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List of works by Reinhard Klette

3D Cascade of Classifiers for Open and Closed Eye Detection in Driver Distraction Monitoring

scientific article published in 2011

3D trajectory estimation of simulated fruit flies

A Comparative Study of Two Vertical Road Modelling Techniques

A Comparative Study on 2D Curvature Estimators

A Flexible Method for Localisation and Classification of Footprints of Small Species

A Linear-time Algorithm for the Generation of Random Digital Curves

A Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal for Corresponding Images

article published in 2009

A Parametrization of Digital Planes by Least-Squares Fits and Generalizations

article by Reinhard Klette et al published May 1996 in Graphical Models

A Study on Stereo and Motion Data Accuracy for a Moving Platform

A Third Eye for Performance Evaluation in Stereo Sequence Analysis

A Variant of Adaptive Mean Shift-Based Clustering

A comparative evaluation of length estimators of digital curves

scientific article published on February 2004

A comparative study of stereo-matching algorithms for road-modeling in the presence of windscreen wipers

A fuzzy syntactic method for on-line handwriting recognition

A new feature detector and stereo matching method for accurate high-performance sparse stereo matching

A statistical method for line segment detection

scholarly article by Zezhong Xu et al published September 2015 in Computer Vision and Image Understanding

A superparticle filter for lane detection

scholarly article by Bok-Suk Shin et al published November 2015 in Pattern Recognition

A system for articulated tracking incorporating a clothing model

ADR shape descriptor – Distance between shape centroids versus shape diameter

Accurate and Interpretable Bayesian MARS for Traffic Flow Prediction

Accurate and Robust Line Segment Extraction Using Minimum Entropy With Hough Transform

scientific article published on 31 December 2014

Adaptive Haar-like classifier for eye status detection under non-ideal lighting conditions

scientific article published in 2012

Adaptive and compressive target tracking based on feature point matching

Advance in vision-based driver assistance

Affine shape adaptation of blobs moving in 3D space

Algorithms for testing convexity of digital polygons

scholarly article published June 1981

An Approximate Algorithm for Solving the Watchman Route Problem

An approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using real-world driving scenes

An approximate algorithm for solving shortest path problems for mobile robots or driver assistance

An effective graph and depth layer based RGB-D image foreground object extraction method

Analysis of KITTI Data for Stereo Analysis with Stereo Confidence Measures

Analysis of a shape descriptor: Distance between two shape centroids versus shape diameter

Analysis of the rubberband algorithm

Angle counts for isothetic polygons and polyhedra

Approximate Shortest Paths in Simple Polyhedra

Approximate ground truth in the real world for testing optical flow algorithms

scholarly article published April 2011

Approximated Ground Truth for Stereo and Motion Analysis on Real-World Sequences

Artistic Emulation - Filter Blending for Painterly Rendering

Automatic Human Model Generation


Automatic track recognition of footprints for identifying cryptic species

scientific article published in July 2009

Belief Propagation Implementation Using CUDA on an NVIDIA GTX 280

Belief Propagation for Stereo Analysis of Night-Vision Sequences

article by Shushi Guan et al published 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Belief Propagation stereo matching compared to iSGM on binocular or trinocular video data

Belief-Propagation on Edge Images for Stereo Analysis of Image Sequences

Benchmarking Stereo Data (Not the Matching Algorithms)

Bilateral Filtering of 3D Point Clouds for Refined 3D Roadside Reconstructions

Bokeh Effects Based on Stereo Vision

Border and surface tracing--theoretical foundations

scientific article

Bundle Adjustment with Implicit Structure Modeling Using a Direct Linear Transform

Calculating the Number of Tunnels

Calibration of Rotating Sensors

Cell complexes through time

Chemometrics and hyperspectral imaging applied to assessment of chemical, textural and structural characteristics of meat

scientific article published on 30 May 2018

Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform

scholarly article by Zezhong Xu et al published December 2015 in Pattern Recognition

Combinatorics on Adjacency Graphs and Incidence Pseudographs

Comparative Studies of Line-based Panoramic Camera Calibration

Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects

Connectivity calculus of fractal polyhedrons

scholarly article by Helena Molina-Abril et al published April 2015 in Pattern Recognition

Context-based multi-target tracking with occlusion handling

article by Junli Tao et al published 25 May 2016 in Machine Vision and Applications

