry–Perot data reduction techniques

scientific article

KAT-7 science verification: cold gas, star formation, and substructure in the nearby Antlia Cluster

scientific article published in January 2015

KAT-7 science verification: using H I observations of NGC 3109 to understand its kinematics and mass distribution

scientific article published in January 2013

Kinematics and dynamics of galaxies in compact groups for a sample of 31 groups

scientific article published in January 2002

Kinematics and mass modelling of M33: Hα observations

scientific article

Kinematics of eight nearby dwarf galaxies

scholarly article

Kinematics of galaxies in compact groups. Studying the B-band Tully-Fischer relation

scientific article published in January 2010

L3CCD results in pure photon-counting mode

Light and mass distribution of the Magellanic-type spiral NGC 3109

scientific article published in January 1985

MOS-FP observation of NGC 5585 high resolution velocity field and rotation curve

scientific article published in January 1999

Mass modeling of disk galaxies: degeneracies, constraints, and adiabatic contraction

article published in 2005

NGC 2915. II. A dark spiral galaxy with a blue compact dwarf core

scientific article published in January 1996

NGC 5084: a massive disk galaxy accreting its satellites?

scientific article published in January 1997

NGC 5204 : a strongly warped Magellanic spiral. II.HI kinematics and mass distribution

scientific article published in January 1997

NGC 5204: a strongly warped Magellanic spiral. I. Light distribution and HII kinematics

scientific article published in January 1996

Neutral hydrogen and magnetic fields in M83 observed with the SKA Pathfinder KAT-7

scholarly article

Neutral hydrogen clouds near early-type dwarf galaxies of the Local Group

Observational constraints on the physical parameters of dark matter halos

scientific article

Observational study of the spiral galaxy NGC 6946. II. H I kinematics and mass distribution

scientific article published in January 1990

On the Relevance of the Tremaine‐Weinberg Method Applied to an Hα Velocity Field: Pattern Speed Determination in M100 (NGC 4321)

Optical and HI studies of the "gas-rich" dwarf irregular galaxy DDO 154

scholarly article

Optical observations of NGC 2915: A nearby blue compact dwarf galaxy

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Pattern speeds of bars and spiral arms from h{alpha} velocity fields

scientific article

Positions and flux densities at 5000 MHz for 1133 weak radio sources

scientific article published in January 1981

Probing halos of galaxies at very large radii using background QSOs

scientific article published in January 2005

Quantifying resonant structure in NGC 6946 from two-dimensional kinematics

scientific article published in January 2007

Remotely switched hollow-core antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide.

scientific article published in November 1991

Search for HI in dwarf spheroidal galaxies

scientific article published in January 1999

Simulating non-axisymmetric flows in disk galaxies

scientific article published in January 2018

Spiral inflow feeding the nuclear starburst in M83, observed in H{alpha} emission with the GH{alpha}FaS Fabry-Perot interferometer

scientific article published in January 2008

Studies of hot B subdwarfs. X. The distribution and space density of hot, hydrogen-rich subdwarfs determined from the Palomar-Green survey

scientific article

Surface photometry of the Sculptor group galaxies: NGC 7793, NGC 247 and NGC 300

scientific article published in January 1985

The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager for the SOAR Telescope

scientific article

The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey

scientific article published in January 1998

The Extended HiRotation Curve and Mass Distribution of M31

scholarly article

The H I environment of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

scientific article

The HI content of the Local Group dwarf (spheroidal or irregular ?) galaxy Phoenix

scientific article published in January 1991

The HI content of the local group dwarf irregular galaxy in Phoenix

scientific article published in January 1991

The HI-velocity fields of two blue compact dwarf galaxies

scientific article published in January 1993

The ``Total'' mass of DDO 154

scholarly article

The compact group of galaxies HCG 31 in an early phase of merging

scientific article published in January 2004

The dark side of NGC 3109

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The hot, warm and cold gas in Arp 227 - an evolving poor group

scientific article published in January 2006

The impact of molecular gas on mass models of nearby galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The kinematics of the quadrupolar nebula M 1–75 and the identification of its central star

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The largest rotation curve ever derived : HI rotation curve of DDO 154

scientific article published in January 1987

The various kinematics of dwarf irregular galaxies in nearby groups and their dark matter distributions

scientific article published in January 2000

Unique Tracks Drive the Scatter of the Spatially Resolved Star Formation Main Sequence

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

galactics with gas

scientific article