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List of works by Qizhou Zhang

654 GHz Continuum and C18O(6-5) Observations of G240.31+0.07 with the Submillimeter Array

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Brief Update on the CMZoom Survey

A Disk/Jet System toward the High‐Mass Young Star in AFGL 5142

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Dust Trap in the Young Multiple System HD 34700

scientific article

A Holistic Perspective on the Dynamics of G035.39-00.33: The Interplay between Gas and Magnetic Fields

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Rotating Disk around a High-Mass Young Star

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Wideband Chemical Survey of Massive Star-forming Regions at Subarcsecond Resolution with the Submillimeter Array

scientific article published on 20 January 2025

A disk of dust and molecular gas around a high-mass protostar

scientific article published in Nature

A high-mass dusty disk candidate: the case of IRAS 18151-1208

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A jet-like outflow toward the high-mass (proto) stellar object IRAS 18566+0408

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

ALMA Observations of Dust Polarization and Molecular Line Emission from the Class 0 Protostellar Source Serpens SMM1

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

ALMA Observations of the Very Young Class 0 Protostellar System HH211-mms: A 30 au Dusty Disk with a Disk Wind Traced by SO?

scientific article published on 14 August 2018

ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP). I. Detection of New Hot Corinos with the ACA

ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP). II. Survey Overview: A First Look at 1.3 mm Continuum Maps and Molecular Outflows

ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Detection of Extremely High-density Compact Structure of Prestellar Cores and Multiple Substructures Within

ATCA 3 mm observations of NGC 6334I and I(N): dense cores, outflows, and an UCH II region

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – I. Survey description and a first look at G9.62+0.19

scientific article published on 6 June 2020

ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – V. Hierarchical fragmentation and gas dynamics in IRDC G034.43+00.24

scientific article published on 11 November 2021

ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – XI. From inflow to infall in hub-filament systems

scientific article published on 25 June 2022

ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – XV. Steady accretion from global collapse to core feeding in massive hub-filament system SDC335

scientific article published on 15 February 2023

ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions – II. Compact objects in ACA observations and star formation scaling relations

scientific article published on 6 June 2020

ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions – XIII. Ongoing triggered star formation within clump-fed scenario found in the massive (∼1500 M⨀) clump

scientific article published on 6 January 2023

Application of satellite observations for timely updates to global anthropogenic NOxemission inventories

scholarly article

Are infrared dark clouds really quiescent?

scientific article published in January 2016

Bipolar molecular outflows and hot cores in glimpse extended green objects (EGOs)

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

CMZoom. IV. Incipient High-mass Star Formation throughout the Central Molecular Zone

scholarly article

Clouds, filaments, and protostars: TheHerschel Hi-GAL Milky Way

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Clustered Formation of Massive Stars within an Ionized Rotating Disk

scientific article published on 28 December 2022

Core and filament formation in magnetized, self-gravitating isothermal layers

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Decolorization of cationic red X-GRL by wet air oxidation: performance optimization and degradation mechanism.

scientific article

Dense gas in IRAS 20343+4129: an ultracompact H ii region caught in the act of creating a cavity

scientific article

Deviation from a Continuous and Universal Turbulence Cascade in NGC 6334 due to Massive Star Formation Activity

scientific article published in May 2023

Dust and gas emission in the prototypical hot core G29.96–0.02 at sub-arcsecond resolution

scientific article published on 11 April 2007

Dynamical collapse in W51 massive cores: NH_3_ observations

scholarly article

Early stages of cluster formation: fragmentation of massive dense cores down to <~ 1000 AU

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Extremely energetic outflow and decelerated expansion in W49N

scientific article published in January 2015

First Image with the CfA Superconductive HEB Receiver: The Protostellar Outflow from IRAS 20126+4104 in CO (J = 7–6)

scientific article published in September 1999

First detection of equatorial dark dust lane in a protostellar disk at submillimeter wavelength

scientific article

First-generation science cases for ground-based terahertz telescopes

Fragmentation of massive dense cores down to <~ 1000 AU: relation between fragmentation and density structure

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

G11.92-0.61 MM1: a Keplerian disc around a massive young proto-O star

scientific article published on 9 August 2016

G11.92-0.61-MM2: a bonafide massive prestellar core?

scholarly article

GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects and the Early Stages of Massive Star Formation

scientific article published in 2014

Hi-GAL: The Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey

scholarly article

Hierarchical Fragmentation in the Perseus Molecular Cloud: From the Cloud Scale to Protostellar Objects

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Hierarchical fragmentation and differential star formation in the Galactic 'Snake': infrared dark cloud G11.11-0.12

scientific article

High Spatial Resolution Observations of NH3and CH3OH toward the Massive Twin Cores NGC 6334I and NGC 6334I(N)

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Hot ammonia in NGC 6334I & I(N)

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

IRAS 18317-0757: a cluster of embedded massive stars and protostars

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

IRAS 23385+6053: A candidate protostellar massive object

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Infall and outflow around the HH 212 protostellar system

scientific article published in January 2006

Influence of aerosols and surface reflectance on satellite NO2 retrieval: seasonal and spatial characteristics and implications for NOx emission constraints

scholarly article

Intermediate-mass hot cores at ~500 AU: disks or outflows?

scholarly article

Jet motion, internal working surfaces, and nested shells in the protostellar system HH 212

scientific article

Linking pre- and proto-stellar objects in the intermediate-/high-mass star forming region IRAS 05345+3157

