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List of works by Marina Barbui

6Li breakup from 208Pb target at Coulomb barrier energies: doorway to reaction mechanism induced by loosely bound/halo nuclei

A Proton Recoil Telescope Detector for Neutron Spectroscopy

A Proton Recoil Telescope for Neutron Spectroscopy

A large area scanning system using 14 MeV neutron tagged beams for non-destructive assays

A laser application to nuclear astrophysics

A new stopping power parameterization for 0.1–15MeV/nucleon heavy and superheavy ions in solids and gases

A novel approach to isoscaling: The role of the order parameter

A novel approach to the island of stability of super-heavy elements search

A proton recoil telescope for neutron spectroscopy

Average neutron detection efficiency for DEMON detectors

Binary fragmentations of excited nuclear systems in the 372 MeVFe56+Th232reaction


Calculations and first results obtained with a SiC prototype of the SPES direct target


Characterization of deuterium clusters mixed with helium gas for an application in beam-target-fusion experiments

scientific article published on 10 December 2014

Chemical potential and symmetry energy for intermediate-mass fragment production in heavy ion reactions near the Fermi energy

scholarly article

Clustering in alpha conjugate nuclei

Compound nucleus evaporative decay as a probe for the isospin dependence of the level density

Density determinations in heavy ion collisions

scholarly article

Detection of hidden explosives in different scenarios with the use of nuclear probes

Detection of landmines by using 14MeV neutron tagged beams

scientific article published on 01 July 2004

Diagnostics improvement in the ABC facility and preliminary tests on laser interaction with light-atom clusters and p+11B targets

Double giant dipole resonance in hot nuclei

Energy loss of energetic 40Ar, 84Kr, 197Au and 238U ions in mylar, aluminum and isobutane

scholarly article by M. Barbui et al published January 2010 in Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B

Evaporation and fission decay of 132Ce compound nuclei at Ex=122 MeV: some limitations of the statistical model

Excitation of 6 Li above the breakup threshold in the 6 Li + 208 Pb system around the Coulomb barrier

Experimental Determination of In-Medium Cluster Binding Energies and Mott Points in Nuclear Matter

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Experimental Investigations of Clustering in Low Density Nuclear Matter

Experimental Search for Super and Hyper Heavy Nuclei at Cyclotron Institute Texas A\&M University

Experimental reconstruction of excitation energies of primary hot isotopes in heavy ion collisions near the Fermi energy

scholarly article

Experimental reconstruction of primary hot isotopes and characteristic properties of the fragmenting source in heavy-ion reactions near the Fermi energy

scholarly article

Experimental study of fusion neutron and proton yields produced by petawatt-laser-irradiated D₂-³He or CD₄-³He clustering gases

scientific article

Experimental survey of the production of α -decaying heavy elements in U238+Th232 reactions at 7.5–6.1 MeV/nucleon

scholarly article

Exploring the alpha cluster structure of nuclei using the thick target inverse kinematics technique for multiple alpha decays

Fission and binary fragmentation reactions inSe80+Pb208andSe80+Th232systems

scholarly article

Fission of targetlike fragments populated in the multinucleon transfer reactions of 340 MeV28Sion232Th

scholarly article

From femtonova to supernova: Heavy-ion collisions and the supernova equation of state

In-Medium phenomena in Low Density Nuclear Matter

Inadequacy of the statistical model: Some evidence for compound nuclei in the A $ \approx$ 150 and Ex $ \approx$ 100-200 MeV region

Isobaric yield ratios and the symmetry energy in heavy-ion reactions near the Fermi energy

scholarly article

Isospin dependence of the nuclear equation of state near the critical point

scholarly article

Laboratory Studies of low density matter

Mass dependence of transverse flow in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies

scholarly article

Measurement of the Plasma AstrophysicalSFactor for theHe3(d,p)He4Reaction in Exploding Molecular Clusters

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Model-independent determination of the astrophysicalSfactor in laser-induced fusion plasmas

scholarly article

Neutron back-scattering sensor for the detection of land mines

Neutron multiplicity from primary hot fragments produced in heavy ion reactions near Fermi energy

Neutron production by a 13C thick target irradiated by 20–90MeV protons

Neutron yield from a thick target irradiated by 90MeV protons

Novel determination of density, temperature, and symmetry energy for nuclear multifragmentation through primary fragment-yield reconstruction

scholarly article

Nuclear matter symmetry energy at0.03⩽ρ/ρ0⩽0.2

scholarly article

Nuclear tracks in PADC induced by neutron, heavy ion and energetic fragments formed in the reaction 54Cr+208Pb, at 320MeV

Nucleation and cluster formation in low-density nucleonic matter: A mechanism for ternary fission

scholarly article

Particle multiplicities in the fission-like reactions of 340 MeV 28Si on 232Th

Power law behavior of the isotope yield distributions in the multifragmentation regime of heavy ion reactions

scholarly article

Probing clusterization in 40Ca + 40Ca reaction at 35MeV A

Production of Cs and Fr isotopes from a high-density UC targets with different grain dimensions

Properties of excited A = 40 nuclear systems with varying matter composition


Publisher's Note: Nucleation and cluster formation in low-density nucleonic matter: A mechanism for ternary fission [Phys. Rev. C 90 , 011601(R) (2014)]

scholarly article

Reconstructed primary fragments and symmetry energy, temperature and density of the fragmenting source inZn64+Sn112at40 MeV/nucleon

Release time calculations for the SPES direct UCx target

Response of YAP:Ce scintillators to energetic heavy ions

Search for Heavy and Superheavy systems in197Au +232Th Collisions near the Coulomb Barrier

Search for temperature andN∕Zdependent effects in the decay ofA=98compound nuclei

scholarly article

Studies of uranium carbide targets of a high density

Study of the yield of D-D, D-3He fusion reactions produced by the interaction of intense ultrafast laser pulses with molecular clusters

Study of12C excited states decaying into threeαparticles using the thick target inverse kinematic technique

Temperature Measurements of Fusion Plasmas Produced by Petawatt-Laser-IrradiatedD2−He3orCD4−He3Clustering Gases

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

The SPES Direct Target Project at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro

The SPES direct UCx target

The SPES multi-foil direct target

The SiC Direct Target Prototype for SPES

The detection of landmines by neutron backscattering: exploring the limits of the technique.

scientific article published on 7 February 2006

The detector system of the BigSol spectrometer at Texas A & M

Thermal and log-normal distributions of plasma in laser driven Coulomb explosions of deuterium clusters

Thermal treatments and characterizations of pellets for SPES direct target

Use Of The BigSol Time Of Flight Spectrometer In The Study Of Superheavy Element Production