Corrigendum to ‘‘Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform’’ [Pattern Recognit. 48/12 (2015) 4012–4023]

scholarly article by Zezhong Xu et al published December 2016 in Pattern Recognition

Coupled dictionary learning in wavelet domain for Single-Image Super-Resolution

Coupled multiple dictionary learning based on edge sharpness for single-image super-resolution

Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus

Current work in the .enpeda.. project

Deep Learning-Based Improved Object Recognition in Warehouses

scholarly article by Syeda Fouzia et al published 2018 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Deep-cascade: Cascading 3D Deep Neural Networks for Fast Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes.

scientific article published on 17 February 2017

Degree of adjacency or surroundedness

Derivation of Motion Characteristics Using Affine Shape Adaptation for Moving Blobs

Detection and spatial analysis of fairy circles

Detection of Adulteration in Red Meat Species Using Hyperspectral Imaging

Detection of Defined Human Poses for Video Surveillance

Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthetic and real-world stereo sequences

Digital Approximation of Moments of Convex Regions

Digital Straightness

Digital geometry

Digital planarity—A review

Digital straightness—a review


Discrete Driver Assistance

Disparity Confidence Measures on Engineered and Outdoor Data

article published in 2012

Dynamic Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation

Dynamic Programming Stereo on Real-World Sequences

Effective Feature Extraction by Trace Transform for Insect Footprint Recognition

Effective feature extraction by trace transform for insect footprint recognition

scholarly article published September 2008

Effects of Ground Manifold Modeling on the Accuracy of Stixel Calculations

Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance

Egomotion Estimation and Reconstruction with Kalman Filters and GPS Integration

Embedded and real-time vehicle detection system for challenging on-road scenes

Estimating 3D Flow for Driver Assistance Applications


Euclidean Shortest Paths

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

Evaluation of a New Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Fast Semi-Global Stereo Matching

Evaluation of motion analysis on synthetic and real-world image sequences

Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-vision and monocular motion constraints

Evaluation of stereo confidence measures on synthetic and recorded image data

Evaluation of two stereo matchers on long real-world video sequences

scholarly article by Bok-Suk Shin et al published April 2015 in Pattern Recognition

Extending the stixel world using polynomial ground manifold approximation

scientific article published in November 2017

Fast Trilateral Filtering

Fast and accurate detection and localization of abnormal behavior in crowded scenes

Fast matrix multiplication by boolean RAM in linear storage

Feature Extraction and Classification for Insect Footprint Recognition

article by Bok-Suk Shin et al published 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Fog effect for photography using stereo vision

Fuzzy support vector machine with a fuzzy nearest neighbor classifier for insect footprint classification

scholarly article published July 2010

General traffic sign recognition by feature matching

Generalised residual images’ effect on illumination artifact removal for correspondence algorithms

scholarly article by Tobi Vaudrey et al published September 2011 in Pattern Recognition

Generalization of Otsu's binarization into recursive colour image segmentation

article published in 2015

Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World Images

Ground Truth Evaluation of Stereo Algorithms for Real World Applications

scholarly article by Sandino Morales & Reinhard Klette published 2011 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Half-resolution semi-global stereo matching

Height data from gradient maps

scholarly article published 31 October 1996

Hierarchical Scan-Line Dynamic Programming for Optical Flow Using Semi-Global Matching

Hybrid filter blending to maintain facial expressions in rendered human portraits

scientific article published in 2014

Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matching

Improved Stixel Estimation Based on Transitivity Analysis in Disparity Space

scientific article published in 2017

Improved Visual Odometry based on Transitivity Error in Disparity Space

Improved segmentation for footprint recognition of small mammals

Improving Optical Flow Using Residual and Sobel Edge Images

Inclusion of a Second-Order Prior into Semi-Global Matching

Indexmengen und Erkennung Rekursiver Funktionen

article published in 1976

Integrated Pedestrian and Direction Classification Using a Random Decision Forest

Interactions between number theory and image analysis

Introduction to the special issue on computer vision in road safety and intelligent traffic

scholarly article by Ankit Chaudhary et al published 14 February 2017 in Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing

Iterative Semi-Global Matching for Robust Driver Assistance Systems

Kalman-filter based spatio-temporal disparity integration

scholarly article by Sandino Morales & Reinhard Klette published June 2013 in Pattern Recognition Letters

Lane Detection Based on Road Module and Extended Kalman Filter

Lane Detection on the iPhone

Log diameter restricted bottom-up triangle cellular acceptors

Logarithmically Improved Property Regression for Crowd Counting

Look at the Driver, Look at the Road: No Distraction! No Accident!

