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List of works by Julia McMorrow

A review of “Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing”. By I. SCOLLAR, A. TABBAGH, A. HESSE and I. HERZOG (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.) [Pp. 674] Price £95.00

scholarly article by Julia McMorrow published in November 1992

Changes to Climate and Visitor Behaviour: Implications for Vulnerable Landscapes in the North West Region of England


Climate change and the visitor economy in the uplands

scholarly article published September 2006

Decline of forest area in Sabah, Malaysia: Relationship to state policies, land code and land capability

Detecting a moorland wildfire scar in the Peak District, UK, using synthetic aperture radar from ERS-2 and Envisat ASAR

scholarly article by Gail Millin-Chalabi et al published 25 November 2013 in International Journal of Remote Sensing

Empirical Modelling of Vegetation Abundance from Airborne Hyperspectral Data for Upland Peatland Restoration Monitoring

Erosion and Nutrient Loss on Sloping Land under Intense Cultivation in Southern Vietnam

scholarly article by NGUYEN VAN DE et al published March 2008 in Geographical Research

Evaluating the effects of common-pool resource institutions and market forces on species richness and forest cover in Ecuadorian indigenous Kichwa communities


Forecasting the outbreak of moorland wildfires in the English Peak District

scientific article

Informed debate on the use of fire for peatland management means acknowledging the complexity of socio-ecological systems

scientific article published in 2016

Linear regression modelling for the estimation of oil palm age from Landsat TM

scholarly article by Julia McMorrow published 10 August 2001 in International Journal of Remote Sensing

Linear regression modelling for the estimation of oil palm age from Landsat TM

scholarly article by Julia McMorrow published January 2001 in International Journal of Remote Sensing

Living on a flammable planet: interdisciplinary, cross-scalar and varied cultural lessons, prospects and challenges.

scientific article

Local Knowledge and Economic Realities Affecting Soil Erosion in the Rach Rat Catchment, Vietnam

scholarly article by DAO KIM NGUYEN THUY BINH et al published March 2008 in Geographical Research

Mapping the biomass of Bornean tropical rain forest from remotely sensed data

scholarly article by Giles Foody et al published July 2001 in Global Ecology and Biogeography

Relation of oil palm spectral response to stand age


Spectral monitoring of moorland plant phenology to identify a temporal window for hyperspectral remote sensing of peatland


The Historic Ranges of Three Equid Species in North-East Africa: A Quantitative Comparison of Environmental Tolerances


The peatland vegetation burning debate: keep scientific critique in perspective. A response to Brown et al. and Douglas et al.

scientific article published on 10 October 2016

The role of fire in UK peatland and moorland management: the need for informed, unbiased debate

scientific article

Using a Web-based Resource to Prepare Students for Fieldwork: Evaluating the Dark Peak Virtual Tour

Wildfire policy and management in England: an evolving response from Fire and Rescue Services, forestry and cross-sector groups

scientific article