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List of works by Dario Daghero

A point-contact study of the superconducting gaps in Al-substitutedand C-substituted MgB2 single crystals

scholarly article by R.S. Gonnelli et al published January 2006 in Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

Advanced surface characterization of Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2 epitaxial thin films

Al substitution inMgB2crystals: Influence on superconducting and structural properties

scholarly article by Janusz Karpinski et al published 12 May 2005 in Physical Review B

Andreev-reflection measurements in RuSr2GdCu2O8


Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in ZrB12single crystals


Carbon substitutions inMgB2within the two-band Eliashberg theory

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 71 no. 13, April 2005

Carrier mobility and scattering lifetime in electric double-layer gated few-layer graphene


Coexistence of two order parameters and a pseudogaplike feature in the iron-based superconductorLaFeAsO1−xFx

scholarly article by R. S. Gonnelli et al published 29 May 2009 in Physical Review B

Conductance anisotropy in granular high-T c superconductors in a magnetic field

scholarly article by D. Daghero, A. Masoero, P. Mazzetti, A published 1 May 2000 in The philosophical magazine : physics of condensed matter. B, Statistical mechanics, electronic, optical and magnetic properties

Critical field of Al-dopedMgB2samples: Correlation with the suppression of theσ-band gap

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 71 no. 14, April 2005

Directional point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy of Fe-based superconductors: Fermi surface topology, gap symmetry, and electron–boson interaction


Directional point-contact spectroscopy of MgB2 single crystals in magnetic fields: two-band superconductivity and critical fields

scholarly article by R.S. Gonnelli et al published August 2004 in Physica C

Doping and critical-temperature dependence of the energy gaps in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2thin films

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 88 no. 17, November 2013

Doping dependence of the superconducting gap by Andreev reflection in Au/La2−xSrxCuO4 point-contact junctions


Effect of Heavy Al Doping on MgB2: A Point-Contact Study of Crystals and Polycrystals

Effect of Li–Al co-doping on the energy gaps of MgB2

Effect of Magnetic Impurities in a Two-Band Superconductor: A Point-Contact Study of Mn-SubstitutedMgB2Single Crystals

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Effect of ion irradiation on surface morphology and superconductivity of BaFe 2 (As 1−x P x ) 2 films

scholarly article by Dario Daghero et al published February 2017 in Applied Surface Science

Effect of the magnetic field on the gaps of MgB2: A directional point-contact study

Effects of isoelectronic Ru substitution at the Fe site on the energy gaps of optimally F-doped SmFeAsO

Evidence for Gap Anisotropy inCaC6from Directional Point-Contact Spectroscopy

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for One-Gap Superconductivity in Mg(B$$_{1-x}$$C$$_{x})_{2}$$ Single Crystals at x=0.132 by Point-Contact Spectroscopy

Evidence for single-gap superconductivity inMg(B1−xCx)2single crystals withx=0.132from point-contact spectroscopy

scholarly article by R. S. Gonnelli et al published 14 February 2005 in Physical Review B

Evidence for two-gap nodeless superconductivity inSmFeAsO1−xFxfrom point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy


Fermi-Surface Topological Phase Transition and Horizontal Order-Parameter Nodes in CaFe2As2 Under Pressure

scientific article published on 24 May 2016

Huge field-effect surface charge injection and conductance modulation in metallic thin films by electrochemical gating

Independent determination of the two gaps by directional point-contact spectroscopy in MgB2single crystals

Investigating point defects in irradiated boron-doped diamond films by temperature-dependent electrical properties and scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy

Investigation of Li-doped MgB2

Large Conductance Modulation of Gold Thin Films by Huge Charge Injection via Electrochemical Gating

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Multigap Superconductivity and Strong Electron-Boson Coupling in Fe-Based Superconductors: A Point-Contact Andreev-Reflection Study ofBa(Fe1−xCox)2As2Single Crystals

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Neutron irradiation effects on two gaps in MgB2

Normal and superconducting properties of LiFeAs explained in the framework of four-band Eliashberg theory

scholarly article by G.A. Ummarino et al published September 2013 in Physica C


Point contact spectroscopy in Fe-based superconductors: Recent advancements and future challenges

scholarly article by R.S. Gonnelli et al published April 2013 in Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science

