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List of works by Enrico Puppo

A Multimodal Dataset for the Analysis of Movement Qualities in Karate Martial Art

A Virtually Continuous Representation of the Deep Structure of Scale-Space


A complete system for on-line 3D modelling from acoustic images


A continuous scale-space method for the automated placement of spot heights on maps

A hardware description language based on a hierarchical graph model

A multi-resolution topological representation for non-manifold meshes

Adaptive LOD editing of quad meshes

An on-line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation

article published in 1992

Animation-Aware Quadrangulation

Automatic Construction of Quad-Based Subdivision Surfaces Using Fitmaps

Clustering Techniques for Out-of-Core Multi-resolution Modeling

Compressing TINs

Data Structures for Simplicial Multi-complexes

Data-driven interactive quadrangulation

Decomposing non-manifold objects in arbitrary dimensions

Designing a library to support model-oriented generalization


Discrete visibility problems and graph algorithms

scholarly article by Enrico Puppo & PAOLA MARZANO published March 1997 in International Journal of Geographical Information Science

Dynamic view-dependent multiresolution on a client–server architecture

Extracting contour lines from a hierarchical surface model

Extraction of the Quad Layout of a Triangle Mesh Guided by Its Curve Skeleton

article by Francesco Usai et al published 29 December 2015 in ACM Transactions on Graphics

Fields on symmetric surfaces

article published in 2012

Frame fields

Hierarchical triangulation for multiresolution surface description

Implicit Hierarchical Quad-Dominant Meshes

Level-of-detail for data analysis and exploration: A historical overview and some new perspectives

Limbs synchronisation as a measure of movement quality in karate

Line-of-sight communication on terrain models

article by Leila De Floriani et al published July 1994 in International Journal of Geographical Information Science

Manipulating three-dimensional triangulations

Mosaicing of 3D Sonar Data Sets - Techniques and Applications

Multi-VMap: A Multi-Scale Model for Vector Maps

Multi-resolution out-of-core modeling of terrain and teological data

Multiresolution Representation of Shapes Based on Cell Complexes

Multiresolution modeling and visualization of volume data based on simplicial complexes

scholarly article published 1994

Multiresolution models for topographic surface description

Multiresolution representation and visualization of volume data

scholarly article by Paolo Cignoni et al published 1997 in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

On the topological representation of line drawings

Optimal Isosurface Extraction

Patchwork Terrains: Multi-resolution Representation from Arbitrary Overlapping Grids with Dynamic Update

Practical quad mesh simplification

Quad-Mesh Generation and Processing: A Survey

RGB subdivision

scientific article published in March 2009

Scale-Space Techniques for Fiducial Points Extraction from 3D Faces


Selective refinement queries for volume visualization of unstructured tetrahedral meshes

scientific article published in January 2004

Simple quad domains for field aligned mesh parametrization


Skeleton-driven Adaptive Hexahedral Meshing of Tubular Shapes

Speeding up isosurface extraction using interval trees

Stability of Statics Aware Voronoi Grid-Shells

Statics Aware Grid Shells

The half-edge tree: a compact data structure for level-of-detail tetrahedral meshes

Towards a formal model for multiresolution spatial maps


Tracing Field-Coherent Quad Layouts

Visualizing parametric surfaces at variable resolution

scholarly article by Leila De Floriani et al published 1997 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science