List of works by Veronica Gregis

AGAMOUS-LIKE24 and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE determine floral meristem identity in Arabidopsis

scientific article

AGL24, SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE, and APETALA1 redundantly control AGAMOUS during early stages of flower development in Arabidopsis

scientific article

Analysis of the arabidopsis REM gene family predicts functions during flower development.

scientific article

Assessing the role of REM13, REM34 and REM46 during the transition to the reproductive phase in Arabidopsis thaliana

scientific article published in 2023

BPC transcription factors and a Polycomb Group protein confine the expression of the ovule identity gene SEEDSTICK in Arabidopsis

scientific article published on 06 January 2020

Basic pentacysteine proteins mediate MADS domain complex binding to the DNA for tissue-specific expression of target genes in Arabidopsis

scientific article

Crop reproductive meristems in the genomic era: a brief overview

scientific article published on 23 June 2020

Flower development: open questions and future directions

scientific article

Gene coexpression patterns during early development of the native Arabidopsis reproductive meristem: novel candidate developmental regulators and patterns of functional redundancy

scientific article

Gene expression profiling of reproductive meristem types in early rice inflorescences by laser microdissection

scientific article

Identification of pathways directly regulated by SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE during vegetative and reproductive development in Arabidopsis.

scientific article

REM34 and REM35 Control Female and Male Gametophyte Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

scientific article published on 24 October 2019

SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE reduces gibberellin biosynthesis at the Arabidopsis shoot apex to regulate the floral transition

scientific article

The Arabidopsis SOC1-like genes AGL42, AGL71 and AGL72 promote flowering in the shoot apical and axillary meristems.

scientific article

The Arabidopsis floral meristem identity genes AP1, AGL24 and SVP directly repress class B and C floral homeotic genes.

scientific article

The rice StMADS11-like genes OsMADS22 and OsMADS47 cause floral reversions in Arabidopsis without complementing the svp and agl24 mutants.

scientific article published on 2 May 2008

Uncovering genetic and molecular interactions among floral meristem identity genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

scientific article