Point-Contact Andreev-Reflection Spectroscopy in Fe-Based Superconductors: Multigap Superconductivity and Strong Electron–Boson Interaction


Point-Contact Andreev-Reflection Spectroscopy in the Fe-based Superconductor LaFeAsO1−x F x


Point-Contact Spectroscopy in Mn-Doped MgB2 Single Crystals: Effects of Magnetic Impurities in a Two-Band Superconductor

scholarly article by Dario Daghero et al published 14 September 2007 in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism

Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in Fe(Te,Se) films: multiband superconductivity and electron-boson coupling


Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in MgB2: The role of substitutions


Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in ReFeAsO1−xFx (Re = La, Sm): Possible evidence for two nodeless gaps


Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in anisotropic superconductors: The importance of directionality (Review Article)

scholarly article by Dario Daghero et al published March 2013 in Low Temperature Physics

Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in segregation-free Mg1−xAlxB2single crystals up tox= 0.32


Point-contact spectroscopy in Co-doped CaFe2As2: nodal superconductivity and topological Fermi surface transition

scholarly article by R S Gonnelli et al published 12 April 2012 in Superconductor Science and Technology

Point-contact spectroscopy in MgB2 single crystals in magnetic field

Point-contact spectroscopy in MgB2: from fundamental physics to thin-film characterization

Point-contact spectroscopy in neutron-irradiatedMgB211

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 74 no. 17, November 2006

Point-contact study of the role of non-magnetic impurities and disorder in the superconductivity of MgB2

scholarly article by Dario Daghero et al published September 2007 in Physica C

Possible Multigap Superconductivity in SmFeAsO0.8F0.2: A Point-contact Andreev-reflection Spectroscopy Study


Possible mixed coupling mechanism in FeTe(1-x)Se(x) within a multiband Eliashberg approach.

scientific article published on 7 October 2015

Predictions of Multiband s± Strong-Coupling Eliashberg Theory Compared to Experimental Data in Iron Pnictides

Probing multiband superconductivity by point-contact spectroscopy

scholarly article by Dario Daghero & R S Gonnelli published 3 March 2010 in Superconductor Science and Technology


Recent achievements in MgB2 physics and applications: A large-area SQUID magnetometer and point-contact spectroscopy measurements

article by R.S. Gonnelli et al published March 2006 in Physica C

Resistivity in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2: Comparison of thin films and single crystals

Single crystals of LnFeAsO1−xFx (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) and Ba1−xRbxFe2As2: Growth, structure and superconducting properties

scholarly article by Janusz Karpinski et al published May 2009 in Physica C

Strong-coupling d-wave superconductivity in PuCoGa₅ probed by point-contact spectroscopy.

scientific article published on 17 April 2012

Superconducting Transition Temperature Modulation in NbN via EDL Gating

scholarly article by Erik Piatti et al published 14 December 2015 in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism

Superconductivity on the Verge of a Pressure-Induced Lifshitz Transition in CaFe2As2: an Interpretation Within the Eliashberg Theory

scholarly article by G. A. Ummarino et al published 12 September 2017 in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism

Temperature and junction-type dependency of Andreev reflection in MgB2


The Order-Parameter Symmetry and Fermi Surface Topology of 122 Fe-Based Superconductors: A Point-Contact Andreev-Reflection Study


The Superconducting Order Parameter in High-Tc Superconductors – A Point-Contact Spectroscopy Viewpoint

scholarly article published 24 August 2015

The determination of the electron–phonon interaction from tunneling data in the two-band superconductor MgB2

scholarly article by Dario Daghero et al published August 2004 in Physica C

The superconducting gaps of C-substituted and Al-substituted MgB2 single crystals by point-contact spectroscopy

scholarly article by Dario Daghero et al published March 2005 in Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics

Three-bands±Eliashberg theory and the superconducting gaps of iron pnictides

scholarly article by G. A. Ummarino et al published 11 November 2009 in Physical Review B

Tunneling conductance of SIN junctions with different gap symmetries and non-magnetic impurities by direct solution of real-axis Eliashberg equations

Two-gap superconductivity in the Fe-1111 superconductor LaFeAsO1−x Fx: A point-contact Andreev-reflection study
