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List of works by Zeng-Zhen Hu

Air–sea coupling in the North Atlantic during summer


An Analysis of Forced and Internal Variability in a Warmer Climate in CCSM3


An Assessment of Multimodel Simulations for the Variability of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones and Its Association with ENSO

article by Rongqing Han et al published September 2016 in Journal of Climate

An ENSO prediction approach based on ocean conditions and ocean–atmosphere coupling

An analysis of warm pool and cold tongue El Niños: air–sea coupling processes, global influences, and recent trends


An assessment of oceanic variability in the NCEP climate forecast system reanalysis

Climate drift of AMOC, North Atlantic salinity and arctic sea ice in CFSv2 decadal predictions

article by Bohua Huang et al published 12 November 2014 in Climate Dynamics

Cloud-SST feedback in southeastern tropical Atlantic anomalous events

scholarly article

Connection of stratospheric QBO with global atmospheric general circulation and tropical SST. Part I: methodology and composite life cycle

Connection of summer rainfall variations in South and East Asia: role of El Niño-southern oscillation


Connection of the stratospheric QBO with global atmospheric general circulation and tropical SST. Part II: interdecadal variations

Does Knowing the Oceanic PDO Phase Help Predict the Atmospheric Anomalies in Subsequent Months?

article by Arun Kumar et al published February 2013 in Journal of Climate

Does vertical temperature gradient of the atmosphere matter for El Niño development?


Ensemble ENSO hindcasts initialized from multiple ocean analyses

scholarly article

Estimating ENSO predictability based on multi-model hindcasts


Evaluation of the CFSv2 CMIP5 decadal predictions

article by Rodrigo J. Bombardi et al published 15 October 2014 in Climate Dynamics

Evaluation of the Second Global Soil Wetness Project soil moisture simulations: 2. Sensitivity to external meteorological forcing

scientific article

Evolution of model systematic errors in the Tropical Atlantic Basin from coupled climate hindcasts


How Variable Is the Uncertainty in ENSO Sea Surface Temperature Prediction?

Improved reliability of ENSO hindcasts with multi-ocean analyses ensemble initialization

Influence of availability of TAO data on NCEP ocean data assimilation systems along the equatorial Pacific

article by Zeng-Zhen Hu & Arun Kumar published August 2015 in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Influence of the warm pool and cold tongue El Niños on the following Caribbean rainy season rainfall


Influences of tropical–extratropical interaction on the multidecadal AMOC variability in the NCEP climate forecast system

Interannual and interdecadal variability of ocean temperature along the equatorial Pacific in conjunction with ENSO

Interannual variability of the South Pacific Ocean in observations and simulated by the NCEP Climate Forecast System, version 2

Interdecadal variations of ENSO around 1999/2000

article published in 2017

Interferential Impact of ENSO and PDO on Dry and Wet Conditions in the U.S. Great Plains

Is the interdecadal variation of the summer rainfall over eastern China associated with SST?


Leading Modes of the Upper-Ocean Temperature Interannual Variability along the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean in NCEP GODAS

Leading patterns of the tropical Atlantic variability in a coupled general circulation model

Linear trends in sea surface temperature of the tropical Pacific Ocean and implications for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation

Long-term climate variations in China and global warming signals


Low cloud errors over the southeastern Atlantic in the NCEP CFS and their association with lower-tropospheric stability and air-sea interaction

scholarly article

Multi-year El Niño events tied to the North Pacific Oscillation

scientific article published on 05 July 2022

On the Asymmetry of the Tropical Pacific Thermocline Fluctuation Associated With ENSO Recharge and Discharge

scientific article published on 31 May 2022

On the Shortening of the Lead Time of Ocean Warm Water Volume to ENSO SST Since 2000.

scientific article

On the significance of the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation in early winter and Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies


Persistence and Predictions of the Remarkable Warm Anomaly in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean during 2014–16


Persistent Atmospheric and Oceanic Anomalies in the North Atlantic from Summer 2009 to Summer 2010


Physical Processes Associated with the Tropical Atlantic SST Gradient during the Anomalous Evolution in the Southeastern Ocean

Potential mechanism for response of El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability to change in land surface energy budget

scholarly article

Predictable Components of ENSO Evolution in Real-time Multi-Model Predictions

scientific article published on 24 October 2016

Predictable patterns and predictive skills of monsoon precipitation in Northern Hemisphere summer in NCEP CFSv2 reforecasts


Predictable patterns of the Asian and Indo-Pacific summer precipitation in the NCEP CFS


Predicting US summer precipitation using NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 initialized by multiple ocean analyses


Prediction Skill and Bias of Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2


Prediction Skill of North Pacific Variability in NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2: Impact of ENSO and Beyond

Prediction skill of monthly SST in the North Atlantic Ocean in NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2

Ranking the strongest ENSO events while incorporating SST uncertainty

scholarly article

SST and ENSO variability and change simulated in historical experiments of CMIP5 models

Salinity anomaly as a trigger for ENSO events

scientific article

Sea-ice change and its connection with climate change in the Arctic in CMIP2 simulations

scholarly article by Zeng-Zhen Hu published 2004 in Journal of Geophysical Research

Sensitivity of tropical climate to low-level clouds in the NCEP climate forecast system

article published in 2010

Simulation and projection of the western pacific subtropical high in CMIP5 models

South Pacific Ocean Dipole: A Predictable Mode on Multiseasonal Time Scales

Spatial distribution and the interdecadal change of leading modes of heat budget of the mixed-layer in the tropical Pacific and the association with ENSO

The Predictive Skill and the Most Predictable Pattern in the Tropical Atlantic: The Effect of ENSO

The Role of Reversed Equatorial Zonal Transport in Terminating an ENSO Event

The role of off-equatorial surface temperature anomalies in the 2014 El Niño prediction

scientific article published on 20 January 2016

Trend and seasonality of land precipitation in observations and CMIP5 model simulations

Tropospheric biennial oscillation of summer monsoon rainfall over East Asia and its association with ENSO


Uncertainty in the ocean–atmosphere feedbacks associated with ENSO in the reanalysis products

Variability and predictability of Northeast China climate during 1948–2012


Variability of Summer Rainfall in Northeast China and Its Connection with Spring Rainfall Variability in the Huang-Huai Region and Indian Ocean SST


Variations of the East Asian Mei-Yu and Simulation and Prediction by the NCEP Climate Forecast System


Weakened Interannual Variability in the Tropical Pacific Ocean since 2000

Why Did Large Differences Arise in the Sea Surface Temperature Datasets across the Tropical Pacific during 2012?


Why were some La Niñas followed by another La Niña?

article published in 2013