scientific article
scientific article (publication date: 20 December 2013)
non-normative user guide for the Audiovisual Core standard
an introduction to the Audiovisual Core standard
material introductory to the Audubon Core Term List
contains a list of attributes of each Audiovisual Core term
academic article
scientific article published in 2017
scientific article published in 2017
scientific article
non-normative introduction to the Taxonomic Databases Working Group SDD (Structure of Descriptive Data) Standard
scientific article published on 18 January 2018
scientific article (publication date: 2013)
scientific article
schema file to be referenced in instance documents for validation in the SDD standard
document that defines how TDWG standards are to be presented
document that describes the processes used to modify TDWG vocabularies and their associated documents
scientific article published in 2017
scientific article
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