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List of works by Jesse S. Krause

A mechanistic approach to understanding range shifts in a changing world: What makes a pioneer?

scientific article

Airborne laser scanning and spectral remote sensing give a bird's eye perspective on arctic tundra breeding habitat at multiple spatial scales

scholarly article

Annual Hematocrit Profiles in Two Subspecies of White-Crowned Sparrow: A Migrant and a Resident Comparison

scientific article published on January 2016

Behavioral and physiological traits of migrant and resident white-crowned sparrows: a common garden approach.

scientific article published on 9 February 2017

Breeding on the leading edge of a northward range expansion: differences in morphology and the stress response in the arctic Gambel's white-crowned sparrow

scientific article

Changes in plasma concentrations of progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and corticosterone in response to acute stress of capture, handling and restraint in two subspecies of white-crowned sparrows

scientific article

Contrasting seasonal and aseasonal environments across stages of the annual cycle in the rufous-collared sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis: Differences in endocrine function, proteome and body condition

scientific article published on 05 June 2018

Decreases in mineralocorticoid but not glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression during the short Arctic breeding season in free-living Gambel's white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii).

scientific article published in January 2015

Dynamic interactions between corticosterone, corticosteroid binding globulin and testosterone in response to capture stress in male breeding Eurasian tree sparrows

scientific article published on 19 December 2016

Eavesdropping on the Arctic: Automated bioacoustics reveal dynamics in songbird breeding phenology.

scientific article

Effects of short-term fasting on stress physiology, body condition, and locomotor activity in wintering male white-crowned sparrows

scientific article published in May 2017

Estradiol differentially affects auditory recognition and learning according to photoperiodic state in the adult male songbird, European starling (Sturnus vulgaris).

scientific article

Extreme spring conditions in the Arctic delay spring phenology of long-distance migratory songbirds

scientific article

Greater shrub dominance alters breeding habitat and food resources for migratory songbirds in Alaskan arctic tundra

scientific article

How birds cope physiologically and behaviourally with extreme climatic events

scientific article (publication date: 19 June 2017)

RNA interference of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone gene induces arousal in songbirds

scientific article

Sex-Dependent Phenological Plasticity in an Arctic Hibernator

scientific article published on 27 September 2017

Social information changes stress hormone receptor expression in the songbird brain

scientific article published on 10 October 2017

The Effects of Acute Restraint Stress on Plasma Levels of Prolactin and Corticosterone across Life-History Stages in a Short-Lived Bird: Gambel's White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii).

scientific article

The effect of extreme spring weather on body condition and stress physiology in Lapland longspurs and white-crowned sparrows breeding in the Arctic

scientific article

The relationship of telomere length to baseline corticosterone levels in nestlings of an altricial passerine bird in natural populations

scientific article

The stress response is attenuated during inclement weather in parental, but not in pre-parental, Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus) breeding in the Low Arctic

scientific article

Weathering the storm: Do arctic blizzards cause repeatable changes in stress physiology and body condition in breeding songbirds?

scholarly article by Jesse S. Krause et al published 1 October 2018 in General and Comparative Endocrinology