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List of works by Carol E Levin

Analysis by HPLC and LC/MS of pungent piperamides in commercial black, white, green, and red whole and ground peppercorns.

scientific article published on 3 April 2008

Analysis of eight capsaicinoids in peppers and pepper-containing foods by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

scientific article published in November 2005

Analysis of phenolic compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry in potato plant flowers, leaves, stems, and tubers and in home-processed potatoes.

scientific article

Antibacterial activities of plant essential oils and their components against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica in apple juice.

scientific article published in September 2004

Antibacterial effects of allspice, garlic, and oregano essential oils in tomato films determined by overlay and vapor-phase methods.

scientific article published in September 2009

Bactericidal activities of health-promoting, food-derived powders against the foodborne pathogens Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica, and Staphylococcus aureus.

scientific article published on 14 January 2013

Changes in free amino acid, protein, and flavonoid content in jujube (Ziziphus jujube) fruit during eight stages of growth and antioxidative and cancer cell inhibitory effects by extracts

scientific article

Changes in the composition of raw tea leaves from the Korean Yabukida plant during high-temperature processing to pan-fried Kamairi-cha green tea.

scientific article published in June 2009

Distribution of free amino acids, flavonoids, total phenolics, and antioxidative activities of Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) fruits and seeds harvested from plants grown in Korea


Flavonoid content in fresh, home-processed, and light-exposed onions and in dehydrated commercial onion products.

scientific article published on 30 August 2008

Free amino acid and phenolic contents and antioxidative and cancer cell-inhibiting activities of extracts of 11 greenhouse-grown tomato varieties and 13 tomato-based foods.

scientific article

Inhibition of Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) in apple juices and its resistance to pasteurization.

scientific article published on June 2010

Kinetics of light-induced cis-trans isomerization of four piperines and their levels in ground black peppers as determined by HPLC and LC/MS

scientific article published on 28 July 2007

Nutritional Value of d-Amino Acids, d-Peptides, and Amino Acid Derivatives in Mice

scientific article published on 01 January 2012

Review of methods for the reduction of dietary content and toxicity of acrylamide.

scientific article published on 15 July 2008

Stability of green tea catechins in commercial tea leaves during storage for 6 months.

scientific article

Tomatine-containing green tomato extracts inhibit growth of human breast, colon, liver, and stomach cancer cells.

scientific article