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List of works by Claudio Paoloni

0.22 THz TWT based on the double corrugated waveguide

1-THz cascade backward wave amplifier

15.3: Design method for Double Corrugation Rectangular Waveguide THz vacuum amplifiers

346 GHz BWO for fusion plasma diagnostics

A Millimeter-Wave Klystron Upconverter With a Higher Order Mode Output Cavity

A design procedure for monolithic matrix amplifier

A fast model of a 1-D nonlinear beam-wave interaction for a 225 GHz TWT

A novel adaptive LDMOS power amplifier with constant efficiency for wide dynamic power levels control

A simplified procedure to calculate the power gain definitions of FETs

A study on helix pitch tolerance impact on TWT small-signal gain

Accurate analysis of helix slow-wave structures

An HBT unilateral model to design distributed amplifiers

An advanced GaAs monolithic transimpedance amplifier for high-speed optical communication systems

An approach to distributed amplifier based on a design-oriented FET model

Analysis of dielectric rods with arbitrary shape for low-dispersion slow-wave structures in helix TWTs

Analytical Computations, Measurements and 3-D EM Simulations for the Calculation of Cold Parameters in Helical SWSs

Analytical Design Method for Corrugated Rectangular Waveguide SWS THz Vacuum Tubes

Application of filter theory in the design of twas based on FETS with different gate widths

Backward wave mode interaction impedance at THz frequencies for corrugated waveguide

Backward wave oscillator for THz frequency range based on double corrugation slow-wave structure

Backward wave oscillators for THz applications based on corrugated waveguide

Backward-wave vacuum amplifier for THz amplification

Broadband lumped equivalent circuit for shunt-connected radial stub

CAD-oriented lossy models for radial stubs


Cathode voltage adjustment to compensate helix pitch tolerance in TWTs

Corrugated Rectangular Waveguide Tunable Backward Wave Oscillator for Terahertz Applications


Design and Realization Aspects of 1-THz Cascade Backward Wave Amplifier Based on Double Corrugated Waveguide

Design and computer simulation of high efficiency broadband parallel-circuit Class E RF power amplifier with reactance compensation technique

Design and fabrication of a sheet beam BWO at 346 GHz

Design and fabrication of double corrugated waveguide for a Ka-band traveling wave tube

Design of 71–76 GHz Double-Corrugated Waveguide Traveling-Wave Tube for Satellite Downlink

Design of a Terahertz Cascade Backward Wave Amplifier

Design of a matrix amplifier using FET-gate-width tapering

Design of high-performance power-distributed amplifier using Lange couplers

Design of sub-THz traveling wave tubes for high data rate long range wireless links

Design procedure for THz cascade backward wave amplifiers

Design study of Corrugated Waveguide Slow-Wave Structure for THz amplification

Dispersion characteristics of double-corrugated rectangular waveguide for terahertz vacuum devices

Double Corrugated Waveguide for G-Band Traveling Wave Tubes

Double Corrugated Waveguide for Ka-Band Traveling Wave Tube

Double-Corrugated Rectangular Waveguide Slow-Wave Structure for Terahertz Vacuum Devices

Electron gun and CVD diamond window for a 346 GHz sheet beam BWO

European research on THz vacuum amplifiers

Fast computation of FET power gains

article published in 2002

Field emission vacuum triode: THz waveguide solutions for the transmission lines


HEMT-HBT matrix amplifier

Helix wire tolerances in TWT small-signal gain prediction

High energy beam THz backward wave oscillator based on double corrugated waveguide

High performance 1.5W pHEMT Distributed Power Amplifier with Adjustable Inter-Stage Cascaded Network for 10

Horizon 2020 TWEETHER project for W-band high data rate wireless communications

Impact of process parameters in 40 GHz traveling-wave amplifiers

Improved Corrugation Cross-Sectional Shape in Terahertz Double Corrugated Waveguide

Improvement of cold parameters of the double corrugated waveguide by geometrical shaping of the corrugations

Innovative design of nano-vacuum triode

Low impedance matching: The radial stub solution

Magnetic fusion energy plasma diagnostic needs novel THz BWOs

Micro reentrant cavity for 100 GHz klystron

Microwave coupler for W-band micro re-entrant square cavities

Millimeter wave wireless system based on point to multipoint transmissions


Modeling of carbon nanotube-based devices: from nanoFETs to THz emitters

Nano-CNC Machining of Sub-THz Vacuum Electron Devices

Nanoscale Surface Roughness Effects on THz Vacuum Electron Device Performance

Nanoscale surface roughness effects on THz vacuum electron device performance

Narrow corrugation rectangular waveguide for terahertz TWTs

New klystron topology based on periodic sequence of high order mode cavities

Nonlinear yield analysis and optimization of monolithic microwave integrated circuits

Nonrounded dielectric rectangular rods in helix traveling-wave tubes

Novel klystron approach for THz frequency amplification

On the Analysis and Improvement of Yield for TWT Small-Signal Gain

On the influence of electron-beam parameters on TWT small-signal gain

P2-4: Improved rod shapes for helix slow wave structures

Parametric oscillations in distributed power amplifiers

Periodically Allocated Reentrant Cavity Klystron

Photonic Crystal-Coupler for Sheet Beam THz Vacuum Electron Tubes

Photonic Crystal-Structures for THz Vacuum Electron Devices

Photonic band gap corrugated slow wave structure for THz sheet-beam vacuum electron devices

Photonic bandgap coupler for 346 GHz sheet-beam BWO

Photonic crystals assisted slow wave structure for THz vacuum devices

Planar analysis of radial-line power dividers

Power distributed amplifier based on interdigital combiners

Power distributed amplifier with input-output combiners

SWS improved analysis based on inhomogeneous dielectric loading

Scaled design and test of a coupler for micro-reentrant square-cavities for millimeter wave klystrons

Sensitivity analysis of TWT's small signal gain based on the effect of rod shape and dimensions

Simulation of 0.346 THz double corrugated waveguide BWO

Study of the dispersion of the double-corrugated waveguide at THz frequencies

THz Backward-Wave Oscillators for Plasma Diagnostic in Nuclear Fusion

THz backward wave oscillator based on PhC-wall corrugated waveguide

Tapered metallic Photonic Crystal slow wave structure for terahertz vacuum electron devices

The 2017 terahertz science and technology roadmap

The European project OPTHER for the development of a THz tube amplifier

article published in 2009

The OPTHER project: Progress toward the THz amplifier

Thermal analysis of THz double corrugated waveguide

Towards a THz backward wave amplifier in European OPTHER project

UV-LIGA microfabrication process for sub-terahertz waveguides utilizing multiple layered SU-8 photoresist

article published in 2016

Vacuum electron tubes for THz applications

Vectorially Combined Distributed Power Amplifiers for Software-Defined Radio Applications

Vectorially combined distributed power amplifier with load pull impedance determination

W-band TWTs for new generation high capacity wireless networks

Wideband large-signal amplifier based on an odd number of mesfets

Yield improvement via helix-pitch profile adjustment in multisection helix traveling-wave tubes