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

MUSCLE W49: a multi-scale continuum and line exploration of the most luminous star formation region in the Milky Way. I. Data and the mass structure of the giant molecular cloud

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Magnetic Fields in the Central Molecular Zone Influenced by Feedback and Weakly Correlated with Star Formation

scholarly article

Magnetic Fields in the Formation of Massive Stars

scientific article published in Science

Magnetic Fields in the Infrared Dark Cloud G34.43+0.24

Magnetic fields in the massive dense cores of the DR21 filament: weakly magnetized cores in a strongly magnetized filament

scientific article published in January 2017

Mapping the Outflow from G5.89-0.39 in SiOJ= 5 → 4

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Masers in GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs)

scientific article published in January 2012

Massive and low-mass protostars in massive “starless” cores

scientific article published in January 2019

Massive-star Formation via the Collapse of Subvirial and Virialized Turbulent Massive Cores

Molecular Jets and H[TINF]2[/TINF]O Masers in the AFGL 5142 Hot Core

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Molecular gas kinematics within the central 250 pc of the Milky Way

scientific article

Molecular outflows and hot molecular cores in G24.78+0.08 at sub-arcsecond angular resolution

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Multi-scale Physical Properties of NGC 6334 as Revealed by Local Relative Orientations between Magnetic Fields, Density Gradients, Velocity Gradients, and Gravity

scientific article published in March 2023

Multiple Jets from the High‐Mass (Proto)stellar Cluster AFGL 5142

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Nature of two massive protostellar candidates: IRAS 21307+5049 and IRAS 22172+5549

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Observations of high-order multiplicity in a high-mass stellar protocluster

scholarly article published on 15 January 2024

Outflow detection in a 70 {mu}m dark high-mass core

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Planck Galactic Cold Clumps at High Galactic Latitude—a Study with CO Lines

scientific article published in October 2021

Properties of dense cores in clustered massive star-forming regions at high angular resolution

scientific article

SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - survey description and compact source catalogue

scholarly article

SMA observations of C_2_ H in high-mass star-forming regions

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

SMA observations of polarized dust emission in solar-type Class 0 protostars: Magnetic field properties at envelope scales

scientific article published in January 2018

Search for CO Outflows toward a Sample of 69 High-Mass Protostellar Candidates: Frequency of Occurrence

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Search for CO Outflows toward a Sample of 69 High‐Mass Protostellar Candidates. II. Outflow Properties

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Search for Calibrators for the Submillimeter Array. I. High-Mass Star-forming Regions

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Self-similar fragmentation regulated by magnetic fields in a region forming massive stars

scientific article published on 30 March 2015

Shock-heated NH[TINF]3[/TINF] in a Molecular Jet Associated with a High-Mass Young Star

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

SiO collimated outflows driven by high-mass YSOs in G24.78+0.08

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Simultaneous low- and high-mass star formation in a massive protocluster: ALMA observations of G11.92−0.61★

scientific article published on 8 February 2017

Star Cluster Formation and Feedback

Subarcsecond Imaging of the Complex Organic Chemistry in Massive Star-forming Region G10.6-0.4

scientific article published in March 2021

Subarcsecond Submillimeter Continuum Observations of Orion KL

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Submillimeter Array 440 μm/690 GHz Line and Continuum Observations of Orion KL

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Submillimeter Array Multiline observations of the Massive Star-forming region IRAS 18089-1732

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Submillimeter Array Outflow/Disk Studies in the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Submillimeter array high-angular resolution observations of the Monoceros R2 star-forming cluster

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Submillimeter array observations of 321 GHz water maser emission in Cepheus A

scientific article

Submillimeter array observations of the molecular outflow in high-mass star-forming region G240.31+0.07

scientific article published in January 2009

Submillimetre polarization and magnetic field properties in the envelopes of protoplanetary nebulae CRL 618 and OH 231.8+4.2

scientific article

Temperature and kinematics of protoclusters with intermediate and high-mass stars: the case of IRAS 05345+3157

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Terahertz and far-infrared windows opened at Dome A in Antarctica

The 105 $L_{\odot}$ high-mass protostellar object IRAS 23151+5912

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). V. Deuterated Molecules in the 70 μm Dark IRDC G14.492-00.139

scientific article published in February 2022

The ALMA Survey of Star Formation and Evolution in Massive Protoclusters with Blue Profiles (ASSEMBLE): Core Growth, Cluster Contraction, and Primordial Mass Segregation

scientific article published on 28 December 2023

The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. I. Survey Description and Data Reduction

scientific article published in February 2024

The Magnetic Field in the Colliding Filaments G202.3+2.5

scientific article published in March 2024

The Molecular Gas Environment in the 20 km s−1Cloud in the Central Molecular Zone

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Survey of Water and Ammonia in the Galactic Center (SWAG): Molecular Cloud Evolution in the Central Molecular Zone

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps: Survey Overview and Results of an Exemplar Source, PGCC G26.53+0.17

scientific article published in February 2018

The critical role of disks in the formation of high-mass stars

scientific article published in Nature

The origin of OB clusters: from 10 pc to 0.1 pc

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The protocluster G18.67+0.03: a test case for class I CH_3_ OH masers as evolutionary indicators for massive star formation

scientific article published on 5 November 2012