scientific article published in June 2014

Low-Level Image Processing for Lane Detection and Tracking

MAESTRO: Making Art-Enabled Sketches through Randomized Operations

Matting-Based Stereo Refinement for Computational Photography

Measures of correspondence between binary patterns

Mid-level Segmentation and Segment Tracking for Long-Range Stereo Analysis

Modeling of Unbounded Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry

Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas

Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth Information

Multi-Run: An Approach for Filling in Missing Information of 3D Roadside Reconstruction

Multi-frame Feature Integration for Multi-camera Visual Odometry

Multi-run 3D Streetside Reconstruction from a Vehicle

Multi-scale vehicle logo recognition by directional dense SIFT flow parsing

New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection and Tracking

Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Heavy Trucks

Novel Adaptive Eye Detection and Tracking for Challenging Lighting Conditions

scientific article published in 2013

On the approximation of convex hulls of finite grid point sets

Optimality in combinations of confidence measures for stereo vision

Options in using graphics for evaluating correspondence algorithms

Panoramic Imaging

Panoramic and 3D Computer Vision

scholarly article by Akihiko Torii & Reinhard Klette published 2010 in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Part-Based RDF for Direction Classification of Pedestrians, and a Benchmark

Performance of Correspondence Algorithms in Vision-Based Driver Assistance Using an Online Image Sequence Database

Pose Estimation for Sensors Which Capture Cylindric Panoramas

Qualitative vision rules, combining theorems, and derivational algorithms

scholarly article by Reinhard Klette published July 1995 in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis

Real-World Stereo-Analysis Evaluation

Real-time anomaly detection and localization in crowded scenes

Recovery Rate of Clustering Algorithms

scholarly article by Fajie Li & Reinhard Klette published 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts!

Robust Segmentation of Aerial Image Data Recorded for Landscape Ecology Studies

Robust Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation Under Challenging Lighting Conditions

scientific article published in October 2015

Robustness evaluation of stereo algorithms on long stereo sequences

Robustness of Point Feature Detection

Rotating sensor-matrix camera calibration

Rubberband Algorithms for Solving Various 2D or 3D Shortest Path Problems

scholarly article published March 2007

STFCN: Spatio-Temporal Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes

scholarly article by Mohsen Fayyaz et al published 2017 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Sensor Pose Estimation from Multi-center Cylindrical Panoramas

Sharpness and contrast measures on videos

Simulating Artworks through Filter Blending

Simultaneous analysis of driver behaviour and road condition for driver distraction detection

scientific article published in September 2011

Spatio-Temporal Stereo Disparity Integration

Star-Effect Simulation for Photography Using Self-calibrated Stereo Vision

Star-effect simulation for photography

article published in 2016

Statistical Modeling of Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry

Stereo accuracy for collision avoidance

Stereo accuracy for collision avoidance for varying collision trajectories

Stereo panorama acquisition and automatic image disparity adjustment for stereoscopic visualization

scholarly article by Fay Huang & Reinhard Klette published 24 July 2009 in Multimedia Tools and Applications

Stereo-Matching in the Context of Vision-Augmented Vehicles

Stereo-Vision-Support for Intelligent Vehicles - The Need for Quantified Evidence


Stereo-based bokeh effects for photography

Surface Registration Markers from Range Scan Data

Surface area estimation for digitized regular solids

The Number of Gaps in Binary Pictures

The m-dimensional grid point space

Third-Eye Stereo Analysis Evaluation Enhanced by Data Measures

Topology of grid continua

Toward experimental studies of digital moment convergence

Towards Ubiquitous Autonomous Driving: The CCSAD Dataset

Towards benchmarking of real-world stereo data

Tracking Small Artists

Visual Odometry in Dynamic Environments with Geometric Multi-layer Optimisation

Visual lane analysis and higher-order tasks: a concise review


Visual odometry driven online calibration for monocular LiDAR-camera systems

Web-Based Visualization of Media Data for Driver Assistance

scholarly article published 2010

Well-posedness of linear shape-from-shading problem

What Is in Front? Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking with Dynamic Occlusion Handling

article by Junli Tao et al published 2015 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

When to use what feature? SIFT, SURF, ORB, or A-KAZE features for monocular visual odometry

Wrong Roadway Detection for Multi-lane Roads